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At 10:56pm on January 23, 2008, Stew said…
...and forgot to mention that the family is headed to Utah for snow skiing over the weekend. It's been dumping lots of rain out here in LA. I know you folks have that fluffy white power now and we are REALLY looking forward to it! :-)
At 10:54pm on January 23, 2008, Stew said…
Hey Paige, Just stopped by to say hi. Looking forward to the Galatians study. God bless.

At 3:40pm on January 22, 2008, Mary said…
I appreciate your art. I did show your art to my daughter who is a senior and going to college as an art major. She does a lot of pencil drawings and the drawing of the girl above reminds me of some work my daughter has done off some photos. Thank you for sharing your art with us!

At 11:28am on January 22, 2008, Carla said…
You are so gifted Paige. I pray that God will swing open the doors of opportunity for you, so that your life will be rich and full in Him. And that in all of this He will be glorified. God Bless! carla
At 7:07am on January 21, 2008, Rori said…
Goo d Morning stranger...How are you? Have a great day
At 5:05pm on January 16, 2008, Stew said…
Just stopped by to say Hi Paige. I really like your custom artwork. You are quite talented.

See ya!

At 6:48pm on January 11, 2008, Rori said…
Oh honey I don't think God wants us to "shake stuff off" I tink He wants us to grow through things and like you said be closer and more dependent on Him. It rakes as long as it takes. If it was quick and easy everyone would be doing it. I began learning that lesson when I went into the treatment center almopst 6 years ago. I told them I needed to be on the fast track because I needed to get out and on with my life. I was totally serious too. I got really upset when they told me one did not exist. Today I thank God for loving me through HIS track. My life now has to be ONE SECOND AT A TIME. The one day at a time thing is even too much. I am enjoying every second to the best of my ability...not by any means perfect though mind you. Sometimes it is hard to practicce what I know to be right. I am that way as a nurse too. I know how to teach some one to be healthy and what to do and not do but do I????? No not hardly. lol The baby is doing ok. Getting better her fever was less than 100 today and she is with her mom for a few days. That is a really good thing. Not the environment I would choose for her but she is her mom and I will not try to get in the middle of that but after a few days everyone is ready to get thing back to "NORMAL" HA HA HA. How are your babies? I was looking through your pictures, You and your children are just beautiful.. When you feel like it and have some time e-mail me about yourself...childhood, siblings etc... Whaterver you choose to share. I would love to hear your story. Good night Paige....All is well sweetie you have GOD and He is crazy about you !!!!!! Sweet Dreams, more later.

At 5:48pm on January 11, 2008, Wendy said…
What a beautiful site, Paige! You have a wonderful talent - thank you for posting some of your work. Greg asked me "do you suppose she designed that coin?" I told him you must really like Utah if you didn't! :D

God's blessings on you and your little ones! Wendy
At 9:08am on January 11, 2008, Stew said…
Thank you for your kind words Paige, but I'm not deserving of that comparison.

I don't really know too much about Christian Science (had some neighbors and friends that followed that thinking - the idea being that you don't need drugs, surgery, or other man-made inventions to cure any condition, rather you should seek only the prayer and intervention of God to address such matters. I don't know if I've represented that perspective correctly, but that is how I've understood the approach from observing others.

With respect to Scientology, my personal opinion is that this group is a pretty clear example of "cult" following the "teachings" of L. Ron Hubbard (the science fiction author). The story here is almost too bizarre for words and yet in words, it should have been left to the category of fiction from which it was born.

As to my approach, I will admit that studying the word of God is the most exciting thing I do these days and I don't approach it from an academic framework (that did not make the scripture come alive). I've come to understand that we can become intoxicated with what we imagine to be human knowledge. When all the evidence is there to show a Creator, we in our arrogance, choose to believe otherwise. I was this person not that long ago. I was struggling to have "safe" conversations with scientists and engineers about topics such as evolution of species. I took on face value (as many supposedly smart people do) that there is clear undeniable factual evidence that the earth is billions of years old, that carbon dating of material is without error, and that the universe started billions of years ago as a singularity in space. I also incorporated the hundreds of thousands of years separation between different species like the dinosaurs. I attempted to reconcile all of that with the more near-term viewpoint around creation. I believed that something must be "wrong" with the creation view because clearly the earth is older than 7000 years. That is what our fancy scientific instruments tell us! Well, that is a perspective born of arrogance. I call your attention to the passage in Romans 1:20 (and many other locations of scripture):

For since the creation of the world his invisible attributes—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, because they are understood through what has been made. So people are without excuse.

I prayed for understanding and reading scripture provided sufficient perspective on the things that were really important. I believe that it is a horrible waste of energy to get into arguments with anyone over the science of evolution. God has been pretty clear on this point. Another passage in scripture that brings the arrogance point home is this passage in scripture:

Isaiah 47:10 - You felt secure in all your wickedness. ‘No one sees me,’ you said. Your ‘wisdom’ and ‘knowledge’ have caused you to turn away from me and claim, ‘I am self–sufficient and not accountable to anyone!

So part of this "get smart" on human worldly terms where I can apply my scientific method, use my fancy technology, and get a collection of others that agree with me that all have their PhD's to prove to you that they are in the elite group of "really smart people" is really a stubborn move away from the accountability that God holds us to if we truly seek him.

I was at a faculty party last night. Surrounded by many exceptionally smart professors of science. As I stood there listening to their dialog, the conversation drifted to politics. A dangerous subject, but in the hands of scholars, the dialog does not typically result in fights. As they were talking, the subject of evolution was being used as a "yardstick" to measure the intelligence and ability of the proposed candidates. One presidential candidate that has professed not to believe in the theory of evolution was ruled out as an option by the collective faculty. I felt so sad in observing that conversation, but also recognized that I too was drawn into similar discourse not that long ago.

One of the best dialog comparisons I can reference to you where science and Christianity can live in harmony is offered by Francis Collins in his book titled "The Language of God". Here is the URL to a snip from the book:

There is a great "debate" between the leading athiest (Richard Dawkins) and Francis Collins that is located on the TIME website:,9171,1555132,00.html

You will find this a most revealing exchange between these two individuals. Take a look at these references and let me know what you think. I've got lots of "books" that I've read that help the "scientist" to understand the truth. The best book of course is the Bible. These other "books" are authored by scientists so they can be used to establish a sort of credibility to the topic by a collection of peers. Of course God is fully responsible for a conversion of a person. We just plant the seeds. These books and other references are just tiny seeds.

Yours in faith, -Stew
At 6:33am on January 11, 2008, Rori said…
Hey girlfriend where are you ? Have a wonderful day. My heart and mind were full of prayer for you yesterday. I will share it with yiu later in e-mail. Love ya, HAVE A GREAT DAY!!! hope all is well

At 6:21am on January 11, 2008, Jason said…
GOOD MORNING!!!! Have a blessed day!
At 9:37pm on January 10, 2008, Janet said…
Thank you for writing to me, I am glad that i found this site, it is awesome!
I still go to Calvary Chapel when I can, I love that church, I love to praise the Lord and sing along with other Christians. I have finally found a place to actually fit in where I am not judged all the time and ALONE!
That is how it was when I was in the occult, but since I have Jesus now and so many Brothers and Sisters in Jesus I feel over whelmed with love. It is so nice to be able to come on a wonderful site like this and talk about your feelings and grow and learn in the Lord Jesus!
I read that the Lord has brought you out of many things in your life and I wanted to say praise God and that I am very happy for you. God is so mighty in ALL HIS WAYS!!!!
Coming to know Jesus on June 22, 2003 was so amazing I can remember feeling so whole and clean on the inside and I could not stop smiling. God has shown me truth as he has done with you. The blood of Jesus washes our sins away!

I hope we can chat more, love to get to know you more in Jesus!
God bless.
Sister Janet
At 4:06pm on January 10, 2008, natasha said…
hey u alrite ? wht u been up 2? and everything enyway God bless you
At 9:44pm on January 9, 2008, crystal said…
well im doing great how about you !!! sister so whats been going on?? god will carry you through this he carried me through alot of battles!! lately:) kepp your head up he will help you
At 9:23pm on January 9, 2008, Annie said…
Hold on I will be right back! Did you get the picture of my puppy?
At 8:51pm on January 9, 2008, Annie said…
did you go to the bible study tonight? I don't know what to do?HHHEEEEEEEELLLLLPPPPPPPPPP!! Talk to you soon!
At 1:19pm on January 9, 2008, melissa said…
The study is called Why believe? and it is a basic apologetic study. I sent it today.... hopefully you'll get it soon. We're going to meet tonight and get acquinted. Hope to "see" you there! If you can't get my site to work, come over to my xanga site and participate there (
At 12:41pm on January 9, 2008, konceptskool said…
Your paintings have character and is full of passion.. I love em... cheers
At 12:41pm on January 9, 2008, melissa said…
Sounds great! I hope you can "come." Let me know if you want me to mail you the book we are studying. It is $6. I can get that in the mail to you today if you'd like. Just Message me with your address.
At 10:33am on January 9, 2008, melissa said…
Hi Paige, I'm having a Bible study on my site tonight at 7 pm mountain time. Feel free to join us. If you come and can't seem to participate, go to my Xanga site at The study will be on that site too. I hope you can come!

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