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Diana's Comments

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At 12:29am on November 29, 2008, Darlene said…
It's me again. I was wondering if you've tried going to AA. I know it's helped so many people in many ways. I've gone to open AA meetings where anyone is welcome even if they haven't been addicted to anything. When someone tells their story at an open AA meeting, it's like hearing a miracle. If you haven't gone, I hope you'll try it.
Keep on keeping on day, and only one day at a time. Remember the Lord loves you sooooooooooooo much!!!!
I do too, Darlene
At 12:20am on November 29, 2008, Darlene said…
Diana, I know it's difficullt when our family doesn't understand us about the Lord. When I first got saved, I used to sit on our bed and cry. My husband asked me why I was crying and I told him, it's because you're going to hell when you die. My sister was the first one that came to know Jesus as her Savior. Then my mother came to know Jesus and shortly after her my husband did too. It takes time. Remember to pray for each one in your family. Jesus died for all of our sins. I'm so glad He did. love, Darlene
At 11:14pm on November 28, 2008, Darlene said…
Hi Diana, I figured I may as well leave a note on your page.
Do you have any sisters or brothers? I have one sister. I also have a husband I've been married to all of my life! Well, it seems that way, lol. We've been married for 53 years. We have four children who of course aren't children anymore. They left the nest or 'flew the coop' many, many years ago. We also have eight grandchildren and two great grandsons! love, Darlene
At 4:15pm on November 27, 2008, Darlene said…
Hi Diana!! I'm so glad you joined us here. If you haven't read about the 2, 3, 2 plan on the Miracle Grow page, it might help you. It sure helps me.
Write me if you want to. Take good care of yourself! love, Darlene
At 3:01pm on November 25, 2008, Debbie said…
Dear Diana,
To start my name is Debbie, i'm very glad to meet you. Next, bless your heart, you have 8 children...I think you can accomplish anything! I wanted 10 but only had 2.
When we get to the bottom and we have no where else to go but to our knees, it is so difficult but there is a reason for that. Jesus is waiting! I am very proud of the fact that you haven't drank in five years, that is amazing. I'm not an alcoholic but I know some people that are, when they're having a hard time I get a phone call and I see it isn't an easy thing to do. As a matter of fact a two friends of mine just had there first anniversary, you are doing great! Four months without drugs is also a huge step...that is awesome. Sometimes we have to lose "everything we've got) in order to gain "everything we need."
Romans 12:12 "Be glad for all God is planning for you. Be patient in trouble, and prayerful always."
Your on the right path, and christian fellowship is is better than substance you could put in your body. A continual flow of joy!! God Bless, your doing great!
At 7:44am on August 15, 2008, REV. DENIS S. PAMBA said…
At 3:02pm on August 14, 2008, newborinquen69 said…
Hey Diana, don't take God's love as a reminder take it as part of your given unlimited portion and don't let go. You are his daughter and how great are his thoughts about you, if you sit down in a quiet place you'll hear him telling you so. Increase in his knowledge and read his word In Isaiah 54, he is your Husband and your creator and with great mercies he's drawing you closer to him. Be strong! I know what is like to have everything and everyone against you but my God never forsake me nor he lets me go. God wants to get all of the Glory in your life, surrender and enjoy the ride.
At 9:37am on August 13, 2008, newborinquen69 said…
Dearest Diana, I ask God right now to bathed you in his mercy and unfailing love , don't be so hard on yourself but remain vigilant. There is nothing worst that to allow for condemnation to take hold of your heart. I ask God to sustain you and protect you but most of all to strengthen you and allow you to see that his mighty hand is not too short to save or too weak that can't overcome your greatest adversity. As you continue to seek him choose to believe God, yield to the Holy Spirit and surrender to his peace and righteousness. You are loved, victorious and redeemed. God Bless!
At 1:11pm on August 10, 2008, newborinquen69 said…
Hello Diana, we are neighbors , I live in Browns Mills about 20 minutes from you. I want to tell you how awesome it is to hear all about your progress. We all have trials but God turns them into stepping stones. Please continue to grown in God, he has a lot in store for you.
At 1:43pm on August 5, 2008, diana said…
thank you so much for added me as a looking forward to meet u and get to know you too.
At 4:05am on August 5, 2008, Judy said…
Hiya Diana,

What a beautiful name (one of my favs.). Welcome to a wonderful site, where you'll meet lots of great people. I look forward to getting to know you.

Judy aka saddlepotato
At 3:28pm on August 2, 2008, diana said…
thank you would like to be your friend too/god bless you
At 3:26pm on August 2, 2008, diana said…
thank you.i would very much like to be your friend too.god bless you
At 3:16am on August 2, 2008, glory of God said…
Greeting in the name of Jesus Christ dear

Dear siant of Lord

Dear friend! The Heavenly Father is the Creator of Heaven and earth. He is the source of every good thing. He takes great delight in blessing all who believe in Him with His goodness

Our Heavenly Father is love (1 John 4:8). The love for His children is matchless and beyond all human comprehension. The strength and power of this Father can never be matched with any earthly dad. His resources never run out and every person who trusts in Him will never be let down.

Dear Friend! The Heavenly Father desires to dwell with you and make you His own. He loves you and desires to walk with you. When you commit your life to Him, you shall become His son/daughter and He shall be your Father.

“I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the LORD Almighty" (2 Corinthians 6:18).

The Father shall make every good thing to abound in your life and peace and joy shall reign in your life.
At 1:15am on August 2, 2008, Chiranjib Chatterjee said…
This is Chiranjib from India. I am willing to be your friend to exchange of ideas and view and pray for each other. Hope you will be my friend. Plz. reply soon.
Ending with love and prayer.
Yours in Him
At 9:20pm on August 1, 2008, diana said…
beautiful comment.i belie ve that also.if we just follow god words,and scripture he will always be with us,right beside us.
god bless you.
At 6:44am on August 1, 2008, ujwal said…
Dear Diana
Nice to hear from you and you willingness to do ministry with me I thank God for you he has given me a friend who has heart of serving God we have many women who are hungry for the word and need a women preacher and minister who can encourage them in there faith I would be very happy and will be blessed to have you here Please let me when is the good time for you to come I have friends in canada and Americal who had visited me with a short term team they had a blessed time and I too

Hope to hear from you May God bless you and your work and use you mightily for his kingdom

In his Grace
At 12:03am on August 1, 2008, ujwal said…
Thank you diane we appreciate it did you been to india I would like to invite you to do ministry with us among women for short term

In his arms ujwal
At 11:35pm on July 31, 2008, diana said…
please i would like for your wife to teach me,more about the bible.i just recieve the lord,and it ruff right now for me,im a recovery achole for5yrs now,and im recover dug addict for 4months now.i really dont know much about the scriptures and looking for some help
At 11:30pm on July 31, 2008, ujwal said…
Dear Diana
How are you
Nice to see you on the net
Iam ujwal from India Iam doing full time ministry in india and my wife do ministry among women teaching them how to read and write and share the gosple My son enoch goes to school he is 4 years old please pray for our family as we trust God for all the Provision thanks and God bless you

Ujwal from india

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