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Empress's Comments

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At 6:05pm on January 14, 2009, Paige Robertson said…

Christian Glitter by

Hello Empress,
How are you doing? I hope you are doing good and feeling good. I havent heard back form you and I started thinking that maybe I said something wrong. I may have come across wrong in my email. It is sometimes hard to express what Im meaning in an email. If I were to talk to you on the phone it would be alot easier. So, if I got you upset, Im sorry. I get a little too passionate in helping people who deal with this issue and I tend to say things that come across wrong. Sorry.... Anyway, how are you feeling? Im doing ok, but IM lacking a good amount of sleep. I didnt sleep last night or the night before. I had alot on my mind. Plus my son got up in the middle of the night with a fever so that wasnt fun. He doesnt like medicine so I had to pin him down to get it down him or else it was a trip to the doctor and I didnt want to even do that. Id have to take the baby and make sure my son doesnt throw a complete temper tantrum. If he did, he would bail out of that office like he saw a ghost and I couldnt catch him with a baby carrier in my hand!! Oh, man! Anyway, so that is the excitement in my life. How is your little one? He is a cutie!! So, keep in touch and let me know if I can be of any help with things. I am your friend and I will always be there for you.
At 6:27pm on January 12, 2009, Paige Robertson said…
Hello sweet sis,
FYI I left you a message. I hope you get it. It will only let me write soo much then I had to go back and write another one. So, IIm sorry that you got 3 seperate messages. I hope you get what I said. There is alot of help around here if you ask someone about it. There is a christian counselor here that I can let know about you. She is a great help. I may connect with her again too.
But anyway, Do not feel bad . You are definately not alone. People who say they are perfect, or that they dont have a problem with this or that, are liars. God can see thier hearts and He can see yours. He sees your struggles, and He understands the root cause of the hurt and sadness you are going thorugh. So, trust HIm because you are on your way to where you are to go in Him.... I hope I have helped you. I love you!! Be yourself!
At 6:05pm on January 12, 2009, Desree said…
At 1:50am on January 12, 2009, Lucas Barrows said…
We have now got our new building opened to the public and thank you for your prayers.
God bless.
Lucas Barrows. HPA - Hoxton Park Anglican.
At 1:00am on January 12, 2009, Tina said…
At 12:50am on January 12, 2009, Tina said…
Hi empress, You like silent films too? LOL. I thought I was the only one. If you get Turner Classic Movies (TCM), they show silents on Sunday nights at midnight. Sometimes they are on at other times, and day's too. Also sometimes you can find them in dollar store's on DVD.
At 10:13am on January 11, 2009, Tina said…
Hi empress, I hope things are better for you, and you are finding peace in Jesus. Have a blessed Sunday.

At 10:11am on January 11, 2009, Tina said…
At 3:41pm on January 10, 2009, Paige Robertson said…

Hello beautiful!
Miss you. Sorry that it took soo long for me to write back. I was gone alot yesterday and gone in the evening too. I had the best evening. I went to a home fellowship group and we had a party. I met one of the greatest men in the world there. Oh man, he is on fire for the Lord. He is a handsome african american pastor of a church called "The church of Cod" here in Utah. he has got a testimony that would blow your socks off. Now I thought I knew alot of the people in the hood and in the club scene back then, but I didnt know him. He was locked up many times for drugs,theft,car jacking, etc and now is a pastor of a church and he goes out on the streets and evangelizes to the homeless, the gangs, the poor and the schools. Oh man! It was very encouraging and very inspiring. I feel like God put him there to chat with me for HOURS! OMG..luckily my son behaved or I probably wouldnt even be at that party for 5 minutes. lol. But he gave me the best Christian rap and hip hop I have ever heard. Wel,, I havent heard that much and wanted to have some for my music collection. To me its all about the music. God talks to me through music. How about you??
Well, sister, Ill quit talking...I hope to hear from you soon!
God Bless you!!
At 2:02pm on January 9, 2009, Paige Robertson said…
SmileyCentral.comHello Beautiful!!
How has your day been? How are the kiddos? I pray that all is going well for you and that the Lord is strengthening you each minute,each hour, and each day that He gives you to do His will. It is not a mistake that you are here. I believe that everyone who is a member here is here for a divine purpose. Whether it is for a few weeks or a few years. I have been here already a year and 4 months already. Its cool. I odnt really belong to any other Christian site just because Im satisfied just being here. I dont need to really go anywhere else. One site is all I can handle. So, I hope you hang out here with us for a while. You are a awesome lady and again I appreciate the fact that you are so willing to make friends here especially me. Im touched.
God Bless you,
At 10:18pm on January 8, 2009, Paige Robertson said…

"Leave your troubles with the Lord and He will defend you;He never allows an honest man to be defeated!" Psalms 55:22
Good one, huh?
At 10:17pm on January 8, 2009, Paige Robertson said…

Hello Yolanda!
Thank you for wanting to be friends! How sweet. Thank you. I like what you have shared on your page. You and I are similar in alot of ways. I have a little boy and his name is Chase. He turned four in December. Right before Xmas. My birthday is right after Xmas. Boy, we got lucky didnt we?? (NOT!) Anyway, my daughter is Danielle, Danny for short, and she turned one in August. I never thought I would have kids, nor to be honest, before Christ I didnt want kids at all! The doctors said that I couldnt have kids so that was ok with me. Well, then, I got saved. and then,...pregnant. Hmmm those doctors really know thier stuff now dont they? But anyway, I love them dearly, but still really struggle with being a mom. I never thought Id have kids, so therefore I never wanted any experience with them. My life was all about me and no one else! Well over the course of many years, I was in to sin soo bad that I almost died and was left homeless because my life was all about me. I had to learn the hard way that me, myself and I could not save myself nor make me genuinely happy. I couldnt even love anyone else in a happy healthy way. Well, ok, Ill stop gabbing. I just have one heck of a testimony that would definately prove to alot of people that there is a God that can do miracles! That is for sure! But yes, I am a real person, who has daily struggles even though Im a Christian. I dont walk around haughty or that IM holier than thou by any means. "I am only saved by grace through faith lest any man should boast!" So, friend, I thank you again for wanting to be my friend. It really blesses me. U r awesome! Tell me more about yourself and your little one, or one's?
God Bless you sister!!
At 9:09pm on January 8, 2009, DiscipleOfYeshua7 said…
hey thank You for the request! :-D yeah Matisyahu is one of my favorie artists I had his Youth Album and a bunch of other songs but unfortunately my i-pod stopped working for no reason, so I'm limited to just bumpin his songs on my PC, He's got a new EP out called Shattered, its only got 4 songs and its a lot different than his previous stuff, but I tell u what its a lot better than most of the stuff out on the radio right now! Well here you have a friend and brother in Christ, God Bless You and take care!
At 8:50pm on January 8, 2009, Lucas Barrows said…
I'm doing well since my church's new home is finally in use. How are you my sister in Christ.?
At 7:20pm on January 8, 2009, Desree said…
i use to live in flatbush a long time ago myself .
but orgianially greww up in wyckoff and nevins.
down town bklyn. as a kid. wow small world hmm.
well im glad we met. god bless usister in jesus christ. amen
At 7:19pm on January 8, 2009, Desree said…
me too sister amen
At 7:07pm on January 8, 2009, Desree said…
Hello wow you from bklyn too thats awesome im near coney island area of bklyn.bensonhurst and graves end area.
im glad i met a nieghbor . where you from in bklyn sister in jesus .
and yes everything is expensive in nyc bklyn. wow hmmm.
At 10:46am on January 6, 2009, Julia - Woman's Group Leader said…
Thanks for requesting an invite to the "For Women Only" group. You should be able to access the group now. Let me know if you have any problems getting in or questions. ~julia
At 5:03pm on January 2, 2009, Charlene said…
hey there!!yea i am in the bronx, i see you have a son, how old is he?
At 1:57pm on January 1, 2009, Gail Sims said…
Empress, I am so sorry for your trouble. But girl, if you want 2009 to be different, you have to make it different. Only you can change the problem. only you. But with God help all things are possible. So believe that, and pray. And change things. I will be praying for you. Gail Sims

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