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Empress's Comments

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At 8:12pm on February 15, 2009, felixpadua said…
wow, watched your pictures, if you sing well, you'll be a hit at american idol.
At 4:34pm on February 9, 2009, Paige Robertson said…

Hello sister,
Im just checking in again. Just have been thinking about you. I hope today is a blessing to you.
At 8:36pm on February 7, 2009, Paige Robertson said…

Love you, and Im there for you...
"What shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?" Romans 8:31
God Bless,
At 7:15pm on February 7, 2009, Paige Robertson said…

Nat3ddesign Graphics
Guardians Tag Ministry Saw you online! How are you doing?? I hope you are well. How is the baby boy? He is such a cutie! What have you been up to this weekend?? I hope you are having a good one. God Bless you and I hope that you are finding comfort in His arms at this time. Im here if you want some help. You can talk to me about anything. Love you,
At 3:16pm on February 7, 2009, felixpadua said…
yes, with the help of bev and my my daughter bea who guided me to put the picture in my page. GBU.
At 6:45pm on February 6, 2009, Charlene said…
Hey empress, all is good on my end just wanted to drop you a note and say I hope you are extremely blessed as well :) what church do you go to in brooklyn?
At 6:35pm on February 6, 2009, Paige Robertson said…
Hello sis!
How are you doing?
Lord, I lift my sweet sister to you Lord in your holy name my Lord. Please grant her peace of heart as she goes about each and every day and a stronger faith in knowing that you are soverein and that you will give her the faith to endure whatever comes her way. Bless her son Lord with a bright ,prosperous future and hope. May he know you and love you all of his life. and if he falls Lord, please forgive him and lift him up to you again, Lord. I thank you of rEmpress, Lord. She is a beautiful sister in Christ. Thank you, in Jesus name, Amen.
Love you,
At 7:21am on February 5, 2009, Ms.Sharanda said…
God Bless you Sis. Have a Wonderful Day!!!!
At 6:27pm on February 3, 2009, Paige Robertson said…
Hello my friend!
How are you doing??
May God richly bless you and keep you as you go on and move on day by day. I am glad that God is with me and for me. We are soo lucky to have this hope and this meaning to live. I tend to go into a pity party easily and it sucks. I have had a few this week and it messes me up. I want to be a powerful disciple of Christ but cant if i keep thinking negative. So what have you done to "renew your mind" and be the person He wants you to be? Its hard, I know!!
How is your boy?? Does he know alot about God? Does he understand? My boy is gettin there. I talk about God ,pray,and I listen to the worship music, so he hears that. But I think he is confused as yo how God is with him all the time and that God is in him. He just cannot grasp that. I dont blame him! i sometimes get overwhelmed about it myself. Well, honey, I hope that you are hanging in there alright.Life can be a struggle, but let us not stumble. The one in you is bigger than the one in the world!
Love you!! Take care!!
At 3:25pm on February 3, 2009, felixpadua said…
your second time to use lol. what does that mean? there are new words i am getting here, like brb, gtg, etc. forgive my ignorance of internet slang. hugs to your little one. you know i have this 6 year old grandson -kian, who made my golden years glowing more.
At 7:49pm on February 2, 2009, felixpadua said…
i don't know how to do that. i'll get a tutor to help. in fact i want to build a colorful page but i'm not internet savvy.
At 6:53pm on February 2, 2009, felixpadua said…
there you are empress yolanda. so what do you for a living? are you working now? god bless you and your child.
At 5:18pm on February 1, 2009, felixpadua said…
hello, your profile says you're a male. but you look so girlie. nice to meet you here. i am felix from the philippines.
At 7:00pm on January 30, 2009, Paige Robertson said…

Thank you for the message! Nice words you have given me!! Gee, Im not worthy!! hee hee..
You are doing well, sister. You are taking care of yourself and that is a smart thing! Im proud of you. I need to do that more often! I tend to forget myself. But then again Im still trying to figure out who exactly I am and what God has for me..KNow what I mean??
Im glad that we have a good God, a just God, a God that is always there and that is what I need! Lonliness plagues me, and worry consumes me. That is why I need help 24/7. God has brought me and you out of soo much, and restored us and our lives. I wouldnt be here to talk to you now.
I hope you have a great weekend with your darling boy. Keep me posted on things.
At 10:23pm on January 28, 2009, Paige Robertson said…
Hello girlfriend!!
Ho ware you? I havent heard from you in a while. What has God been doing in your life? Has there been any healing the last couple of weeks? I know you were struggling. I think everyone is to some extent or another. I have been too. Just know that if you are being attacked, it is cuz something good is about to come around the corner! Look at it that way. I try to change my thinking, but its hard. i wish God would take it all away!! I want t miracle breakthrough man!!! Have you tried a therapist?? Deborah Bauers is a counselor here on the Net. She has helped me alot. I know that she will bless you too. How is the darling boy of yours? He is sooooo cute!!! Ohhh I just want to squeeze him!!! You did good!! I also like your new pics. very nice. You are beautiful. Well, I must go for now, but lets chat sometime. I look forward to hearing from you!!
God Bless you!!
At 9:32am on January 26, 2009, ayegate said…
Be encouraged empress that God allows us to go through storms of life to strengthen us for what the future holds.Trials will come and go but be strong because all shall pass away at God's perfect timing.
At 5:34pm on January 25, 2009, Carla said…
Hi Empress..

Thank you.... The weather here is C-O-L-D! :) I feel like we are living in the Ice Age! :).... Right now it is -15. In some parts of Ontario it gets to -40. mid March our season starts to change. We have a pool :) which we will open in May.

How are you doing these days? You are such a stunning lady....and daughter of our King.

Here is a verse that I needed to hear today, and I am now passing it on to you..

Jeremiah 32:17
O Sovereign Lord. You made the Heavens and the Earth by Your strong hand and powerful arm. Nothing is to hard for You.

Love and Blessings in Christ, Carla
At 8:37pm on January 23, 2009, Carla said…

Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all other things will be given to you.
At 4:51pm on January 23, 2009, Paige Robertson said…

Hello !!!
How are you! Isee that you are online. Id love to get in touch with you, Have you contacted a Christian counselor? A therapist? I still go to a therapist once in a while. I dont see the harm of it. He knew me back in my before Christ days so he knows where Im coming from. He is amazed at how far Ive come and I credit all to the Lord. But I stll have a way to go. But anyway, I hope to hear fromyou again. God Bless you and yours!!
At 6:55pm on January 22, 2009, Paige Robertson said…

Hello my friend,
I MISS YOU!!!! How are you???
I know,..I know,...I have been a bad friend. I havent been around for a little while. But, to be honest, I really just had to. I had some really bad days and I wouldve done no one any good if I was online. All I'd do is complain and whine about how crappy my life is and how lonely I am and this, and that, and etc, yada, yada, yada. You know what I mean? If you are a human,you would. Our an honest,hormonal human! Oh man! We are talking MAJOR hormones!! Watch the heck out!!!!
Anyway, Im feeling better enough now to be a little more positive, and plus I had to get back in touch with you, sister!! How are you doing, sweetie? How is the kids? I pray that you are finding your strength,courage, and hope in Him as you go day by day in His will for your life. I am soo happy that no matter what, He is there and there is nothing I can do to lose His love. Isnt that cool? and we dont even have to earn it! Gee, I came from a performance based upbringing and it is soo hard to grasp his unconditional love for me sometimes. But He is the Truth, so I have to believe Him.
Well, I hope to hear back from you soon. We will have to catch up on things. God Bless you and I hope you have had a great day in Him!!

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