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Janet's Comments

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At 6:13am on May 9, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…

At 2:55am on May 1, 2008, zenith makwan said…
At 1:31pm on April 30, 2008, Paige Robertson said…
Hello my dear friend!
How are you holding up sweetie? I know its hard, because all I went through with my dad. At least you were close to your father. I wasnt with mine, but after I became a Christian, I did all I could to mend the relationship. he died 3 years later. You have got a much better situation than I did. You are close to him, and he is getting better!! Praise the Lord!!! Whether your dad is saved or not, God loves him and is helping him and you get through this. God works all things together for the good my friend! Even if it is his time, God has got a plan and He is always there to comfort you and hold you. You are NOT alone. I have been struggling alot, but so far Ive made it! Im still breathing, so God wants me around, right? Im doing better and better as the days come and go, so there is light at the end of the tunnel!!!
God Bless you sister!! I love you soo much! I do! You are like family to me! I trust you and love you soo much. You still have to come out and see me!!
At 7:31am on April 30, 2008, brateng said…
Hi Janet-Nice to see you again. Hope all's nice back home. May God bless you so much!-Pst. Bernhard
At 10:50pm on April 24, 2008, Paige Robertson said…
Hello my dearest friend!!!
Oh, I miss you soo much! You are soo loved!
I am soo sorry that I have been such an awful friend. I guess it was real selfish of me to totally dive into my own pity potty and not step out of it and help you. You are going through alot and Im just wallowing in my own crap!
I wanted to call you but my phone hasnt been working at all!!!! It has driven my crazy!!!Now its working, so call me anytime. I need a friend, and so do you. I love you and I always think of you. Please forgive me. Im feel bad I have not been a good friend. I love you!!!
At 11:06pm on April 20, 2008, Paige Robertson said…
Hello sister!!
I am soo sorry I have been hard to get a hold of. My computer and my phone went dead. Comcast error supposedly, but Im back up and running. My phone still doesnt work or else Id call you. Did you try me? If so, Im sorry that I didnt get the call.
I am praying for your father dear sister. My father was on life support for a month or so till he lost his life to cancer and alcoholism. I totally feel for you. I wish we werent soo far away. Id be there with you. Seriously. You are special janet, and God loves you soo much. That is why things just keep happening to you in your life. Its because you are a free, precious,righteous,princess of the King and Stan will do anything, absolutely anything to get you back and make you turn on God. Especially since he used to have you by the throat.
I love you girl! You are a blessed member of TheNet. Thank you for all you do for us and myself. Thank you thank you!!!
At 10:07am on April 20, 2008, Carla said…
Janet, God's Grace is sufficient for all your needs! Rest in Jesus! Trust in Jesus! ~carla
At 6:16am on April 18, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…
At 11:33pm on April 16, 2008, brateng said…
Janet-Amazing sweet the sound! Let all the spiritualy dead awaken now to share His love. His grace is sufficient...and has been poured in abundant measure. Been praying for your dad and hope He will hear our cry.

Just remember, whenever things get too much to handle...just know we are here. Just call is what friends are for. Bless you dear-Pst. Ben
At 7:59pm on April 16, 2008, Carla said…
At 8:54pm on April 8, 2008, Carla said… got it! Remember to lay it all down at the foot of the cross...put it in His Almighty hands! He will amaze you...
At 7:41pm on April 8, 2008, Carla said…
Hi Janet,
I am so proud of sounds like you have made some really great progress. Congratulations on being an Auntie....I will pray for your continual healing.
well...we both know the stork doesn't really bring babies...but i thought it was cute anyways! God Bless dear sister! Celebrate in Christ..there are so many reasons to Stand Strong!
At 7:50pm on April 6, 2008, Carla said…
Hi Janet,
I just wanted to stop by as i was thinking about you! I hope and pray you are having a nice weekend. God Bless. I hope to see you back here soon. ~Carla
At 10:26am on April 4, 2008, savsetdara said…
At 7:25pm on March 30, 2008, Paige Robertson said…

Hello Janet!!! Thanks for calling me! I wasnt home and Im sorry I missed you. I was soo disapointed! Slap me!!! I wanted to hear from you. Please forgive me. Then today, I was at church for a long time, then we had company over. Id invite you over, but I doubt youd make it by dinner.
Isaw a message you left for Carla something about getting delivered? Oh man! Please tell me!!! Did the Pastor get together with you and pray? Did he have 2 other people lay hands on you, because that is powerful!!!! "Where 2 or 3 are gathered, I am there,." said Jesus.
My hand is on your head now in case you didnt know, and IM doing intercessory prayer for you.
I wish I could hold you my friend. Please keep up the faith. God will never leave you or grow weary of you and your life. He gave you life, and he gave you breath, so rejoice!!!! U R ALIVE!!!!
Please call me tomorrow????
At 12:03am on March 30, 2008, Carla said…
Jesus is fighting for you! Praise God for His Amazing Love!
Give me Jesus...
At 8:26pm on March 29, 2008, Carla said…
You are Welcome!
At 12:09pm on March 29, 2008, Carla said…
Janet, I'm sure you have seen this before! Anyhow, I wanted to share it with you just in case you haven't; God Bless!
At 9:12pm on March 28, 2008, Paige Robertson said…

Hello Janet. I love you and I hope you are having a blessed day!!! This is "High On Eagles Wings" by: ME Limited Edition Prints for sale
At 11:48am on March 28, 2008, Paige Robertson said…
Hello sis!!!
How are you feelion today? I loved our talk yesterday.Thank you. You are soo sweet. Look in the mirror and realize how special you are!!! You are to me and soo many people here!!! Seriously, its all good!!!and you are all that! Will I hear from you later?
God Bless

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