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Firefox's Comments

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At 6:19am on September 30, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…

Hebrews 3:6 but Christ was faithful as a Son over His house whose house we are, if we hold fast our confidence and the boast of our hope firm until the end.

Hebrews 4:14 Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession.

Hebrews 4:16 Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Hebrews 6:11 And we desire that each one of you show the same diligence so as to realize the full assurance of hope until the end.

Father God we come before you and thank you for the wonderful salvation that is ours through Jesus Christ. Holy Spirit help us to hold fast our confidence and the boast of our hope firm until the end. Help us to us hold fast our confession and draw near with confidence to the throne of grace to find mercy and help in our time of need and may we realize the full assurance of hope we have until the end.
In the name of Jesus we pray.

In the love of Jesus
At 7:00am on August 25, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…
At 11:25am on August 20, 2008, Deborah Sue Schenfeld said…
Hello Darlin',
No, we're not baking our brains, I avoid the sun most of the time. Can you believe it, the stores actually sell little tins of "California Air'? So, I could pour your bottle or rain on my head & be dry in three minutes and you could sniff my can of air for 3 seconds! Hardly seems worth the postage, but the thought is sweet! Sounds like you could use a 'snorkle'.
I think getting your education now will be very valuable to you in the future. If you ask, God can always open up ministry to you or even send young people to you to counsel, disciple and help. Are you thinking of maybe switching the focus of your studies? You're so right, that nothing in God's economy is ever wasted. I'm honored that you would share your thoughts with me. Sometimes it helps to clarify issues in your own mind to write them down. My 27 yr. old son has met a nice Christian girl that he thinks may be the "one'! I'm happy & excited & prayerful about it. He's working counselling troubled youth and he really enjoys it, but isn't making enough money even, to rent a place of his own. He's living with a pastor/friend. So, that's my big excitment lately. I would so love to go visit Wendy & the grandkids, but travel is so outrageously expensive right now, we just can't afford it. I know the kids are growing up so fast! Just stay close to the Lord, He WILL guide your steps!
Love to you & Mollie, mom
At 7:30am on August 20, 2008, swtswan said…
Hello,Wanted to say I love your spirit,I will get some pictures of a tornado that was in our backyard(my nephew took,& was shown on TV.) we were in the yard when it passed over head! It was a small one but awesome just the same,& I took some pics of the sky(its like you could see thru to heaven) Beautiful;You know theres a GOD in such beauty!
At 8:57pm on August 19, 2008, Deborah Sue Schenfeld said…
How are you doing Luv,
Have you started your classes yet? We haven't got any of that rain yet, but it has cooled off & we have a few clouds. Take care & give that little one a big squeeze! Blessings on you both! Love, your CA. mom
At 8:46am on August 19, 2008, AAG Netguy said…
The growth we've seen in you is truly awesome and we praise God for it! And yes, it is my cowboy phase now. In June I was a squirrel, in July a lemur and in August a cowboy. I'm easily bored :-)

Have a great day sis!
At 9:06am on August 18, 2008, AAG Netguy said…
Just stopping by to say "HI". Thanks for your message last week explaining everything. I'm really sorry to hear about what happened :-( Praying for you!
At 4:31pm on August 14, 2008, Deborah Sue Schenfeld said…
May she never be naughty again! Coo! Stinky stuff, that haggis! I tried to reply to the inbox, but then got confused as to whether others could read it also. Bless you, my dear!
At 10:21am on August 14, 2008, Deborah Sue Schenfeld said…
Hey Sonshine!
Glad you had a fun day! Kids are great that way, they keep you atuned to WONDER! In that way, & in trust in your Heavenly Father, I hope you NEVER grow up! Life becomes such a 'drag' when you loose those things & have to go seeking to get them back! Who's going to help take care of the little one, while your going thru the nursing training? I've heard it's rather gruling. Yes, it would be hard to get back in the discipline of school. I know you can do it! You can do all things thru Christ who strengthens you! I'll be praying for you. God bless you Sweetheart.
At 3:04pm on August 12, 2008, Deborah Sue Schenfeld said…
Hi Sonshine!
Jeanie, (below) is my closest friend & neighbor. So, you can be sure you are being discussed, (in a GOOD way,) and prayed for! How are things going at your end? Water, water! We need water! Rebuke those rain-clouds over there, maybe they will scurry over our way! Laugh!
At 1:32am on August 10, 2008, Deborah Sue Schenfeld said…
How are you doing darlin'? Sorry your weather is dreary, but like I said, I'd gladly trade right now. I can sense that you are a young woman who carries sonshine inside most every day! ( And of corse, you have that sweet little girl!) Let me know if things are going OK for you. I've adopted you, is that alright? ha, ha! (Ooww, I just thought of something, you wouldn't be holding it against me if my great, great, great grandmother was named Mary Kelly, would ya now?! I had no say in the matter, honest!)
At 10:26pm on August 7, 2008, Deborah Sue Schenfeld said…
Hello Sweet Girl,
How are things going for you?
At 2:57pm on August 6, 2008, Deborah Sue Schenfeld said…
Hello Sweetheart,
I will miss looking at your smiling face. I take it you had some problem? Nevermind, as long as you are well. How is that beautiful little girl of yours? How is the weather there in damp, green Scotland? I would gladly change places with you for a few days. You could have the hot, dry sunshine & I could have the cool & rain. (Probably wouldn't be a fair trade! LOL!) Be blessed dear girl!
At 12:01pm on August 6, 2008, Nienie said…
Hi Firefox
Warm greetings in the Lord! This is Nienie one of TheNET Moderators. Welcome! We're glad you are here!

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