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Carla Starks's Comments

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At 8:16pm on April 2, 2008, Carla said…
Hi Carla,
I am glad you are feeling better! I pray that you will have God's peace. The peace which surpasses all understanding.
God Bless! Carla
At 11:45am on March 31, 2008, Paige Robertson said…

Hi friend and sister in Christ!!! You are beautiful, loved and blessed!
I thank you for your message. It was nice to hear from you.
I am listening to a very peaceful sound right now,.......a little bird singing a pretty song, now thats hard to be still and hear now a days isnt it? Gee, go figure? Oh, before kids and when i just became a Christian, I was basically homeless, and trying to mend things in my marriage. As I was healing and letting God mend me, I would walk and walk and walk miles and miles a day just focused on healing, on God, on the promises He gave me, and His acceptance of me. I walked and walked and thought and thought and let my emotions "burn off". Now since my life is full kids,and painting, husband church, I dont have that kind of time anymore. I want to go back to that. I want to refocus on the small yet miraculous creations around us like I was once aware of. A tree and its fruit, leaves and thier different colors,flowers and thier colors and designs. Animals, and the birds of the air. The mountains and thier majesty, the sun and its warmth and brilliancy, and the wind that you cant see, but you know its there. Like the Holy Spirit.
Anyway, lets get refocused on how awesome creation is and to remember how precious and short out lives are. Lets hang in there, ok?
Thank you for the # Ill call you later..
At 8:12pm on March 30, 2008, Carla said…
"The Lord stands at your right hand to protect you."
Praise God! In HIm~Carla
At 8:40am on March 27, 2008, cara said…
oh thank you carla itll be great to get to know you its 2.38 here in scotland very cold an wet the snows gone so ill have to stop being lazy and take my poor dogs for a walk theyre sssooooooo bored the little one lara, ate my stepsons sock and terrorised the poor cat into a tree hes spitting nails at her!!
At 4:24am on March 27, 2008, cara said…
God bless u carla! youre a trooper!
At 9:36pm on March 25, 2008, Paige Robertson said…
Oh dearest Carla-
You are soo precious. Look at yourself in the mirror and realize the beautifull creation he has made. He wove you in your mothers womb. He knows every hair on your head. His thoughts outnumber the sands.
You are cast down, but not destroyed. You are pressed on every side but not crushed. With every failure, there is a lesson. Without pain there wouldnt be compassion and sympathy. If we all were perfect, how could we love? You, my friend are a unique creation. Your fingerprints are different than anyone elses on this earth. Isnt that amazing? God got you in the palm of his hand. His fingerprints are all over you!!! You are the apple of his eye. You are beautiful, loved and blessed. You are not alone. I deal exactly with what u r going through. We can go through this together. Let us not give up. The enemy and his decieptful tactics and his lies that seem so real and convincing, does not want us to follow God and be blessed. He is like a roaring lion ready to pounce on his next victim.
Know that you know that you know that u are not alone. I have gotten soo deressed sometimes that I contemplate suicide, even as a Christian! That is awful, but Im just confessing. Let us be victors!!!
I am with you always says the Lord.
At 9:29pm on March 25, 2008, Carla said…
Hi Carla...
Isaiah 55:12-13
"You will go out in Joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. Instead of the thornbush will grow the pine tree, and instead of the briers the myrtle will grow. This will be for the Lord's renown, for an everlasting sign, which will not be destroyed."

God Bless you today Dear friend, Carla
At 2:43pm on March 25, 2008, Carla said…
Hi Carla,
I just wanted to stop by to say hello. How are you today?
Your sister in Christ~Carla

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