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Phabs's Comments

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At 7:37am on March 24, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…

Hey let me know how you SS class went.
At 5:29am on March 22, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…
You ask what is the best way to teach the whole death barrial and ressurection to 5-6 year old. I have raised 3 children and have taught that grade level myself. You have to a deal with it on their level, with things they understand.
I use to tell them Jesus took your spanking for us. We all do bad things and when we do bad things we have to be corrected because like your mommy and daddys, God would be very unloving not to correct us if we do bad things. Because every body does bad things sometimes, God wanted to help us really, really know how much He really loves us so He sent Jesus to take our spanking for us. He knew that we needed his help because we all keep doing bad things all the time. So now we still might do bad things some times, but just like you love and trust your mommy and daddy and want to obey them because you love them, you can know that God loves you to. Read John 2:16-17.
This is an Idea that maybe you could mix with how you minister.Your kids are blessed! Not every Sunday schoolhas a Phabulious teacher.
God Bless BobB
At 9:37am on March 21, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…
I love your teachable spirit. Some day you will be an awesome bible teacher because of it. If you aren't already. Even when you are sharing your views, you do it as a student. This disarms people and helps them to be more receptive. I pray that God would increase His wisdom in your life so others will recieve that wisdom you are so willing to share. God Bless BobB
At 12:39am on March 21, 2008, Pastor _rob said…
At 12:05am on March 19, 2008, Pastor _rob said…
Hello and God Bless you,You will know that the body of Christ has many components.we all are not called for the same purpose.But you will know we are His by the love we show one to another and by our fruits John 15:5 So just be led by the spirit that is in you.Amen!!!
In His Service
Pastor Robert
At 4:30am on March 18, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…
You will know true believers because of the fruit of the Spirit in their lives and the confession of their mouths that speaks what’s in their hearts. Phabs You Identify yourself as a Calvinist and I am Calvinistic in many ways, but I believe Rom 10:9 that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Rom 10:10 for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation
Rom 10:13 for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
There is only one sin that keeps someone out of heaven that is rejecting Jesus and His gift of Salvation.
Some who come to faith like me can pinpoint the day. But it was a gradual working of The Spirit to bring me to that day. My older brother prayed that same prayer but was not saved and God has worked in his life all these year so that last December he was truly born again.
I guess I could read in between the lines that you had some doubt about if you were truly saved because you can't pin point the time or date. Do not allow the enemy to lie to you. Your union with Christ is secure by the belief in your heart and the confession of your mouth. God bless you my Phabulious sister in the Lord.
At 3:25pm on March 17, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…
Hi Phabs I know tha Lord is phabulious in your life.LOL Even if you can't pin point the day when He became phabulious in your life, He is absolutely in your life.
At 11:53pm on March 13, 2008, David Nyoni said…
I'm glad that you have found God, I'm still searching and waiting for the hour of his salvation.
At 11:43am on March 7, 2008, Barbara said…
hi phabs you too are in my thoughts.. i am hanging in there .. and how are you doing.. god bless... love barb
At 11:42am on March 7, 2008, Barbara said…
At 6:32am on March 6, 2008, Anna Wood said…
Hi, friend; just stopping by to see how you are today? I have been busy, busy, busy and still am. I feel like the guy who said, "Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most!" Thank God, He's in control and not me! God bless you, sister, Anna
At 5:29am on March 4, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…
She is Sharon Wilber, Her dad is Paul wilber whom I love, I think they are Messianic Jews which are Jews who have recieved Jesus as thier Messiah. I will leave you a song by Paul Wilber to see if you like His Music.. God bless
At 8:54pm on March 3, 2008, Alfred said…
Thanks for the comments. I too have a tester.And dont feel bad about testing all the outlets, I did the same thing once upon a time. God bless you my sister, and know that God is with you.
At 5:49pm on March 1, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…
At 5:44pm on March 1, 2008, Mandy said…
Dear Phabs; thanks for your friendship. Your sis in Christ. Mandy
At 6:15am on February 29, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…
You know what they say a dog says; you feed me, you give me a place to sleep, you love me, you must be Go. A cat says; you feed me, you give me a place to sleep, you love me, I must be God. LOL May God keep you smiling today enjoy the vidio
At 8:04pm on February 28, 2008, Mandy said…
Hey Phabes; just wanted to say; I always enjoy your comments, and you seem so upbeat and full of sunshine!! Thanks for making this site great!!!! your friend in Christ; mandy
At 7:52pm on February 28, 2008, Judy McMillan said…
Phabs, I love it so far. I just love all of the people here. I watched a fabulous video that someone posted here last night, which was just awesome. It was about a Muslim guy that came to know Christ as his Lord and Savior. Did you ever see the video?
At 6:45am on February 28, 2008, Anna Wood said…
So, who said I was normal? God is my strength and power. By myself I am a compleat loss and have nothing to offer. I love a good laugh, I love my children and my husband, I love animals, life, good food, work, being silly, music, reading, some movies, but most of all I love my Lord. As long as He is honored, talk away, sister, talk on! I am looking forward to hearing from you again. God bless you, Anna
At 5:47pm on February 27, 2008, Judy McMillan said…
Thank you Phabs for writing to me. You were the first person to write me. God is so good. Let every breath just Praise the Lord.

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