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Yvonne baxter's Comments

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At 1:12pm on September 14, 2016, Andrea said…
Hi Y,
God brought me to your page and this site. I found your name while searching Google for my mother's name. She passed away Dec 14, 2014. It just happened that her name was also Yvonne Baxter, and someone called you ,"Missy" which is what I searched because that was her nickname. I read your page, and just wanted you to feel God's love through his people. I hope you are feeling better, as well as your daughter and all your family. My sister has contemplated suicide, as well, since moms passing. I have to admit I've felt bad, too. I just happened to be home sick from work with Shingles from stress, and found you. I hope you have found God again, and found yourself. Im trying to do the same! I'm only 33, and should not be this stressed! May God take our sins and anxieties so that we can live in His will until he comes to take us home!
At 1:04pm on September 14, 2016, Andrea gave yvonne baxter a gift
At 6:25am on December 21, 2009, kathleen aldea said…

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At 7:02am on October 21, 2009, yvonne baxter said…
Thank you, Missy for the card. It was very sweet of you.
I am not sure I want to follow God any longer. I know that is terrible, but I feel so let down by Him.
Thank you again,
At 12:25pm on August 3, 2009, Richard Morrison said…
Hi Yvonne
Thanks for being my friend. Like you and all our brothers and sisters in Christ I am on a journey to discover more about the incredible love of God. I am learning slowly but surely. I seem to learn most when I feel inadequate or powerless. I am beginning to understand that we simply let be and let the Holy Spirit transform our nature.
God Bless. Lets support each other in prayer.
At 10:16pm on July 23, 2009, kathleen aldea said…
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At 7:42pm on July 8, 2009, maggie hancox said…
Once my internet speed gets a bit faster I plan on putting some of her sermons on my page. I will let you know as I do it.
At 7:38pm on July 8, 2009, maggie hancox said…
Yvonne, so many people feel the way you do, and go through what you do.
I have written a blog at the bottom of my page if you ever want to take a look at it.
However I would like to suggest some excellent uplifting veiwing for you if you are willing.
It is by a lady called Joyce Meyer.
If you go on youtube and type in Joyce Meyer the dynamics of fear.

There are about six parts to this.

There are others of hers that are great to watch to. I do hope you take the time to watch them and be encouraged.
At 4:19pm on July 8, 2009, maggie hancox said…
I have posted more information, I hope will be helpful to you in your inbox.

quite a shock to see how much that it could be in, but if it is that he is telling you not to eat it, then it verry well sounds as though it could be something you consume, or something in respect of it's refference to an action in the bible, such as in one of the excerpts I posted in your inbox.

Have a look at what it is that you are eating, putting on your lips or ask about your medication if it contains any of the names on the list I gave. Read what was written on the bible on it and pray about it.

Your Father loves you, he'd not give you only half an answer to your prayer, he is the mighty and fully loving Father, do what you can on investigating what you could be consuming, what it says in the bible in respect of it and pray on it. he will give you an answer.
At 3:09pm on July 8, 2009, maggie hancox said…
Yvonne, I have found a few things on bitter almond. which I will investigate in refference to the bible and pray on it.
It could be that you are either eating something that contains bitter almond, or it's oil and do not know it for it's name is not necessarily labled as 'bitter almond', or it could be in refference to something you are doing or believing that is what was ment.
I will read up on both the plant, and it's refferences in the bible and let you know what I come up with.
At 1:47pm on July 8, 2009, Claire said…
Hey Thanks for the add,I feel drawn to you calling it a God Prompt think are to get to know one another better.
At 4:26pm on June 11, 2009, maggie hancox said…
A beautiful reminder of who we serve...

At 1:27pm on May 20, 2009, maggie hancox said…
yes, that is a frightning thing isn't it.
I hope to encourage you and uplift you because I DO know that God loves you and I have been in the darkness as you are for far to long in my life, now knowing the freedom that comes from Jesus I just want so much for you to have it too. No christian should have to live in darkness.
At 3:01am on May 20, 2009, maggie hancox said…
your quote: I have forgotten, and question today, how much God loves me. I am "keeping an open mind" as I seek Him once again.
It is the same lie that spins in our heads so often, couple that with another lie satan would have us believe, that being that we can not be accepted by our Father because we keep screwing up.
Oh my dear sister, I wish I could some how show you how much you Father truely loves you.
Luke 12:6 "Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God."Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows.
Do you not understand my dear sister, you where chosen, hand picked by your Father.
He chose to share his knowledge with you, it is not about your worthiness, because not one of us are worthy, and there are scriptures to prove this also.
I will tell you this from my heart of hearts.
It will not be this way forever, there is hope in Jesus, you have hope that those unsaved do not. You WILL be rescued in the time he comes, your pain forever gone in every way.
And do not discount that he may indeed heal you of your pains in this life too.

Something I become to understand the other day as I was intrequed as to why God had not healed my teeth when I asked.
I do not fully know why, but I do know this...

When we go to a dentist, we understand the dentist did not put the cavity there, we understand that the dentist will likely cause us more pain temporarily, and indeed drill a bigger hole in order to remove the plaque, so that he may fill our tooth again better then before and heal our pain.

God did not cause you what ever kinds of pain you are enduring, but he may well have a plan better then you imagine.
You see, he may have to do a bit of digging around to get rid of the plaque in your soul, but be sure that our Father is THE MASTER DENTIST! he will not only fill your soul, but make it better then new.
We are like teenagers you see, we beleive that we know what we want, and what we need in life and what we need to make us happy.
You see as parents of teenagers, we know better for our children sometimes. Then what they think they need and want.
But in fact our father knows better then us what is best for us to truely fulfil us our needs and our hearts.
For he knows you better then you can know your own children, his ways are higher and his thoughts are higher. His interest and attention has been on you fully without distraction since you were in the womb!

I can quote, scripture after scripture to you of his love for you, and know fully in my heart that every word was MENT FOR YOU!! because that is what it is Yvonne, the bible is God's love letter to you. It is full of his promises and he is not a promise breaker, for as he says, 2nd timothy 2:13 If we are unfaithful, he remains faithful because he cannot be untrue to himself.
To be sure that what ever you are going through, or have been through, he promises he will never give you anything you can not handle.
So when it seems this way, it is because we are trying to do it on our own.

I pray for you that you would receive his joy, the joy of the LORD will be your strength.
But first I pray that he will show to you his true nature, so that you may know his true love.
Acceptance is a choice, but salvation is a gift, you need not do anything but accept it and receive it.
I do truely know that.
At 11:34pm on May 15, 2009, felixpadua said…
ottawa city and toronto. nice places, went to see niagara falls on the canada side.
At 5:15pm on May 15, 2009, felixpadua said…
canada is a beautiful place. went there last year, and hope to return this year again. but i am going to ontario -i think this is far from alberta.
At 10:35pm on May 14, 2009, felixpadua said…
hello, here's a joke to welcome you at AAG! God bless you today and always. by the way how did you get to know this christian site?

Which Way to Heaven?

Reverend Billy Graham tells of a time early in his ministry when he arrived in a small town to preach a sermon. Wanting to mail a letter, he asked a young boy where the post office was. When the boy had told him, Dr. Graham thanked him and said, "If you'll come to the Baptist Church this evening, you can hear me telling everyone how to get to heaven."

The boy replied, "I don't think I'll be there... You don't even know your way to the post office."
At 12:26pm on May 12, 2009, Richard Morrison said…
Hello Yvonne
Be strong. Supporting you in prayer.
God Bless
At 10:21pm on May 11, 2009, kathleen aldea said…
Welcome Comments

Hello, welcome to this site AAG… where we can meet friends and brethren in Christ.. a christian fellowship site that helps to increase our faith, be encourage and be a blessing to all … come join also in the groups like Image and video hosting by TinyPicChristian Youth Convergence, Miracle Grow, The Net Prayer Room and others…always keep n touch en God bless you..

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