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Deborah Sue Schenfeld's Comments

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At 2:05pm on November 4, 2008, Paige Robertson said…

Hello Deborah!!
I have wanted to meet you for a while. Sorry that I havent introduced myself to you in a long time. I see your picture here and there as I moderate here on AAG, but havent got a chance to really check in. I am blessed to know you and I am blessed to be a witness to your amazing love,grace,and faith. We all are brithers and sisters in Christ. We are all here ot helap not hurt. I have been hurt badly in the church when at first it surprised me because we all are sinners and had fallen short of the glory of God, Our righteousness is like filthy rags to Him. I was shocked to see that Christians are still people and we still live in a fallen world. I was on fire for the Lord for years, then God allowed a drought in my life to cause me to let go of a womens ministry and a part of a worshp team to grow me and help me to focus on Him and His love. I think we can all get wrapped up in all the politics, and lose focus on God. I have been a Christian now fpor 8 years and it has been a ride, but God has blessed me and I am still painting for the Lord. I am glad that you responded to one of my questions. I really appreciate your love and your time. It means alot.
You have a blessed day, and again, thank you and I hope to get to know you more.
At 11:25am on November 2, 2008, Ramona P. Jacobsz said…

Wake Up for School

Early one morning, a mother went in to wake up her son. "Wake up, son. It's time to go to school!"

"But why, Mom? I don't want to go."

"Give me two reasons why you don't want to go."

"Well, the kids hate me for one, and the teachers hate me, too!"

"Oh, that's no reason not to go to school. Come on now and get ready."

"Give me two reasons why I should go to school."

"Well, for one, you're 52 years old. And for another, you're the Principal!"

Fishing Trip
A man phones home from the office and tells his wife, "Something has just come up. I have the chance to go fishing for a week. It's the opportunity of a lifetime. We leave right away, so can you pack my clothes, my fishing equipment, and especially my blue silk pajamas? I'll be home in an hour to pick them up."

He hurries home, grabs everything and rushes off. A week later he returns.

His wife asks, "Did you have a good trip?"

"Oh yes, great! But you forgot to pack my silk pajamas."

"Oh no I didn't. I put them in your tackle box."

Two Shepherds
Two shepherds were leaning on their crooks at the end of a long hard day of shepherding. The first shepherd asked the second, "So, how's it going?"

The second one sighed and shook his head, "Not good. I can't pay my bills, my health isn't good, my kids don't respect me, and my wife is leaving me."

The first one replied, "Well, don't lose any sheep over it."

Your Friend
Ramona P.
At 12:48pm on November 1, 2008, Renee weeks said…
Praise Hm Sis,
To God be all the glory for all the wonderful things He has done, what He is now doing, and all the things that He has in store for us. We know that the Lord has already ordered your steps, and He already has in reserves resources, finances, and all of the things that are needed for your relocation, your Ministry and stay. Keep on Trusting the Lord, with all your strength, mind and soul!
Blessing to you, your family, and Ministry.
Prophetess Renee
At 12:46pm on November 1, 2008, Sharone said…
Thank you for Deborah Sue. Your children are very beautiful as well. I thank God everyday for the family he has blessed me with. I am indeed very happy. My husband is the type women dream about (almost perfect lol). I asked God to choose my husband ...and of course He knows best. The boys are dreams as well. May God continue to bless you and yours.

At 10:07am on November 1, 2008, Renee weeks said…
Praise Him,
I pray that you, the family, and Ministry are doing well.
I do apologize for not getting back sooner. My friend actually did the arrangements, she does a wonderful job does'nt she. I hear the Lord saying, it is time to tell your story. In your book is deleiverance for those that are hurting, and the world needs you desperately.
Blessings, Prophetess Renee
At 1:53pm on October 31, 2008, Kim Dupee said…
she is my best friend but we might as well be sisters. we are really close. she has gotten me through some really rough times. she was there for me when my parents got a divorce. she came to visit me when i was in the hospital. when i felt worthless and i felt like the world would be better off without me she lifted me up. i love her to pieces and now i dont get to see her unless i go to tennessee. i really miss
At 11:56pm on October 30, 2008, Ramona P. Jacobsz said…
Hello Friend

We once had a baboon in our yard and he walked upright (prostraight)... and that was before I had my cataract op... I thought it was an African child and I wondered what on earth he was doing? Jessica was about six years old then and she looked and said : "Granny call 10111 - this is an emergency!!!" It was actually quite hillarious - the baboon climed over the aviary roofs and went into our neighbours yard and ate his peaches!

I called the SPCA and they said he could be dangerous as he was rejected by his troop and he was also injured by them. He eventually left the area after a couple of days but he never paid me an untimely visit again (thank goodness). But some of the neighbours have their dustbins overturned and the baboons rummage through the rubbish in search of food (in winter when food is scarce). We have even had a wildcat visit us from the reserve closeby! But otherwise, we just have burglars and thieves whom we are more afraid of than the animals as we were held up in our home by a band of robbers ... Anyway I don't even want to go there because that was 4 years ago and it is water under the bridge because the blood of Christ protects me!

Fond love in Jesus

Your Friend
Ramona P.
At 11:50pm on October 30, 2008, Ramona P. Jacobsz said…
Dearest Deborah Sue

Be blessed and thank you for being my friend...

Blessings, hugs and love from South Africa

Your Friend
Ramona P.
At 11:00pm on October 28, 2008, Ramona P. Jacobsz said…
Dearest Deborah Sue
Sometimes hubby and I spend Christmas with Mari but she also has a lovely family (from Roedolf's side) and I cannot be selfish and self-centred, expecting her to give me her undivided attention... I am quite happy with the crumbs from their table :)- (smile)...

Sometimes Mari, Roedolf and kids spend Christmas with us. Sometimes Cornelus' sister invites us and vice verse but often we spend Christmas alone - but never alone because Jesus is in our midst. My son is so far away... but always in my thoughts and prayers.

Be blessed for thinking so deeply and passionately... you are such a kind person.

God bless you and I send you tons of love from a sunny South Africa (with its "funny animals") (one monkey is ME) :)- (SMILE)

Your Friend
Ramona P.
At 6:06am on October 28, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…

At 12:24am on October 28, 2008, Ramona P. Jacobsz said…
My dearest Deborah Sue
I am very excited for you!!! I know what it is like to have your kids far from you. As you know, my son and family are in England, only two of his daughters are here but not near so I do not get to see them often. Mari is quite a distance from me and they are so busy with the ministry and home schooling and Judo etc. I see Mari approximately every six weeks and then I am as excited as a little child.

God is certainly blessing you mightily and I am so glad that positive things are happening to good people in this negative and sinful world!

Be blessed dearest Deborah Sue and know that I love you

Your friend
Ramona P.
At 5:01pm on October 27, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…
Hi sister, It is so funny you said that to me about the newness, I was writing to Ramona this morning and I told her I had this sence of newness in my life today. It was like the feeling I had when I saw my children born. Most likely God is doing something new in each one of us. I was thinking of the scripture that he sends times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord, the refreshing isn't all the time, but times of refreshing.
One of my favorite worship leaders is Kent Henry and I got to see him a number of years ago and we sang the song I will leave with you. He told us to lay hands on ourselves and sing You are awesome in this place(me) mighty God. He is awesome in us isn't he and He still thrills my soul still after 33 years. I actually finally posted my testimony that if you get a chance to check out will be a blessing to you.
In the love of Jesus.
As I come into Your presence
Past the gates of praise
Into Your sanctuary
Til we're standing face to face
I look upon Your countenance
I see the glory of Your Holy face
I can only bow down and say...

You are awesome in this place, Mighty God
You are awesome in this place, Abba Father
You are worthy of all praise
To You our hands we raise
You are awesome in this place, Mighty God
At 1:30pm on October 27, 2008, Ramona P. Jacobsz said…
My dearest Deborah Sue
You are the wonderful woman of God... I do love you so and IT IS GREAT TO HEAR FORM YOU AGAIN !!! WHOOOPEE!!



Your friend
Ramona P.
At 1:53pm on October 25, 2008, onlyjesus said…
The two system of the Economic in the world!
There are two systems of the world economic today and as children of God we need to know these systems. The bible says in John 3:21 that “but who ever lives by the truth comes into the light so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has be done through Christ”. Christian need to live by the truth and nothing will be hidden from us.
The two system of the economic are: God system (sowing and reaping), and Devil system (Gathering and collection).
God system is about giving and receiving. In the book of Ecclesiastes 11:1 says “cast your bread upon the waters, for after many days you will find it again”. ‘Casting’ here means sowing. God want us to sow so that we can reap. We have to give before we can receive something .The system of God is not about me but about Him. Is about laying down my life, this system means money will work for me. Money will find me. God blessing will follow me. God has a purpose for my live and we need to move in his plan. Let us forget about poverty mentality and focus our mind on the Lord and do his will. Most of us poverty has embraced us that we can not do God’s will. Permit me to tell you this; who ever receive become slaves to the giver because the receiver will gain nothing from the Lord. It is a plan of God for us to give so that we can receive. if you don’t want to give even the little that you have will be taken from you.
We must know where to sow and the type of seeds that we sow. A farmer always sow good seed in a good soil. If you sow in a good soil, you will get good harvest. Remember that only farmer’s need seeds to sow. God will give to some one that will be a father. Meaning someone that can plants seeds. If you can not give, God will never give you seeds because you will waste it. All that we have in Christ is for God and we must use it according to the principles of God.
The bible says we must help the poor but we must know where we can give. We need not to give where the land is not fertile. Meaning we need not to give someone that can not walk in the principles of God.
We can get a good harvest if we give willingly.2corithian 9:6 “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, whoever sows generously will reap generously. We must sow from our heart so that we can reap good harvest. In Christianity one must give before he or she can receive.
In the devil system, is about gathering and collection. We can read that in the book of Ecclesiastes 2:26 “To the man who pleases him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness, but to the sinner he gives the task of gathering and storing up wealth to hand it over to the one who pleases God. Gathering and collecting is about what I can get. Is about me climbing to the top, is about me be in the big place. The world look at you and value you, is about power is in money, let me put it this way, is about working for money. is about I am keep so that I can live. Money is store in other that others will praise you. The devil system is about how you can gather and collect. In this system money is worship. People value money than life. This system, one becomes servant to money. One continues to saves.
We need to be in the plan of God than plan of the devil.
At 3:11pm on October 22, 2008, Moomins said…
Wow, you just mailed me !!!! :)
At 3:10pm on October 22, 2008, Moomins said…
i mean soon, not son, that was silly huh?? :)
At 3:09pm on October 22, 2008, Moomins said…
Hi mom, im just passing through, hope all is well with you...mail you son.
At 11:18am on October 22, 2008, Brooke said…

Yes it really is AMAZING what we go through, before we realize that we need Jesus in our lives! I hope you are having a wonderful day in the presence of our Lord! Many blessing to you and your family.
At 10:08am on October 20, 2008, ~*Heather*~ said…
This year has went by fast! When the movie came out I really had no interest in seeing it but my husband and kids wanted to see it and it turned out to be a really good movie. I liked it too!
At 5:31am on October 20, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…

Hi Deborah, thanks for telling me that it was praise themes ning and not net. I most likely have some people frustrated with me because I gave them the wrong address.

I think it is awesome that you are moving closer to your children and grandchildren. I have some friends that have always brought their grandchildren to church with them even though their kids don't go.
They also have them over to their home every morning for breakfast and the kids catch the bus from their house to school. This is awesome that they have gone the extra mile like this and they are a very close family because of it. This such a testimony to the comunity and to their unsaved children. I love it and will pray that God will help me to follow their example when I start having my own grand kids.
In the love of Jesus Bob

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