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Deborah Sue Schenfeld's Comments

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At 4:22pm on August 7, 2008, MaryAnn said…
Hi there Deborah Sue, We are back. Had a great relaxing time at the cottage...And it is great to be home again. I am really enjoying your contributions to the discussions. Thanks for being you. You are great.
At 3:02pm on August 7, 2008, Wendy Harris said…
At 9:07am on August 4th, 2008, Wendy Harris said…
Dear Deborah

(this is a long e-mail so I suggest you sit with a cup of tea and a have a couple of biscuits!) I have just washed and showed after cleaning the house from top to bottom - I have even cleaned the oven and have dried two loads of washing (the ironing can wait I'm afraid)

Thank you for your reply.

How wonderful indeed that around the world Christians are worshiping and praising our Lord, listening to his word and praying - 24 hours a day no matter where we live! These are the things that thoes who have not repented and given their lives over in faith will ever really get the same delight about. International trade and industry just doesn't give that same wonder. I don't bake now - but I love to cook, as a family we did not have much of a sweet tooth so I have lost the knack, I do produce the odd pudding for our church fellowship meals - where we invite the local community around the church to come have a free meal with us and share fellowship and listen to a visiting speaker - usually a visiting missionary or someone like John Blanchard - who is so good - you may have read some of his books? Us ladies then usually cook and prepare a good meal for around 120 followed by puddings,sweets, tea and coffee. The men do the washing up and the youth serve. We are a busy Church with, mothers and todlers Mondays, Womens fellowship Tuesdays, youth fellowships, Sunday school, Thursday morning drop in sessions, when we open the Church as a cafe' and and provide a time to discuss Christian things for anyone passing by. Thursday evening study, prayer and mission meetings, services Sunday morning and evening and prayer meetings before each service. There are regular weekly meetings for 7 - 11's, 11- 15yr olds, with over 60's and over 80's fellowship one a month. We believe in world wide mission and regularly financially support up to 40 missionary's and their familes together with prayer and anything else that they need if we can. We have 150 in membership, morning services with the children and visitors we nornally number 180ish and evenings 120ish - 75% of our fellowship are over 60 - we are so blessed - especially with what I call our prayer warior. Our church was established over 75 years ago, since 2000 we have rebuilt both the chapel and meeting halls, so we have great facilities, with a fantastic kitchen. God has seen to it that we do not have a mortgage to repay which in these days of mortgate debt generally with the credit crunch we cannot be more thankful. Many members have sacrificed gladly to provide a wonderful place of worship - you can read more about us and see a photo of my husband (Simon Harris) who is one of the Decons on - you can also listen to the services. That brings me to an update news of my husbands poorly foot - he visited the Dr. this morning and it would seem he has an infection - he has had blood tests to see if that is the right diagnosis and has already felt the benefit of the antibiotics he was prescribed - an answer to all our prayers. He should we pray be well enough to preach next Sunday evening at our Church. He gets very nervous when he is preaching at our home church, more so than at the little 6+ fellowships when he does his rounds as a visiting speaker a couple of times a month to little 150yr old chapels deep in the Forest of Dean, Winstone which is in the Cotswolds, Longley and other small Baptist Churches - please pray that God will give him courage, boldness and clarity to preach the gospel in truth. We always seem to have a crisis when he is due to preach - Satan knows when and how to sling his arrows to detract our thinking away from Gods message.

Well I must - look at my work notes now and focus on more earthly things. I start the first day without any guidance at this new admin job in the bakery - the worst I can do is order 1000 instead of 100 rolls so I shouldn't get too worried - but of course I will be concerned to do well my first day. Its 10 miles down a country road, I look out onto fields, trees and a couple of horses in a field with a couple of sheep just for good measure! How lovely - there is a pond with ducks and I can have all my bread for free as long as I don't take too much! It's cash in hand so I will have some money to get my husband a birthday present for the 11th August as I have been off work for 10 months - I used to be a manager and had 42 staff - but this will do me well - isn't our God good! Just when I thought that he didn't need me anymore, I was not ready to retire just yet as I am only 53, now he has given me this website, with other Christians such as yourself to share things with, togewther with a little job and a little money to keep my car on the road.

May we continue to share together through Christ Jesus our Lord

At 1:21pm on August 7, 2008, swtswan said…
Welome, And God Bless you dear one It's nice to meet people w/ such a fire/desire for god's will! ....Take care,see U soon!
At 1:13pm on August 6, 2008, Michelle said…
Hi Deborah, it is awesome to chat on a Christian network across the world. Garden Route is about 3 hours drive from Cape Town. We live at the seaside. Garden Route is beautiful. I have never been to the USA.
I am married, no children yet. Last year I had stillborn baby, which was very traumatic to us. We believe that God will answer our prayers for a baby.
Your children are beautiful.
Keep well and keep posting.
At 10:46am on August 6, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…

Hi Deborah, I was going to send you a note to encourage you to continue to use your gifts that you have been using to stir up discussions. There are some wonderful groups that can be life changing if we can just get people to get envolved. Thank you again for using your gifts here we are all enriched by all your Biblically inspired comments and your christ like attitude.
In the love of Jesus.
At 11:56pm on August 5, 2008, brateng said…

The story of your walk with Christ rocks! He is surely the hope of the HOPELESS for He turns us from nothing into all things.

Would be glad to be your friend.

In Christ's name-Pst. Bernhard C.
At 6:20pm on August 4, 2008, MaryAnn said…
Be blessed Deborah Sue over the next couple of days. My husband and I are going to a million $ cottage on the lake, about four hours north of us...friends of our daughter, whose name is Deborah Lynn.

Love to you and Alan,
At 4:56pm on August 4, 2008, Belle said…
Ok i will do that in just a bit thanks for the info talk to you real soon
At 1:10pm on August 4, 2008, MaryAnn said…
Hi Sweet sister,
Yes, I noticed right away that your profile picture changed…looking forward to the ‘real’ you. Don’t worry, take your time, I already know your heart and sweet spirit, and that’s the best part of you. Your responses in the various discussions have touched my heart in a special way. God has blessed you with clarity and vision and love. Continue to walk in HIS grace and power.

By the way, Carla will not mind in the least, in fact, I am sure she would love to join us in this sweet fellowship. You are both a gift. May the LORD bless you, my dear.

At 9:01am on August 4, 2008, Lynnie said…
Deborah I dont know if you would be interested but I can give you my Pastor's PAC website and you can see a little of what he is doing for our city in Iowa.
I hope it works...
At 8:58am on August 4, 2008, Lynnie said…
Thanks Deborah, I appreciate it, and like all we all fall short but to say it as a dailey reflection leaves God in the closet. However I can seem to fall under condemnation but I know that is not God's plan. I want you to do the same as to when you serve serve unto the Lord. For we owe not to any man.
At 8:37am on August 4, 2008, Belle said…
where is the poem, i would love to go comment on it. Again....another page to learn how to use, i will get it soon i hope. Have a blessed day
At 6:29am on August 4, 2008, Ron Payne said…
Hi Deborah,
Thank you for your reply.
As I read your mail, it's easy to see that you are a devoted Christian. That's great and the stronger you grow, the more strength to the cause of our Saviour.

I don't come across much of Alan's post as I do yours, So I guess that's why I have not had as much contact.

Yes, I honestly believe that things are going to get worse in S. Africa as well.
I used to be a young man in the fire Department, both as Fireman and Paramedic. Within 6 months I became an old man, experienced in the the curved balls that life throws at people. I did this for 16 years.
Right now after a chequered life, I am retired and hibernating in a small village type town, in Kwa Zulu Natal, with my Bride Gene.
Gene is a Messianic Christian in that she is Jewish and
came to recognise Jesus as Yeshua Ha'Mashiach.
Gene has a sister in Israel living on a Kibbutz with a large family created over +/- 45 years. Unfortunately they are not Believers. But they do know who to phone when there is sickness or a crisis. So at least our faith in Jesus does receive some recognition.
Give Alan our greetings and keep looking up to focus on Jesus. Your Brother and Friend in Christ - Ron
At 6:31pm on August 3, 2008, Belle said…
Hey there i did it. Hope your having a great and blessed day.
At 4:13pm on August 3, 2008, Sharone said…
Thank you very much for your words of encouragement. I know in my heart that God is going to work things out for my family. I can't wait until I can tell all of you exactly how it worked out. I know that He is working on my behalf according to His purpose and in His perfect timing. Through it all I love the Lord and I have made up in my heart to praise and worship Him with my living. Everything I do I want it to glorify Him. He is teaching me patience and trust and faith. In my trials I am getting deeper in Him. In my victory I will tell all how He work it out because I cannot do anything without Him. I do not want to do anything without Him. I just love the Lord. Again 'Thank you'.
At 11:58am on August 3, 2008, Nienie said…

Thought I send you this pic and in our imagination we are having tea and got to know each other better!
At 11:57am on August 3, 2008, Shuraima said…
I'am happy also to by youre frend

When I took this picture it was a nice and worm weather
but today is verry raining day but a blessing day
waithing fore youre reaply

Lots off love and god bless you
At 7:22am on August 3, 2008, Wendy Harris said…
Dear Deborah

Bless you - it's 2pm on a beautiful mid summer Sunday. We were taught from Gods word this morning and will be able to meditate on the richness of Gods saving grace from lessons learnt from Luke Chapter 15. No matter how many times we read the the bible there is always something more that we can be taught. I have been blessed with good health for the past few weeks and have been offered a part time job as administrator in a local bakers - I never knew there were so many types of bread, cakes and savories! the hours are just what I need - although it will be a learning curve for me ,it will give money to keep my car on the road and keep me from going gar gar too! Please pray for my husband who is really poorly with a nasty bought of gout at the moment - he has been asked to preach next Sunday evening at our chruch so this is a realy irritation as the pain leaves him unable to consentrate for too long at a time. We were able to ask for prayer for him this morning and his foot seems better this afternoon, why is it so hard for us to accept that God does answer prayer? How fickle we can be - but wonderfully God loves us despite all our short comings.

Love in Christ Jesus our Lord

At 5:08am on August 3, 2008, Moomins said…
Great, a woman with a fantastic sense of humour!!! Your grandkids are gorgeous too, children are just fantastic, so precious, they grow far too fast.
Storm chasing, what a thrill it would be, i think like you i really love nature, everything God has provided for us on earth, His powers enthrall me daily.
Look out for my pic when you are online and we can have a blether (chat)
Dont be a stranger
p.s. I glad you realise you have a funny accent lol :)
At 5:11pm on August 2, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…

Hi Debra, I want to tell you about how to collect graphics. On any graphic or picture you like, right click and save as.... it will go to your pictures on your esk top. Then at the top of this box click add image, when you brouse and find image in your pictures click on it and add, a code will be put in comment box, then add comment. I hope this of some help. I also leave videos which you have to find an embed code, copy and paist in comment box.

I am have been blessed by your comments around the net. that I have read. God continue to bless you as you continue to share the love of Jesus.
In the love of jesus.

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