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At 3:33am on December 18, 2009, kathleen aldea said…

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At 11:22pm on July 22, 2009, kathleen aldea said…
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At 2:45am on March 18, 2009, felixpadua said…
here's a joke from janet walker of the USA to cheer u up-

While working at a pizza parlour I observed a man ordering a small pizza to go. He appeared to be alone and the cook asked him if he would like it cut into 4 pieces or 6. He thought about it for some time before responding. 'Just cut it into 4 pieces; I don't think I'm hungry enough to eat 6 pieces.

Yep, They Walk Among Us!
At 4:34pm on February 1, 2009, Brian A. Baluca said…
apil lagi, kita man gud ko ni Pastor Impang siokat kaayo, sulay ko apil naa man diay pud ka..mura iug taga holy wood!!!!
At 6:55am on February 1, 2009, felixpadua said…
hello ruben, nice to meet you here. i am felix, from the philippines too
At 7:17am on August 25, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…
At 10:56pm on August 14, 2008, kathleen aldea said…

'Keep your heart with all diligence,
for out of it spring the issues of life..'
Proverbs 4:23

Today's Scripture reading emphasizes the importance of caring for our heart.

Are we keeping spiritually fit?
WEIGHT: Do we need to lose the weight of unnecessary burdens and cares?
PULSE: Are we maintaining a steady rhythm of gratitude and praise?
BLOOD PRESSURE: Is our trust greater than our anxiety?
DIET: Are we enjoying the life-giving nutrients of the Word of God?
Have you checked your heart lately?

To keep spiritually fit,Consult with the Great Physician...

O Lord, You see what's in the heart...
There's nothing hid from You;
So help us live the kind of life..
that's filled with love for You...Amen...
At 12:29am on August 1, 2008, kathleen aldea said…
( JOHN 1:16 *NIV )

Always remember to count our blessings each day, and to
thank God for them! For no matter what we have, when we
look around us, we find others who have less! So never feel
sorry for ourself, instead start counting our blessings, for that
should cheer u up indeed.

Now we know that when things disappoint us, we are sad and
often depressed. However it is written that we should: BE

Therefore, never feel that God doesn't hear our prayers
because a prayer isn't answered the way we want, or something
goes wrong in our life. For our Heavenly Father always knows
what is best for us, and: HE WILL NOT LEAVE YOU NOR

So my friend, remember to always: GIVE THANKS TO THE
( 1 CHRONICLES 16:8 )

now and always! Amen! ( 2 CORINTHIANS 13:14 )
At 12:54am on July 30, 2008, kathleen aldea said…
Value Life...........

Long time ago, there was an Emperor who told his horseman that if he could ride on his horse and cover as much land area as he likes, then the Emperor would give him the area of land he has covered.
Sure enough, the horseman quickly jumped onto his horse and rode as fast as possible to cover as much land area as he could. He kept on riding and riding, whipping the horse to go as fast as possible. When he was hungry or tired, he did not stop because he wanted to cover as much area as possible.
Came to a point when he had covered a substantial area and he was exhausted and was dying. Then he asked himself, "Why did I push myself so hard to cover so much land area? Now I am dying and I only need a very small area to bury myself."
The above story is similar with the journey of our Life. We push very hard everyday to make more money, to gain power and recognition. We neglect our health , time with our family and to appreciate the surrounding beauty and the hobbies we love.
One day when we look back , we will realize that we don't really need that much , but then we cannot turn back time for what we have missed.
Life is not about making money, acquiring power or recognition.

______________________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _____

Life is definitely

not about work!
Work is only necessary to keep us living so as to enjoy the beauty and pleasures of life.. Life is a balance of Work and Play, Family and Personal time.
You have to decide how you want to balance your Life. Define your priorities, realize what you are able to compromise but always let some of your decisions be based on your instincts. Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of Life, the whole aim of human existence. So, take it easy, do what you want to do and appreciate nature. Life is fragile , Life is short. Do not take Life for granted. Live a balanced lifestyle and enjoy Life!

Watch your thoughts ; they become words.

Watch your words ; they become actions.

Watch your actions ; they become habits..

Watch your habits; they become character .

Watch your character; it becomes your destiny

So enjoy every day as yours.........
At 3:30am on July 25, 2008, kathleen aldea said…
At 4:26am on July 18, 2008, kathleen aldea said…
One Step At A Time

One step at a time is the best way to go
When going through life and traveling in the direction of your dreams
The best way to get ahead is the simpliest way:
Take one step at a time
Don’t look over your shoulder
If you do, you’ll feel the weight of all your yesterdays upon you
And don’t worry about what lies ahead
By the time you get to the bend in the road or the crest of the hill
You’re going to be better and stronger than you ever were before
Just go one step at a time
One day at a time
And you’ll find a rich, thankful life you never thought you could afford….
At 2:06am on July 15, 2008, kathleen aldea said…
I asked God…

I asked God to take away my pain
God said, No
-it is not for me to take away,
But for you to give up.
I asked God to make my handicapped child whole
God said, No
-Her spirit was whole, her body was only temporary.
I asked God to grant me patience
God said, No
-patience is a by-product of tribulations,
It isn’t granted, it is earned.
I asked God to give me happiness
God said, No
-I give you blessings, happiness is up to you.
I asked God to make my spirit grow
God said, No
-you must grow on your own
but I will prune you to make you fruitful.
I asked for all things that I might enjoy life
God said, No
-I will give you life so that you may enjoy all things
I asked God to helped me LOVE others,
as much as He loves me
God said…..
Ahhh, finally you have the idea.

God loves You!
At 4:54am on July 12, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…

At 2:13am on July 12, 2008, kathleen aldea said…
Meaningful Life
If you’ve never asked the question
Who or when or why or how
Give your mind that great suggestion
Go ahead and do it now

You will find when you consider
All the options that abound
There is still but one conclusion
Where peace of mind is found

It’s not in education
In religion or in books
In retirement funds and IRAs
Or how the market looks

It’s not in status or in style
How low in golf you score
It’s not the running of a mile
Or who you’re working for

It’s not the price you pay for things
It’s not the jewels and fancy rings
It’s not the checks and credit cards
Secured by all those guns and guards

It’s not the beauty of your face
It’s not a matter of your face
It’s not the muscle on your bones
Your classy looks or great skin tones

What matters most in life today
Is where you stand along the way
Not what you have but what you are
How faith in God succeeds by far

God is the answer to the question
Of the who, when, why or how
And He gives the invitation:

You’ll find God meets your deepest need
With His kind words your soul He’ll feed
He guide your steps and makes things right
He’ll turn darkness into light…..
At 6:41am on July 10, 2008, kathleen aldea said…
If you woke up this morning
with more health than illness,
you are more blessed than the
million who won't survive the week.

If you have never experienced
the danger of battle,
the loneliness of imprisonment,
the agony of torture or
the pangs of starvation,
you are ahead of 20 million people
around the world.

If you can attend a church meeting
without fear of harassment,
arrest, torture, or death,
you are more blessed than almost
three billion people in the world.

If you have food in your refrigerator,
clothes on your back, a roof over
your head and a place to sleep,
you are richer than 75% of this world.

If you have money in the bank,
in your wallet, and spare change
in a dish someplace, you are among
the top 8% of the world's wealthy.

If your parents are still married and alive,
you are very rare, especially in this World

If you hold up your head with a smile
on your face and are truly thankful,
you are blessed because the majority can,
but most do not.

If you can hold someone's hand, hug them
or even touch them on the shoulder,
you are blessed because you can
offer God's healing touch.

If you can read this message,
you are more blessed than over
two billion people in the world
that cannot read anything at all.

You are so blessed in ways
you may never even know.
At 8:39pm on July 8, 2008, kathleen aldea said…
I'VE LEARNED...that when you're in love it shows.
I've learned...that just one person saying to me, "You've made my day!" makes my day.
I've learned...that having a child fall asleep in your arms is one of the most peaceful
feelings in the world.
I've learned...that being kind is more important than being right.
I've learned...that you should never say no to a gift from a child.
I've learned...that I can always pray for someone when I don't have the strength to help
him in some other way.
I've learned...that no matter how serious your life requires you to be, everyone needs a
friend to act goofy with.
I've learned...that sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to
I've learned...that simple walks with my father around the block on summer nights
when I a child did wonders for me as an adult.
I've learned...that life is like a roll of toilet paper. the closer it gets to the end, the faster
it goes.
I've learned...that we should be glad God doesn't give us everything we ask for.
I've learned...that money doesn't buy class.
I've learned...that it's those small daily happenings that make life so spectacular.
I've learned...that under everyone's hard shell is someone who wants to be appreciated
and loved.
I've learned...that the Lord didn't do it all in one day. What makes me think I can?
I've learned...that to ignore the facts does not change the facts.
I've learned...that when you plan to get even with someone, you are only letting that
person continue to hurt you.
I've learned...that love, not time, heals all wounds.
I've learned...that the easiest way for me to grow as a person is to surround myself with
people smarter than I am.
I've learned...that everyone you meet deserves to be greeted with a smile.
I've learned...that there's nothing sweeter than sleeping with your babies and feeling
their breath on your cheeks.
I've learned...that no one is perfect until you fall in love with him.
I've learned...that life is tough, but I am tougher.
I've learned...that opportunities are never lost; someone will take the ones you miss.
I've learned...that when you harbor bitterness, happiness will dock elsewhere.
I've learned...that I wish I could have told my Mom that I love her one more time before she passed
I've learned...that one should keep his words both soft and tender, because tomorrow he
may have to eat them.
I've learned...that a smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.
I've learned...that I can't choose how I feel, but I can choose what I do about it.
I've learned...that when your newly born grandchild holds your little finger in his little
fist, that you're hooked for life.
I've learned...that everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness
and growth occurs while you're climbing it.
I've learned...that it is best to give advice in only two circumstances: when it is
requested and when it is a life-threatening situation.
I've learned...that the less time I have to work with, the more things I get done.
At 1:42pm on July 8, 2008, Nienie said…

Always keep your faith strong in our awesome God
At 10:47am on July 8, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…

At 12:23am on July 7, 2008, kathleen aldea said…
hello,ruben welcome to this net....
kachurchmate mo ba si Ptr.Fernando?
add kita sa list of friends ko ha...
kip n touch en Godbless....

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