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Ramona P. Jacobsz's Comments

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At 7:46am on December 3, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…

I am going to also look for the jewel in others today. bless you wonderful sister.
In the love of jesus
At 5:58am on December 2, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…
Collin Raye - What I Need

I knew all the answers
The way my life should go
And when I used to say my prayers
I would tell God so
It seemed He wasn't listening
I thought He didn't care
But lookin' back
It's plain to see
He was always there

'Cause I prayed for strength
And I got pain that made me strong
I prayed for courage
And got fear to overcome
When I prayed for faith
My empty heart brought me to my knees
I don't always get what I want
I get what I need

I'm not sayin' that it's easy
Or that it doesn't hurt
When nothing seems to go my way
Nothing seems to work
These days I'm getting better
At goin' with the flow
Accepting that sometimes the answer
To a prayer is no

'Cause I prayed for strength
And I got pain that made me strong
I prayed for courage
And got fear to overcome
When I prayed for faith
My empty heart brought me to my knees
I don't always get what I want
I get what I need

Every time I've had a door slammed in my face
In time a better one was opened in its place

I prayed for strength
And I got pain that made me strong
I prayed for courage
And got fear to overcome
When I prayed for faith
My empty heart brought me to my knees
I don't always get what I want
I get what I need

Oh I don't always get what I want
I get what I need
At 6:28pm on December 1, 2008, Christy Gabriel said…
Dearest Sister Ramona
As usual your comments are always blessing me. Thank you for your thought of "Pleasing man or God" and "The communifaking." I am sad about the terorists too dear, just keep praying for the decaying world. Dyana's wedding day is Dec.12, 2008. And Wayan is still a moslem. :( God bless you abundantly always.

With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
At 4:56pm on December 1, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…

Another great word from the heart of God sister, thanks for sharing. God truly is in control and as you said in His time He will take action. We all must begin to seek the Lord like never before so the spirit of fear does not grip our hearts because of the evil all around us. Let us look unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith and as the old song says;

O soul, are you weary and troubled?
No light in the darkness you see?
There's a light for a look at the Savior,
And life more abundant and free!

Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.

Through death into life everlasting
He passed, and we follow Him there;
Over us sin no more hath dominion—
For more than conquerors we are!

His Word shall not fail you—He promised;
Believe Him, and all will be well:
Then go to a world that is dying,
His perfect salvation to tell!

In the love of Jesus
At 8:47am on November 29, 2008, onlyjesus said…
What are you talking about?
Did you know you can bless your self by what you say? The bible says: ‘He who invokes blessing on himself…. Shall do so by saying.” may the God of truth…. Bless me, because the former trouble is forgotten” Two important truth is taught in this scripture.
1. Your own words have more power to affect you than any body else. Ultimately, it is not what others say that counts; it’s what you say to yourself after they get through talking! You always have the last word.
2. You will never enjoy what God has for you in the future while you are still living in the past. To enter the Promised Land, you must first leave the wilderness .So, come into agreement with God; begin to say what He says about you .This is not small matter. What you say from the time you get up in the morning until you go to bed at night not only influences your day, it influences the entire outlook and direction of your life. If you have been praying asking God for specific answers, you can affect the out come by making sure what you say lines up with what He says. In other words; get in harmony with God.
Your body is God’s temple, so be careful what you allow to come out of your mouth (1corinthians 3:16). Fault-finding and negativity destroy and tear down, but scripturally based, faith-filled words open the door to God’s blessings. That is why Paul writes: Let’ no … worthless talk (ever) come out of your mouth, but only such ….. As is ….beneficial, Ephesians 4:29). So before you sound of ask yourself; is this beneficial?
If you continue to say; I am poor you will remain poor forever but if you continue to say iam rich in Christ Jesus, He will continue to bless you. Our tongue is like a fire according to the bible. You can read James 3:6 or read from verse 1 to the end to understand the scripture well. Every morning say something Good to someone and to yourself. There is great blessing in this. Please give it a try and your life will never be the same. Let us have positive mind about the kingdom of God and so shall it be onto us. Jesus loves you so do i.
At 8:36pm on November 28, 2008, Carla said…
Hi Ramona,

How are you? I pray that you will know that you are deeply loved and appreciated here. Do not be discouraged. Your encouraging words have lifted and blessed me so often. I am so blessed to have you as a sister in are also someone whom I know will always have godly advice and encouragement for so many people. You are dearly loved.

In the Love of Christ Jesus our Precious Lord and Saviour, Carla
At 5:15pm on November 25, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…

At 5:13pm on November 25, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…
High Ramona,
It is really quiet on line today due to many in the US preparing for thanksgiving so I have some time to connect with old friends.

The meeting that I told you about that was going to be at Jacob's parents home has had so much excitement in the area from others churches wanting to join us in seeking the Lord that the meeting is being moved to the church.

There is a growing number who are coming up from Connecticut also. During such a busy time of the year this is really different. It always kind of bothered me that most get so wrapped up in the commercialism of Christmas that Jesus takes a back seat.

My wife even informed me that she was going also. This is an answer to prayer for she has not been in church in a year. God has been using certain people to reach out to her in the last month or two and showing her love.

Last August God gave me the following personal word;

Your wife has deceived herself that I am overlooking all that she has done and is doing.
I will never leave or forsake her. I have been dealing with her and I will continue to contend with her. Continue to trust me and one day you shall see her walk with me once again.
A lot of her anger is directed toward herself. She is stubborn, but in the deep places of her heart she still desires me.

Last week God gave me the following word for her that I gave to her;

My Daughter it has been a long, long time since we have been eye to eye,
heart to heart.

I know you have tried so many things to fill the void in you.

My daughter I will not forget the promises I made when you were just a babe.

I am your father and you will always be my very own.

And here you will find me waiting for you. I am your father.

My daughter I see the pain in your eyes, longing to be loved, longing to be free.

I know your heart has been betrayed, innocence lost.

My daughter, alone in your room, I see your tears falling again,

So let me hold you close.

Here in my arms you will find rest.

I am your father, and you will always be my very own,

And here you will find me waiting for you because I am your father.

Love Abba

She was very moved by this word and said that she wept when she read it. So you see God has helped me to remain hopeful that one day she will be restored and healed from the wound that is in her soul. I will remain hopeful even if it turns out that this meeting that is coming up, is not the time where God does the miracle of restoring her soul. The scripture says that love always hopes so I will continue to trust God and continue to seek him with all my heart. Thanks once again for your prayers and God bless you.
In the love of Jesus
At 5:04pm on November 25, 2008, Christy Gabriel said…
Dearest Sister Ramona
Happy Thanksgiving and just know Roedolf ministry is on my prayers list. Thank you so much for praying for our other built Tiberias church. It is in God's time to do so. You are always welcome and God bless you abundantly. Just feel missing you a lot.

With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
At 5:14pm on November 24, 2008, Christy Gabriel said…
I love you and God bless you abundantly dearest sister Ramona.

With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
At 4:41pm on November 21, 2008, Christy Gabriel said…
Dearest Sister Ramona
Please pray for our another new will be built Tiberias Church in Jakarta.

With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
At 10:44pm on November 20, 2008, kathleen aldea said…
Angel faith
At 11:28am on November 20, 2008, Ron Payne said…
What would God say to me after I have accepted Him as my Lord and saviour, yet responsible for 75,000 abortions.

I believe God would say: Fear not, for I have overcome the world and everything in it for your sake... Now come with me and let me introduce you to 75,000 children who have been with me ever since.... I have forgiven you as promised and so have they.
At 11:19am on November 20, 2008, Ron Payne said…
Ag my Skattie,
Die Haai is altyd bo alles. Nou die Blou Bulle..... Vanaf Naas nie meer daar is nie, speel hulle rond soos n bul met n koie.
Lifies Hoor
At 7:32am on November 20, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…

At 5:31am on November 20, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…

Hi Ramona, I just imagine all your flowers beginning to bloom there in south Africa, but here in Vermont we are cold this morning. We do our temperature in degrees so I do not know Celsius temperature is. would be, bu we we are way below freezing. My cat like to play outside for hours, but this morning she was out for 5 minutes. lol

Update on my brother and sister. My sister is home and recovering fine, but my brother is not doing as well, He has a awful infection and even though he came home Monday, he might have to go back in the hospital to receive I V antibiotics. He is bed ridden also and it has to be so difficult to be refined to a bed. May God give him special grace.

We had a wonderful prayer group last night, we used a dvd that my friend Roberto picked up when we attended a conference a couple of weeks ago in NY State. Matt Sorger. Roberto and I laid hands on him and prayed for him and imparted to him all that the Holy Spirit has given us in the last months

Man I have been also having trouble with my Cpap mask while I am waiting to receive my new cushion that has a tare in it. If it leaks, as your dear husband will also agree it is toucher. I am suppose to receive it today.

Well you have a wonderful day in the Lord.

In the love of Jesus
At 12:16pm on November 19, 2008, Kim Dupee said…
i am good. my family is good too. i am getting ready to move in with my cousin next week so i can find a job and go to college. i will be leaving colorado for texas next weekend.
At 11:45am on November 17, 2008, Deborah Sue Schenfeld said…
Thank you for the cards & E-mails & love & friendship! God is so wonderful to connect me with such awesome friends as you! We will be hitting the road in a few days, so my computer will be down, but know I'm thinking of you, praying for you & love you dearly! Blessings my dear! Soientgies! Deborah Sue
At 8:23pm on November 16, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…

Hi Ramona, my Cpap michine is provided by a company called Lincare that provides Cpap and oxygen with all the things like tubing. Your husband needs to replace the cushon/nasal pillow every 2 or 3 weeks or it will begin to leak as mine is doing also.
I orderd a new one a few days ago and hope to get the new one tommorrow. My michine is called Resmed Elite ll.
My derections say the whole face mask should be changed every month. I have to shave at night and place a cream on my nose and around my mouth and lips to keep them from getting eritated. this helps to seal it better. Hope this helps.
God does give us wonderful grace doesn't He to deal with these kind of things. I remind myself that the out ward man is perishing, but the inward man is being renewed day by day.

I have a prayer request for my wife. She has been very backslidden for a long time and we have lived separated for over 2 years although we live in the same house in separate apartments.
We talked for a couple of hours this evening and I was able to minister to her a bit. She is believing a lie that she has to do everything just so so to be a Christian. I told her God wants her heart, all of it, not 80% or 90%, but all of her heart. She said she could not change and won't change. I told her that when she was saved almost 30 years ago, she changed because her heart changes because of Jesus.
Pray with me as others are that the Holy spirit will do his wonderful work and bring her back to Himself.
It has been hard for me to stand for the restoration of her soul and our marraige of 27 years, but she is worth it.
God bless you, your husband, your church mouse, and your pastor son-inlaw.
In the love of Jesus
At 10:01am on November 16, 2008, Stephen said…
Dearest Ramona,
You are so kindhearted! Such a blessing you are!
Might I be allowed to answer your comment with a question?
Are we to speak any differently to his children than he speaks to us? That is with a still small voice.
And yes i agree, Judgement is God's place not ours. If I understand the time we live in, is not mankind being judged now?
My heart goes out to those who cannot hear that still small voice as you and i do sister. Would that all could find that peace that surpasses understanding. Would that all mankind return to the loving arms of its creator.
May God bless you dear. IHL Stephen

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