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Kaya's Comments

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At 11:26am on May 3, 2011, Kayla said…
I have 5 close Christian friends, I go to an awesome church, I accepted Christ into my life, I pray, I listen to some Christian music, I'm blunt about my beliefs in Christ and I do not hide in shame, I read the Bible, and I do serve in the ministry. And you're right..... I love adventure! Thanks.
At 12:35am on April 28, 2011, David Velasquez said…
Thank you so much for being so caring and loving with your family in Christ. I have not forgotten you whity haha. Just have a lot on my plate, but I am gonna have to give you a call to catch up with you soon. Blessings my fiiend and sis.
At 1:43pm on March 31, 2011, The pilgrim said…
Dear sister Kaya, stopping by to say .....
At 10:05am on March 28, 2011, David Velasquez said…

Love to you my friend and sister. I have not forgotten about you and I ask my Lord to grant you according to the riches of His Glory, so you are strengthened with might by His Spirit.

At 8:22am on March 17, 2011, David Velasquez said…
At 7:45am on March 15, 2011, David Velasquez said…

Just stopping by to give you some brotherly love my friend. Blessings

At 11:54am on March 10, 2011, David Velasquez said…

hey whiettie :)


Here is a song for you -

Thanks for thinking of me beloved. Love back to you.


At 5:35pm on February 16, 2011, Ricprimus said…
I knew you were a Valkyrie! Remind me to never get you upset and have to throwings vases and beating me with a broom!
At 6:09am on February 16, 2011, Ricprimus said…
Lol, yes, racoons can be pretty nasty critters, mine have learned the sound of my voice (I would like to believe it's because they like me instead of "hey, it's the food delivery guy".  The only thing here that gives me the willies is although I've only seen one so far there's a lot of wild board tracks and signs at the back of the property, they are not only mean but have the size and tusks to back it up.  Fortunately, they are pretty much nocturnal, and nightime is when I stay in and do my art.
At 11:55pm on February 13, 2011, David Velasquez said…

You so flatter me and blessed me. Thank you my sister and friend for that wonderful poem. As you stated - All praise and glory is the Lord's. Thank you so much for your kind words.


Blessings beloved in Christ.

At 6:59am on February 13, 2011, Travis Cash gave kaya a gift
At 6:58am on February 13, 2011, Travis Cash gave kaya a gift
At 12:22am on February 12, 2011, David Velasquez said…


At 2:12pm on February 10, 2011, David Velasquez said…

Words fall like drops of rain
My lips are like clouds
I say so many things
Trying to figure you out
But as mercy opens my eyes
My words are stolen away
With this breathtaking view of your grace

And I am speechless I’m astonished and amazed
I am silenced by your wondrous grace
You have saved me
You have raised me from the grave
And I am speechless in your presence now
I’m astounded as I consider how
You have shown us
A love that leaves us speechless

So what kind of love could this be
That would trade heaven’s throne for a cross
And to think you still celebrate
Over finding just one who was lost
And to know you rejoice over us
The God of this whole universe
It’s a story that’s too great for words

At 11:46pm on February 09, 2011, phiL gave kaya a gift
hello mom.. how are you? i miss you mom..i have lots of things to tell you mom, it was really amazing when we let God be with us... hope to talk to you soon mom... God bless you always mom. :) phil
At 1:42pm on February 5, 2011, kaya said…
Thank you so much dennis i didnt even know that you send me this message, til now i knew about the gift. you r a good friend to me & we just met.God does put people in our lives for his purposes you r a blessing & you r truly a blessing!love & huggies
At 6:30am on February 1, 2011, Scott Mantooth said…

Hi Kaya,

i've been Preoccupied the last few days and have not checked this page or my mail for comments...I was able to talk to my pastor yesterday I had given him two very old books (one being a Greek lexicon) from 1886 that belonged to a friend of mine who had been in a plane crash a few months ago...i knew the it would get more and better use at the collage than with me (at the moment) and it gave me the opportunity to talk about the things going on right now in my life. I have a great pastor, I’ve known him since the came here and he means a lot to my family..we talked for about 20 minutes ( i honestly don’t know...we talked about a lot of things) it was a good talk...a lot was said....he asked if i thought i would ever remarry...i said i’d like to eventually but for now i was not emotionally ready to do that (too much baggage that’s hard to get rid of) and i was not really looking right now since i had nothing to offer anyone not having a job (dates usually require a bit more than just sitting around watching a movie in silence to qualify as an actual date...for me I’d rather be out walking the trails in the mountains and taking pictures, or going to an art museum or an state aquarium somewhere...that’s the sort of thing i prefer...) After we talked we prayed and i went to my parents house for a while then came back home... talk to you later



At 9:18am on January 30, 2011, Carla said…

Hi Kaya,


Thank for the friendship add.  Blessings, Carla

At 8:40pm on January 26, 2011, Scott Mantooth said…

hello Kaya,


thanks for the Bible verse yesterday helped me... still need to let God have more areas of my life...but being human that's the hard part...i want to deal with things on my own (dispite the fact i've made a big mess of things as they are...and there is little evidence that things will improve on my watch...time for a new management)


talk to you again soon,



At 9:10am on January 25, 2011, Scott Mantooth said…

hello again kaya,


your comments are always so kind, it is clear you have a good heart and love Jesus and others who are hurting... as to where i live, i live in east tennessee, so i'm about an hour from the smokies and would be there right now if i could arrange it...just to be someplace quiet and think about things. I have helped friends by taking them to appointments and the store...they usually will buy me a nice lunch and and some gas for the effort...which is appreciated. I would get out this morning to look for work but i have a lot of class work to finish and i need the gas to get to class on wednesday (and back home)...I can apply on-line but that usually takes about 30 minutes at a time and the pre-screening filters the programs have mean that the chances of my name even being seen or considered fot a job is very handing someone a resume' in person i can at least make eye contact and indicate that i am serious about looking for work. Hopfully something will open up soon....








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