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Mariam's Comments

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At 11:01am on April 15, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…

The building a foundation for christian Growth is up an and is open and running. Just go to the group and join. blessings Bob
At 11:16pm on April 14, 2008, Nica said…
At 9:59am on April 7, 2008, Paige Robertson said…

Hello Marium! Thanks for the message!
and thank you for the encouragement and the scripture. Im getting ready to go to a group in the womens group about unsved husbands. I have been saved since 2002, but my husband hasnt ever at all. he is very supportive, and doesnt really care what I do, just as long as it makes me happy. Which is fine, and really nice of him but, it makes it hard because he doesnt look at things from a spiritual, or an eternal perspective. he doesnt want to participate at all at a church. Anyway, Im on my way to get some encouragement and some prayer for my husband. We shall see how it goes,right?
Anyway, yes, please come out! I was really just kidding, but hey, Im not going to stop you from coming out at all! I could use alot of company being that I live in a new area surrounded by new neighbors but yet I dont really know anyone. So my door is always open for you sister!!!
I also want you to know that Im your friend,sister,and helper. if there is anything you would like to talk about or anything you need prayer for, I am here!! I know you have mentioned that you had a rough past and I just want to encourage you that you arent the only one. I went through some "stuff" let me tell you. I dont mind talking abou tit because it reveals to many how far I have come.Does that make sense? you may want to think about it too. You could probably really help someone. Well, dear, I will let you go, Thanks again for the lovely messages you always send me!!!
God Bless you Always
At 6:44pm on April 3, 2008, Loida said…
Hi Marium!
I've been also off for almost weeks. Thanks for your prayer and I really apprecitae for your goodness to me...
Hope everything is fine!

May the Good Lord keep on moving in your life.

In Christ,
At 6:37pm on April 3, 2008, Paige Robertson said…
Hello Marium!!!
God Bless you my friend!!!
I have missed you. How are you doing? You have been on my heart. is there anything I can help you with? Can I pray for you about anything today? Hey, I am always up for prayer!!!
Please pray that I will have more peace and perseverance this timeof year. I dont know why, but this time of year I go into some type of seasonal depression. Youd think with all the nice weather that I would feel better, but not me. I dont know why> So Im leaning more on God, bu tyour prayers are greatly appreciated. Prayer is powerful. thank you.
So how is everything? Will you be able to travel much this year? Why dont you come out here to Utah? Im just kidding. I dont know if you really want to , but I can promise you that it is a heck of alot different than what you are used to! Id love to hang out with you!! Ha Ha!!!
Anyway, God Bless you my sister!!! Illbe thinking of you!!
PaigeChristian Graphics

Christian Graphics

At 1:31pm on April 3, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…

Thats good news that you will be more involved. Check out some of the new groups that have been started. Just think this net went over a 1000 the other day. Blesings BobBu
At 6:53pm on March 26, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…

At 1:20pm on March 24, 2008, AAG Netguy said…
Thanks so much for your encouraging words, Mariam. We let all of our moderators know about your greetings. I'm so glad TheNET is a blessing to you! Have a great day in Jesus!
At 5:57pm on March 21, 2008, Loida said…
Nice to hear from you again! Please pray for my mother, she had a stroke the other day. We keep on praying that the Lord will move mightily in her life. She is already a christian, all my family were already christians.

God bless you always.

At 7:23pm on March 17, 2008, Loida said…
Thanks for letting me in as your new friend here in this site!

Hope I can be of help whatever burden you are into.

God bless you!

At 2:09pm on March 16, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…
Mariam You have been on my heart since I got your message about the loss of your brother. We all hurt when any member of the Body of Christ hurts, My prayers are with you and your family. BobB
At 1:25pm on March 16, 2008, Paige Robertson said…
Hello girl!!!
Miss you! I havent seen you online for a while.
How are you sweetie? I have been thinking of you. I hope all is well. If there is anything specific you need me to pray for, let me know. Im here.
How is work going? I have got pretty busy lately this time of year painting. I love it but I get really tired. Especially with two babies tugging at me all the time. I also have been depressed a little bit about various issues that are happening. Some past, some present. But God knows and is faithful to help and heal us right?
I had a hard past too, Marium. It really sucked. But you and I are NEW! Lets celebrate our NEWNESS!!!! I love you and miss you
I hope to see you again soon
At 1:09pm on March 16, 2008, Frieda said…
Mariam, I hope you are well. I wanted to let you know that I am praying for you.
At 1:28pm on March 15, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…
Father, will you be a very present, faithful, help to Mariam today? Help her to rest in your faithfullness.
At 7:41am on March 13, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…
My sister let the Voice of Hope minister to you this day!object width="425" height="355">
At 7:30am on March 13, 2008, Collen said…
Hie Mariam

Hope u r keepin well

I pray that un remain in Gods favour

I was going thru your profile, and since iam one of those people who love the Lord and being friends with Christian people like you will surely be one of my good friends

remain blessed!!!
At 7:53am on March 8, 2008, Bill said…
Hi Mariam,

Sorry for the delayed reply. We have been dealing with some issues with our youngest son here. I have not been able to correspond with my friends as much as I would like too. I am still thinking about all my friends in Christ around the world.

4 Jesus,

At 6:00am on March 7, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…
My sister the day that Adam and Eve rebelled against the Lord and came down with a desease called sin and sin passes like a genetic desease from generation to generation to us, there is suffering, suffering from living in a sinful world filled with people who refuse to recieve the cure. In your country and many other countries christians suffer also. The word tells us that if we are suffering because of our faith, then we need to rejoice. Jesus said that while we are in the world we would face tribulation, but to be of good cheer for He has over come the world, In the book of Hebrew we have a list of people who suffered and died because of thier faith, all of the apostles were put to death except John who was put in this horible prison called the Island of Patmos. Jesus never promiced us that we would not suffer, but He promiced to never leave us.
I have been through alot of suffering in my life, I suffer now with a cronic pain disorder that limits me. But my sufferings have helped me to care more about a suffering world. A day will come when all of the tears of suffering will be wiped away, but now let us allow God to use it to make us better Christians. God bless you and help you to trust Him even in the face of suffering. There are 2 songs on this vidio, You are my Hiding place and I am desperate for You. This is what we who are suffering need to know that it is in His presence where we find comfort and grace.
At 11:29am on March 6, 2008, Paige Robertson said…
Hello again-
It sounds like Uganda is paradise. Just imagine what heaven will be like. Our minds just cant comprehend it. I try, but we really have no idea. God is infinite, we are finite.
Im glad you are here. I wouldnt know what to do it it wasnt for this site. I moved from one area to Utah to another part of Utah so I know only a few people. Plus I just had a baby, and the snow is horroble here so I have felt disconnected form all my friends and family . I get lonely, here at home with 2 babies. I get out once and a while and paint for the Lord at various churches, and such, but I still can be lonely at times. So pray that this bondage of lonliness will be taken away from me. I hope I can help you with anything you need too.
I am there girl, and Im learning more about my faith more and more each day...
At 10:51pm on March 5, 2008, Paige Robertson said…
Hello Marium!!!
I am soo happy to be your friend. What an honor to be friends with someone in Uganda! You will have to tell me all about it. What is it like out there? I unfortuneately have not ever even been out of the U.S.
I have my own business a an artist,/muralist. and just this year I won the contest for the new Utah quarter, which Im excited about. I see you are a marketing executive. That is soo cool. But what is really cool is who u r in Christ and how He has brought you to this site to fellowship!!

I am happy you are here. You will really enjoy the many groups and discussions that are available for you to be involved in. You learn soo much from everyone and thier walk with God.

If there is anything I can do, sweetie, let me know!!!
In Christ,
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