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Tessa's Comments

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At 1:05am on April 23, 2008, brateng said…
Tesa- good to hear from you. i have been missing your inputs but I praise the Lord for everything!!

May His name be praised for the vision. Thanks dear for letting me know this for it confirms many things for me. My wife just had about a similar vision a few days back. She told me she saw a multitude of people of all colours assembled in a lush green field somewhere she could not tell-as if ready for some harvest!. Unlike you, Christ did not inform her of the meaning of the vision. now, you have given us the answer.

I think the idea you have is divine and noble. What I should advice is that we pray over it least for seven days so that when we will not fizzle out as many discussions do. I am definately for this and will marshall more brethren I know who thirst for His return to enlist. You are surely angelic Tessa and i thank God for using you for He sees in you a vessel of honour.

I will now pray for your daughter. I trust that God will heal her. Good days and let's start praying that He gives us support, illumination and direction. love-Pst. Bernhard
At 9:59pm on April 22, 2008, David said…

Hi5 Comments @

Have a Blessed day my friend may the lord keep you and strengthen you today
At 12:23am on April 22, 2008, Nienie said…
Good morning my dear friend
Praise God for care and loves us so dearly! And the wonder is that implanted that love in our hearts so we can love others!!
Ah thank you so much for your sweet and kind words.
May you have a wonderful blessed day full of surprises from our Father!
Love in Christ
At 11:53pm on April 21, 2008, brateng said…
Hello Tessa-Nice to see you online. You are always a bearer of very good news. What does the Lord say today? I later got confirmation concerning the praying 60,000 in SA! God has started a revival that will blow all across Africa from down South Northwards.

We are actually in the thresh-hold of His coming. Maranatha!! Be blessed and let me hear from your end-Pst. Bernhard
At 1:10pm on April 21, 2008, Paige Robertson said…
Hello Tessa!!
It was good to hear from you. Sounds like you had a full house the other day. Wow! Good for you! 2 teenagers, and a 4 year old? Good job.
Im doing ok. Just trying to keep busy so I dont sit and have the same pity party I have been having the last couple weeks. I hate it!! and believe me, I shake it off then it keeps grabbing on to my leg again and again! This time of year ever since I was born has always been a hard time. Thanks be to God though, because its alot better than it was. I tell you for years it got soo bad that I couldnt go to school,eat sleep or even function. Now I have God first and foremost, Im on some meds, I have a great family of Christ to back me up.a counselor and a bunch of great friends like you to pull me through! Its just been a little harder because of the responsibilities of raising children. Having your kids really is a good way to motivate you quickly to get your mind straight, but its still hard.
I thank you for all your help,love,comments and prayers,sister!!! You are awesome!
"Because you have made the Lord,who is my refuge,even the Most High,your dwelling place,no evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling."~~Psalm 91:9-10
Thank you girl! I will talk to you again?
At 11:58pm on April 20, 2008, brateng said…
tessa-those are wonderful news. i have always known that south africa has a special place in the revival of the whole of africa as a continent. let's all pray for the 60,000 men men as they meet and rend their hearts to Jehovah!

i am so happy for teresia...seems our prayers have been answered. will talk more later in the day. God bless-pst. bernhard
At 11:42pm on April 20, 2008, brateng said…
Hi tessa-How did it go with Terry? Nice to see you active in the Net very early on a Monday. Confirms you care for the fellowship. God bless-Pst. Bernhard
At 11:25pm on April 20, 2008, Nica said…
God bless you!
At 8:09am on April 20, 2008, David said…
At 2:24am on April 18, 2008, Tessa said…
Hi Angie,

It is nice to meet, speak with you
Thank you, the most amaizing thing is God is waiting for us, he sits waiting for his people to ask him and yet we dont, another day goes by and yet again we dont ask God, imagine his disapointment, God has healed me, Paise and Honour be to God, yes I also agree it could also be a chemical imbalance, but nothing is to difficult for our Father, Jesus dies so that we may be healed, I know Satan will try again but I know now how to fight him, God said to me one day Tessa how do you fight the enemy if you do not know him, I started to look and listen when Satan attacks me and now I know, with the Lord's help, he shows me and guides me and I trust him completely, even when I dont feel like it or even have the energy I first plea the blood of Jesus over me, even if that is all I can do at the time and somehow the strength comes back. God said we need to stand together, and pray, thank you, I will pray everyday 10 o clock for depression, even if it is just a quick prayer I will stand and ask our God to bind that Spirit in the Children of God with you, he also said where two or more are gathered in my name, there I will be. God wants to be part of our lives in everything all the time.
In Jesus Name Love Tessa
At 1:58am on April 18, 2008, angie said…
Hi Tessa , just wanted to stop by and say hello we havent really met but I feel a connection with you and would love to pray with and for you that this spirit of depression will be lifted off Gods people. Theres alot of people (christians and non christians) who dont understand and think we have little faith and thats why this happens. I believe it can be a chemical imbalance as well as many other things. I believe that God will use me and my depression to minister to others who deal with the same thing and I can tell them how faithful God is!! He is a mighty God and he heals whom He choses to heal. In Christs love angie

The Lord is near to those who have a brokenheart.
And He saves those who are broken in spirit.
Psalm 34:18
At 5:37am on April 17, 2008, brateng said…
Tessa-Thanks for your reply comments. You always bless my day and I still wonder how you could conclude that I was upset with you. Gal, we are always happy in Christ Jesus...nomatter the circumstances! God bless-Pst. Bernhard
At 3:27am on April 17, 2008, brateng said…
Hi Tessa-Why in the name of God would I be upset with you? Please know that you bring me joy and never heart-ache. Friends like you are difficult to come by, really.

Well, I must thank you for that little tidbit about your twin sister. I will start praying for her right away that the lord prepares her heart to receive the Lord. May all forms of resistance from the devil be overcome in Jesus name!

My sister, sometimes I just marvel at how accurate words you casually put across are. The rapture is real, is enshrined in the Bible...and anyone who denies the rapture of the saints (believer or non-believer) may as well take the whole Bible and throw it away altogether. What I would like to let you know is that this should not surprise you. the rapture is a mystery...God needs to illuminate your mind to see it. Here the words of Paul in 1 Cor. 15-51ff "Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed..."

A believer who rejects the rapture should pull off his gloves: his walk with Christ becomes without hope.

Keep on digging for the truth. You are admirable and a worthy role-model. In Christ-Pst. Bernhard
At 2:12am on April 17, 2008, brateng said…
Tessa Hi!-I have been thinking of you too for I am yet to write to you the way I promised. I am still waiting on God to give me the exact words He has so that I don't burden you with what I think.

Yes, I already noted that Teressa is your twin sister, how lovely! I left her a welcome note and even mentioned that you are already my treasured friend (just check her page). I am sad to learn that one of your brothers is a muslim...I once was too but I thank God His grace found me and led me to glorious light. Just this morning I felt constrained to share something about ISLAM with my good sister Christy Gabriel from Indonesia. Please check her page to see this input. She is a great woman of God walking the continents in our lifetime.

Be blessed dear...I will get back to you pretty soon and when the Lord okays, I will make good my promise. God will definately bring all your siblings together for He wants a family of many brethren. Just continue to let the world know His goodness. Miss you-Pst. Bernhard
At 2:04am on April 17, 2008, Teressa said…
Hey there my sisiter thanx for shpwing me this website and i love you to and the kids Have a splendid and blessed day
At 12:16am on April 16, 2008, Nienie said…
Thanks my friend, stand in agreement with you on this!!!
Indeed we serve an awesome God for HE is worthy to be praised!!!
Praise God for you as a friend! And for your love and care!!
Have a fabulous day!
At 11:58pm on April 15, 2008, Nienie said…
Thanks so much for sharing this with me, for going through a bit of a rough time and having a lot on my heart and mind, is this testimony just what I needed. Praise God that you listen to the Spirit and share on the right time. Satan is such a liar and the worst is that we fall into his trap everytime!! But thanks to God leading us by His Spirit we can overcome the enemy.
Thanks my friend for sharing. May you have a lovely day filled with blessing out of GOds hand!!
At 10:42pm on April 15, 2008, kathleen aldea said…
hello,Tessa...yes really God is an awesome God!!!so sad others r too blind to see God's goodness in r lives... but then thru prayers all things r possible tru the help of r Lord Jesus Christ...i keep on praying that all people can experience God's grace... Kip n touch always...Godbless!!!
At 9:27am on April 15, 2008, Nica said…
Wow..i didnt know that i helped you. yeah, God works in mysterious ways and now He just used me to say His answer to you, im so honored. whatever His will for you, we know thats the best coz He doesnt give just good or better for His children...always the BEST!

Romans 8:28 - And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.

God bless you!
At 4:34am on April 15, 2008, Paige Robertson said…
Good Morning tessa!!
Thanks for writing me! It has been soo long since we connected, hasnt it. I missed you, but thought I said something wrong to where I may have hurt you or offended you. Im sorry if I have. I get crazy sometimes and carried away with all my "blah Blah Blah. I get excited to talk to you because we are so alike, and we can help eachother through soo many things !
How are you feeling? Is the depression getting a little lighter? Do you see a little light shining towards you?When I am down, there is complete darkness all around me. I feel as if Im being suffocated by myself. I picture my self in a chokehold by me.. Ha Ha,. no, but I think its from Satan. I know that I know that when you and I become Christians, the enemy doesnt like that at all, so he will try his darndest to trip us up in our walk with him even more so than when we were in the world. Dont you agree? Well good thing is, we are not alone in this. In Christ we are overcomers!!!

" If we are faithless, He remains faithful; for He cannot deny himself". ~`2 Timothy 2 :13~~

" But to you who fear My name, the Sun of
Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings
~~Malachi 4:2~~

Keep on keepin on sister!!! We can do all things in Christ that strengthens us!!!! Ill hear from you soon?
God Bless,

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