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Cara's Comments

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At 7:41am on May 19, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…

Yeh I am telling every one these days of my new praise word I got from my dear sister in Scotland,brilliant. You say you got your socks blessed off in church, I always say, I had to get a new pair of socks today. lol
Yesterday Church was awesome and brilliant, and wonderful as God's Spirit swept through the old brick church building. We sang this song In His presence and Gods presence came down and touched us all. I am always delighted to hear from you, your joy is contagious. Have a blessed week.
At 7:43am on May 17, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…
At 7:37am on May 12, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…

At 12:42am on May 12, 2008, Tessa said…
Goodmorning Cara

How are you today, did you have a wonderful mothers day, I have so blessed this weekend, God is so faithful, even if he does not answer our prayers immediately, he answers them, I was forcing my husband and kids to go on this christian camp, because I know it will bring them closer to God, they did not want to go, Friday night I had the bags packed and I was ready to go, my husband said he did not want to go, but was only going because I said so, God is teaching me to be humble, I am not used to it, anyway, I prayed and asked God what do I do, I am doing this for you how come this is not working out, God said, Tessa this is your will not mine listen to Shaun and thus you will gain his heart and bring him closer to me. I did this I said to Shaun it is okay we dont have to go, he was very surprised with my reaction and I could sence he could see the Lord in me, it was so amaizing. God is good, I always force them to do what I think is best for them, not what God thinks is best. I am learning overprotective mom and wife, God has already made so many changes in me it is so amaizing and i Love every minute of his teaching and changes. I Love him so much word cannot express.
He is our God, we are his children that is so amaizing.
In Jesus Name
At 11:38pm on May 6, 2008, Tessa said…
Dear Cara

I spoke to the Lord about your prayer request last night and this morning he gave this word to me for you.

Isaiah 2 vs 22

Stop trusting in man who has but a breath in his nostrils
Of what account is he.

The Lord also laid upon my heart to tell you

He wants to use this situation to win people over, he is using you and this situation, he said,

Go and Love them more than before and I will make straight the path of the wicked.

I know he wants you to show more Love, to those who turned their back on you, through this you will win the hearts of people you have been witnessing to and others.

I feel this is a test that Satan is trying to rob you and others, I see people watching you, watching to see what you are doing and through this they will turn to the Lord, when you still show unconditional Love.

I also see the Lord blessing you, more than you can ever imagine.

His Love is so amazing and he is going to pour out his Love on you, and thus sharing his Love with who turned their back on you.

This is only a temporarily set back, lift your head up high and praise the Lord.

His Love is so amazing; you are so blesses my sister
In Jesus Name.

At 4:11pm on May 6, 2008, Paige Robertson said…
Hello sis!!
I have been thinking of you. Sorry I have been kinda a flake lately. Im working on a couple art projects and I came down with a really nasty cold. Its really driving me nuts. My daughter is teething too which is really hard on her and me. My son didnt have any problem with it at all, so this teething thing is all new to me. Otherwise my life has been alright. Nothing real exciting to talk about,really. My emotions have been alright as long as I keep in the Lords word, and meditate on His promises all the time. I missed church Sunday, so Im looking forward to tonight. I think I already told you, but in case I havent,we are doing a great book study called "Breaking Free" by Beth Moore. She is such an incredible woman of God. I love her because she has been there and done that. I like to talk to real women who have been through real problems in life and have overcome them in Christ. I like her, and I like Joyce Meyer.
How is you and Jim doing?The dogs? Your son? You are blessed with a nice little family and such a wonderful "soon to be husband". You are lucky he is saved. Im hoping that one day, my husband will come to the Lord. Its all in Gods hands. Im not going to push my husband into anything. He needs to escept God with his whole heart and his whole mind. Not because I talked him into it.
Let me know how things are going sweetie. I miss you very much!!
At 3:43pm on May 6, 2008, Cate said…
Hey sister, how are you and Jim? Not heard from you for a few days. I'll have to ring you sometime and tell you what God ahs put on my heart recently.
At 7:20pm on May 4, 2008, Jenlynn said…
Just dropping in to say "hello". How are things with you? Things are ok here. Hubby is still cancer free. I have been busy trying to find work, hard to do these days. I am thinking about going back to school, depending if I can get a loan or not. I should find out in a couple days. I pray things are going well. God Bless
At 2:55pm on April 30, 2008, Cate said…
Of course I'll pray for you, even if you do drop the case, you know what happened and God knows as well.
At 11:20pm on April 29, 2008, Paige Robertson said…
Hello sweet sister!!
I cannot get you out of my mind! Now you are stalking me? Oh man! Cant you just talk to me? Dont stalk me! I love you too much.
How are you feeling? till doing good? Praise God!! I cannot believe the change in you! I see Christ in you just by looking at your photos and reading your messages. You are sooo loved!
A good friend of mine just joined, her name is Candice, and she has struggled like me and you. She still is, and IM sure shed like encouragement. Introduce yourself, she is a precious friend of mine. She has seen me at my worst and has been there for me through very tough times. She goes through things too just like me, but she is awesome. Her name is Candice.
Anyway, I would love for you to call me. I want to get to know you even more. I want to hear your voice. and what I really want to know is WHEN AM I GETTING A WEDDING INVITATION????? I better see one in the mail! Dont let this one go!!! Hes a keeper!!
I love you and Im there for you sister!!! I cant wait to talk to you. Did I give you my number? Oh well Ill give it to you again in your mail.
God Bless you
At 4:51pm on April 29, 2008, Cate said…
It's been warm here in Omagh as well. Brendan's speaking on the parables over the next few weeks. He did the parable of the wise man and foolish man buiding houses on Sunday. Erin, Mikey and Andy sang the song they wrote as well. It was brilliant, they're so talented. Look out for my blog over the next few days as I'll be starting to post the poems/prayers I've written over the last few months. Brendan says they read more like prayers.
At 6:25am on April 29, 2008, Moomins said…
Hi Cara, im just passing through, thought i'd pop in and see how you were. I hope you are well.
At 3:52pm on April 26, 2008, Paige Robertson said…

Hello sister!!
Oh, that message you left me was soo touching. Words cannot explain. You are an important friend to me.
Above is my son that I told you about, his name is Chase,3 yrs old. The baby of mine is Danielle,now 8 months. I love them dearly, but I had really bad ppd with her at the same time Chase decided to start his terrible 2's at 3. Plus we had just moved into a new house and we had moved far away from all my family and friends. Its been an adjustment, but Im still alive arent I? Thanks be to God! He is my only source of strength. People will come and go but my real trust and reliance is in the Lord. I thank Him that He wanted to save me and that He loves me like He does. Its amazing!
Anyway, Ill leave you a message in your mailbox now, ok? God Bless you sister! You are loved by me and all the other members here!
At 3:13pm on April 26, 2008, Cate said…
Hi. How are you? Hope you're ok. You'd love 'Church in the Cafe' which started on Thursday. It's instead of Prayer and Praise and yes is in Manu's. It was brilliant on Thursday. The Holy Spirit's presence was so powerful.
At 12:57am on April 25, 2008, Paige Robertson said…
Hello my dear friend!
I miss you and you have really been heavy on my heart.
Would you like to chat sometime?
I have MSN IM, or we can set up a time to chat here. I would really like to be able to connect with you more. I love you and I am soo blessed that you care like you do. I am still kind of struggling, but Ill be ok. Motherhood is just wearing me down. Love you sis!!!
At 12:16am on April 23, 2008, Paige Robertson said…
MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!
How have you been? I miss you an dhope you are ok. I think about you and your awesome love for the Lord alot. I do pray for you and hope that He continue to bless you and keepp you from the enemy who is always after us to kill, steal ,and destroy all that God has done and is doing in our lives. Keep up the great faith in Him. YOu are truly one of those Christians who are soo fired up for the Lord that its contagious!!! Thank you for helping me get that fire back!!! Im sure your life and testimony is helping alot of people here and encouraginf them that there is hope. There is healing and peace in Christ if you just stick with Him no matter what happens.
I am trying soo hard to hang on to HIm lately. I have really struggled emotionally lately. That is why I really havent been online too much. I just dont want to dump on you . I really am having fun on the pity potty and dont want to sit you on it either. Ha Ha. You have enough going on. But you can pray for me. I just need alot of encouragement right now. I think the enemy is really trying me!!
Anyway sweetie, I love you and I hope you are ok. If I can help you with anything or pray for you, Im there!!!
God Bless you!!!
At 6:58pm on April 19, 2008, Jenlynn said…
Hey have you been? I hope all is well with you. Things are great here. Too blessed to be stressed and too annointed to be disappointed! Have a "awe"some day! God Bless
At 2:53pm on April 17, 2008, Cate said…
Brendan didn't stay for the quiz. Malcolm, Stephen and I joined with Robert, Fiona, Andy, Helen, Gerard and Josie in a team. We came 7th out of 20 teams which was good going. It was good fun.
At 5:39pm on April 16, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…

I am telling all my friends I have anew word to praise God with,BRILLIANT,BRILLANT, BRILLANT LORD!!!!!
At 6:17am on April 16, 2008, Paige Robertson said…

Christian Glitter by

Hello and goodmorning cara!!
I see that you are online and so I just decided to stop in and see how you were. I pray that the joy of the Lord is still in your hearts and minds as you continue you newfound walk in Him. How is your boyfriend doing? Is he ready to get down on mone knee yet? Ha Ha. I know I keep bugging you about that.
I am still soo tickled how far you have come since I first talked to you. What a blessing before my very eyes! God wanted you and your future husband soo bad he was always drawing you with loving kindness. Praise God!!
Anyway, Id stay, but Im tired and Im going back to bed. I was just up with the baby, and thought about you so here I am!! I hope to hear from you later. Dont be a stranger sister!!!

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