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Darlene's Comments

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At 5:03am on October 1, 2009, Nikki said…
I keep forgetting to say, that I'm sorry about your parents, it must feel weird not having a generation above you. I miss my Dad too xxxxx
At 4:59am on October 1, 2009, Nikki said…
Hi Darlene, lol you have made me laugh this morning, What is a flipper??? the only flippers I know that human would have are the ones that go on your feet in a wet suit! lol We do call them bridges over here too, I also have one (but no flipper, I want one! ;-) ) I quite fancy looking like a pumpkin myself lol, on a serious note I hope it wasn't too painful for you. Did you understand the motor home ting, my husband tells me that in the states they're called trailers. I write also a bit like I speak, sort of I start saying one thing which will lead on to something else so my emails can end up with the top and the bottom on the same subject if you see what I mean lol My eldest daughter arrived today with her husband, her name is Emma and he is Tony, they're sleeping now as they travelled through the night. I'm sorry to have missed you in the chat room, I go to bed around the 12 a.m mark ish sometimes later. That I think is about 5p.m to around 6.30p.m to you, but I'm here earlier so I get up at 9ish for you that is 2a.m so when you get up I'm around most days if you can get on line earlier in your day, if not I could do a late night. My next daughter down had the midwife on Tuesday, she is due on the 6th oct but is ready now lol anyway please can you pray that she has him before next Tuesday as they are going to do a cervical sweep which is not very nice! Do you have a facebook account? anyway its 12 mid day here which means I think your end its 5a.m , so have a great day sweetie, Love Nikki x
At 1:46am on September 30, 2009, Nikki said…
Hi Darlene, yes it would be fun, I found out that we're about 7 hours ahead of you, so when you were sending me that 1st msg at 5.10pm it was 12.10 a.m here, I got out of bed just in case you were telling me you were in the chat room lol, I have one of these phones that lets you know you have mail, I was still awake though which is why I saw it. Ok I'll look forward to hearing about your dentist trip another Yuk here lol the dentist isn't my favourite thing. A caravan is like a motor home but you pull it behind a car :-) speak soon, love Nikki
At 4:41pm on September 29, 2009, Nikki said…
Hi darlene I'm in the same chat room as you are you able to chat?
At 1:52pm on September 29, 2009, Charlene said…
hey big sis, that devotional was good, and so true, ho ware feeling? i pray more than well, i am doing pretty good having los of contractions and stuff, i have a doctors appt n thursday so i will get to see whats going on. I wanted to tell you how grateful i am for your consistent friendship thru this whole regnancy! i have had some low moments and your messages always make me feel better and let me feel loved and not glanced over. You are such a blessing to me and i thank the Lord for you that we met and impressioned ourselves on eachother so much that we would write eachother often. I love you big sis and miss you and will let you kno how my appt goes on thurs...hope everything goes well at the dentist and he doesnt hurt your teeth lol i havent been to the dentist in sometime and need alot of work done
At 4:26am on September 28, 2009, Nikki said…
Hi Darlene, I promise I wont always answer straight away lol you don't have to but I'm sitting here and thought I might as well :-) Your ' I should of ' thing is so true, my eldest daughter and I have a little saying that lightens it a bit we say, ' we shouda coulda woulda ' lol but I know what you mean, there are a million things that ' I shoulda done' My days are very similar to yours,(except I'm not cooking for builders sadly lol) A bit of cleaning a bit of washing (ok I've got a washing machine to ) and alot of computer and sewing, and my daughters, either txting or phoning which is lovely. My husband Steve says things about my pc use but he also spends tiome on ebay looking at caravans and trike's we can't afford lol so he can't much really. Church yesterday was really good, we had our pastors brother speaking. He was funny and down to earth. It was about the zoe kind of life in us, God's life, he said there was nothing different in him than there was in us, which made me think, why don't I take the moments I have to say to to the Lord here' I am God sitting on this bus or in this queue or anywhere, is there anyone here you want me to talk to! I used to be more bold when I was younger now I tend to say wll if they mention you then I'll say lol I think it's called being a chicken lol don't know what they call it in the states though? Anyway it was really good, and set me up for the week, there was also a word that I felt was for me, which encouraged me loads. I love the Lord so much don't know if that comes across in my emails to you, but I do, he is my heart beat, I wouldn't want to go a day without Him. The best thing is that He loves me in spite of me, Praise God lol. Ok that's all for now, be blessed lovely and have a good day, love Nikki x
At 3:01am on September 27, 2009, Nikki said…
Darlene I x your email by mistake and now I cant get it back, didn't even get to read it, I was trying to take something else off form someone else and hit yours!!! please send it again. :-(
At 7:09am on September 26, 2009, Nikki said…
Hi Darlene sorry to worry you, I'm fine just got caught up in the day yesterday and felt like a piece of chewed string by the end of it lol so didn't come on here. Do you ever get days like that? Not necessarily ur problems but people you care about? Then it effects you cause you care, clear us mud eh? lol Anyway today is a better day. Yes I know what you mean about emails and also txt's they can be taken in the wrong intent. Never mind as we get to know each other better we'll understand better. It was my fault for not explaining properly. Anyway enough of past stuff. No we have no pets but did have a border collie called sally, she was lovely.When my daughter left home she took her with her as she was more her dog than ours. But haven't really had any others, oh yes there was a cat called pickle unfortunately she got run over. As you can probably tell I'm not an animal lover, I would never see one hurt and have had them but I think I'm probably to selfish with my time to properly take one to my heart. Saying that my eldest daughter who is who I am visiting in the picture you asked about is coming over this week, she lives in northern Ireland, its very pretty there. Anyway she is married to Tony who is partially sighted so he will be bringing Ezter who is a guide dog, she is a Hungarian vistler, think I'm spelling that right lol I love to them but if I'm honest it lways a relief for them to go because of the doggy smell lol not painting a pretty pic of myself here am I lol.
You made me laugh about losing your letter lol I download things and then cant find them! Where do they go??? computer heaven lol. I had a good phone call with my mum today which is always a relief, sometimes I can hear the strain in her voice which upsets me as she's so far away so I can't really do anything to help. I pray of course which is the best thing. I was saying to my friend the other day. we always say ' I can't do anything but pray' but prayer is the first and best thing to do anyway! we are an odd bunch us humans lol. Ok well that's it for now. hope your having a blessed day. What do you do on days that aren't Thursdays lol much love Nikki x
At 4:22am on September 24, 2009, Nikki said…
Hi Darlene I'm so sorry I think I've misled you over my sister and from missy's posting on my page she also has the wrong idea. I love my sister very very much and have prayed for her 2/3 times a week for over 20years. When I went to Spain I really tried my best to love in with His love, one of the hardest things I've done. Wendy is a very bitter self pitying person, everything in her life that has gone wrong she has turned into a pity party for her. Although the one thing my heart breaks for her over is that she lost her only son 4ys ago to a drink related accident. Even in that she has found away to blame and hurt other people mainly my mum. Its not un-forgiveness when I say she is not a nice person its just fact.I do forgive her she doesn't know what she's doing, she is so eating up with stuff she cant help herself. Ok just wanted to clear that up. Oh my fav verse is John14 v 27, got me thru some scary times.I love your one to, I hold on to that fact that God is a God of the impossible when I pray for my mum and wendy's salvation it looks impossible to me lol but Praise God he is the God of the impossible. I lost 4 stone before I gave up smoking because I knew would put weight on and I am a hefty woman. Cna you imagine now the cost! Dear lord we would both of had to get loans out to smoke lol. Hope you've enjoyed your thursday or if not yet gone hope you enjoy and be blessed. Love niiki
At 4:40pm on September 23, 2009, Nikki said…
Hi Darlene, I totally get the not living in the past thing, sometimes its easier said than done lol. My dad is no longer with us but he did get saved before he died, before me actually, bless him he gave me the money for my 1st bible but I spent it on cigarettes. I dont smoke now but when I did I di it well lol. I love my dad very much he wasn't a mean drunk just a weak man, but you don't realise that as a child, my poor mum was the one I didn't like when I was a kid. Bless her heart she was dealing with 3 daughters all strong minded a husband that drunk and cheated on her and her mother-in-law lived with her! It was no wonder that she was a little harsh, she was trying to keep it all together. My sister has been sober over 3yrs, she lives with my mum, but unfortunately she is not a very nice person. When I was there last year she made it a living hell. I have another sister who lives here, we get on very well. Have you got brothers and sisters? Also was wondering about the time difference between us, it's 23.30p.m here. I guess the alcoholism has effected my life, I had a drink problem in my teens and early twenties, not like an addict but couldn't stop when I started. I don't like my kids drinking which none of them really do Praise the Lord. Anyway I'm so grateful that the Lord picked me up 25 yrs ago dont know wher me or my family would be without Him. Do you have good friends around you? I have 3 one of them I've known since I was 13 she's also called Nicky. Ok rambled enough. Hope you don't mind me sharing my life | think it helps to get to know people. Love Nikki
At 1:11am on September 23, 2009, Charlene said…
hey big sis, miss you lots, just anted to stop by and tell you that i am feeling very el and am tryin to keep in good spirits!i love you and i will probably write later when its not so late lol muah
At 2:44am on September 21, 2009, Nikki said…
Hi Darlene, wow that must of been really upsetting! Takes time to trust again after that doesn't it. I wish I'd stayed in my first church, but there you go you live and learn.It's a good job we have Jesus He'll never leave us.
I love hearing from you but don't want you to feel pressured to write back straight away, its ok if you leave it couple of days, but no longer mind! (kidding) I'll still be here. Well this is my day today, Steve my husband is going to see his daughter from his first marriage and I'm having a day to myself, going to some housework (yuk) and then some cross stitch. I'm doing a Christmas stocking for the new arrival, who should be arriving in a couple of weeks. Then got my youngest daughter coming for dinner with her boyfriend. Who I like but he has a drink problem, which having grown up in a family with an alcoholic dad and my sister too, I'm not very happy about it. What can you do? They choose there own paths. Not that I've been quiet with my opinion of course lol I have trouble not giving my opinion sometimes. Ok lovely I'm off, I hope you have a really blessed day. Love Nikki
At 8:10am on September 20, 2009, Nikki said…
Hi Darlene your church sounds nice. I too have trouble going regularly no real reason either, my husband does shift work he@s a bus driver and doesn't always want to go. We've been saved for 25 yrs started off in the church were at now but at in the beginning we were there for 8yrs the left because we went somewhere closer to home (big mistake) ended up at what we thought was a good church and gave it are all for 7yrs got involved in as much as we could. I had a difference of opinion with the pastor and he turned on me like a street fighter so we ended up leaving. The sad thing is the ppl I thought were my friends never spoke to me again! So its left me with a big mistrust of ppl. I had a sort of spiritual and emotional breakdown after that. It took awhile but the Lord never left me, I just started talking to him and reading the word, I tend to check everything out now I'm told in a sermon, I don't want to ever rely on ppl's word about God again, I'd rather see for myself. Don't get me wrong I have the utmost respect for my pastors at church I have known them all my Christian life but the other church the pastor was not of a right heart. It wasn't just me he had behaved like that to. It's a shame as it has left me very suspicious of people and where I went to church morning and night i now go weeks when I don't go. There you go I'm rambling away again. Hope you had a blessed church today mine was really good. love Nikki
At 6:13am on September 19, 2009, Nikki said…
Hi Darlene, Yes that's more than ok to x things. I love hillsongs got a lot of there cd's. I used to start my morning at work with my ipod on while doing before opening stuff. I understand what you mean about past mistakes effecting things with our kids, Rob grew up most of his life in a " christian" home. I put those marks on it because when you come to the Lord as an adult you bring all the damage with you from your own up bringing so my husband and took awhile to change (still a work in progress lol) Anyway the love of the Lord will change both our situations, I know He wants reconciliation for us all :-) Does your church do hill song songs? mine does occasionally. I've always wanted to come to the states and one day we will. Ok be blessed love Nikki x
At 12:08pm on September 18, 2009, Nikki said…
Hi Darlene, yes it is a shame that people don't see the beauty in a disabled person, I didn't appreciate them till I worked with them. I sorry you don't get to see your kids much that must be hard. I've had a falling out with my son at the begining of the year, he doesn't want to see me, I miss him everyday. Although I know the Lord is doin a work in him so it makes it a little easier. No I don't live in Spain, I live near London in the U.K. My mum has lived there for ten years, my eldest sister lives with her.
I hope you have a really blessed weekend, what's your church like? Mine is pentecostal type/ It's really nice being able to chat to you, I'm looking forward to getting to know you more and you me. Love Nikki
At 2:46am on September 17, 2009, Nikki said…
Hi Darlene, I can see why Thursdays would be your favourite day! It sounds wonderful. I was a manager for a charity shop here,I did that for 51/2 years but last year my mum had a stroke and I went to help my sister to look after hetr. As she live in Spain I ended up having to give up my much loved job. Anyway the reason I tell this is because we had volunteers with special needs, not as servere as your lovely ppl, they we're and wonderful ppl. Jill was one of them and she would always no if I was a bit down and gve me a hug, blees her heart. The lovely ting is that you and know that there's a heaven waiting for them to make them whole and to give them an eternity of blessings, oh how lovely is our God! I am going to find something to volunteer in as the job market over here is rubbish. But first my middle daughter is going to be giving birth in 3week, yay so excited. I'm going to be in the labour room with her and her husband, yippee! Anyway so for the next few months I want to be on hand if she needs me. I do have 3 other beautiful grandchildren but don't get to see them like I would like, they are my sons kids. Don't know if its the same over there but that's what usually happens with your sons kids. I going to definitely make sure my daughter does it fairly between me and kev's mum. It does sound like my husband would love that fishing area. OK that's all for now, not sure of time difference, so I'll say enjoy your Thursday. Love Nikki (it's 9.45 a.m here )
At 2:37pm on September 16, 2009, Nikki said…
Hi Darlene wow that is scary! I've always wanted to do jury duty as well (in theory) but then the reality is it could be a real gruesome case that I'll think about forever lol. My day has been good, I get together with 2 friends on a Wednesday to pray and that's always nice, chat, lunch and pray, what's not to like lol. I see you like fishing are you good at it? t poor husband is a novice and hasn't caught anything bigger than 3inches! Bless him. I'm more of a sit in a garden chair with a good book and enjoy the scenery. I also like cross stitch and knitting. Do yo have kids? What's an average day like for you?
At 12:44pm on September 14, 2009, Charlene said…
At 6:10pm on September 7, 2009, Charlene said…
hey big sis, i love that psalm and its an excellent reminder of the fact that God is so soverign He made us and knows whats best for us! I am doing as well as can be expected i have 10 more weeks till my due date and am defintly starting to feel the wear and tear of sleepiness coming over me alll the time lol, how are you feeling? I pray well in every area of your life, i have been keeping you guys in prayer i love you and will talk to u soon
At 11:00pm on September 2, 2009, Charlene said…
hey big sis, im sorry to hear that she hung up on you, i cant understand hy she is so upset especially if you called her, you defintily did the best thing that you could do which was ask God!He will surely work it out, especially since you came to Him, all i can do is give you my opinion and i would say send her the letter the worse that can happen is she doesnt read it which she doesnt want to anyway but wait on the Lord to help you discern the situation because i know that i may have no idea what i am talking about and His ways are greater than ours, i am still praying for you guys and for restoration. On another note today was a prety hard day for me, lots of nausea and dizzness but i am feeling beter this at the moment THank God, but i am definitly about to lay down the babay is squirmig all over the place, i think i tend to hunch over when i am on the computer and she doesnt like it, love you and talk to you soon-me<3

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