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Erik Benjamin O Corcorain's Comments

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At 12:11am on March 17, 2008, Nica said…
Hi Erik! Just popped in to say 'hi'! Have an awesome day with Lord! Hope to see you soon in the Chatgroup:)..God bless you! -nica
At 11:10pm on March 16, 2008, Frazer said…
Hey, would you be interested in coming to Capo Beach Calvary sometime in the next few weeks? If not, that's fine. I understand if you're busy, etc. Personally, I get a lot more out of going to Capo than when I went to Friday nights. Rachel and I go Thursdays and Saturdays. Let me know.
At 8:23pm on March 16, 2008, Ray said…
Haha, wow, that was nice of you. Thanks.
At 3:37pm on March 16, 2008, Ray said…
Okay, thanks a bunch! I have no idea what I'm doing just yet, but this place sure is interesting.
At 6:37pm on March 15, 2008, CORKLEXUS said…
im not too sure what to make of this site eric ,every message i recieve seems to have references to god .its ik to love god and be thankful but it doesnt needto be in every sentance and message.
At 4:45pm on March 12, 2008, Moomins said…
Hi Erik, of course i will pray for you. I can only imagine how intense this time of waiting is for you. Just remember, The Lord has a plan for each of us. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
love moomins
ps. dont you go listening to that Christian Speegle guy, its him that causes me the problems :) lol :)
Actually, he's a great guy, you will be able to speak to him in the chatbox, he's a lot of fun, appeals to our kind of humour...
Remember, im here if you need a chat, im only a message away.x
At 11:08am on March 12, 2008, Frazer said…
Well, if we're going off of our fields, then I have an "Emma Clery" in sight - but her name is not Emma to avoid confusion with my friend Emma - but I don't know how that will go if ever. So it goes. HAHA! God's in control of it. Well, I best be going. I have class then I have to study for Soc Sci... Communism. It's quite interesting.
At 11:06pm on March 11, 2008, Frazer said…
Well, I'll be keeping it in prayer. It sounds like a great opportunity. I know the Lord could use you over there.
At 3:00pm on March 10, 2008, Moomins said…
Hi Erik, if you go to the 'groups' tab at the top of the page and select it, that will take you to a page with all of the active site groups, scroll down until you find TheNETchatgroup, click on the logo and request an invite. If you have anymore probs let me know.
At 1:45pm on March 10, 2008, Frazer said…
Sounds cool! D.C. is nice! It's definitely good that you will be a Christian example over there. Politics needs it. I was going to try to go to Trinity, but I think I'm going to stick to UCI. If all goes as planned, I will graduate early. I'm a sophomore now, so it shouldn't pose a problem. Still, I'm probably going back between my Bachelor's and PhD... I have some other choices too... I could try to find a grad school in Europe or teach over there when I become a professor. Anyway, I'm set on ging sometime. I have to get to Dublin on June 16th sometime for Bloomsday (I'm reading Ulysses now)... Good luck with George Washington University! Did you find out if you're in yet?
At 12:10am on March 10, 2008, Frazer said…
Oh, and before I forget: we gave Kramer away.
At 12:09am on March 10, 2008, Frazer said…
I know how it is.... I have 18 units on the quarter system, and finals are not this week but next. On top of that, three papers (thankfully I just (minutes ago) finished with a draft of one and 2/3 of another)... Not looking forward to the end... Worried about physics. Otherwise, next quarter should be good. I get to start taking my upper div. classes.

I'll definitely keep you in prayer. What exactly will you be doing in D.C.?
At 6:48pm on March 9, 2008, Heather2008 said… this just like...Christian facebook er' something?
(lol I got this automatic invite from you in an email)

At 4:11pm on March 9, 2008, Frazer said…
So how's it going?
At 3:19pm on March 9, 2008, Frazer said…
Curious... Is this the Christian equivalent of facebook?
At 2:43pm on March 9, 2008, Moomins said…
Hi Erik, nice to meet you and welcome. I joined TheNET last year too for fellowship and to learn love and share with each other, but I tell you, ive got so much more than that. This place ROCKS!!!
Love your interests, communication, the world does seem to have forgotten that is. You should join TheNET chat group, there is usually someone in there, we have quite a lot of discussions and fun :)
Yes, im from the uk, Scotland, infact, Scottish through and through. Nice to see the Irish on here, even though you are not resident there just now. The colour on your page dont have anything to do with country representation do :)

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