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Mandy's Comments

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At 12:16pm on April 7, 2008, Paige Robertson said…
Hello Mandy!!
Been tryin to get in touch with you. I hope you are ok.
Im doing better I guess. A new week is ahead so I can start a new. Weeping may endure for a night but there shall be joy in the morning. Thank God for that.
I really like the phtos that you put on. So who's funeral was that? I just love those older gravestones in the older gravesites. Where is that? Is it an indian reservation? Wherever it is it looks really cool.
Anyway, keep in touch. and keep me in your prayers. I still am struggling with mommy hood, bu tIm glad I have you and all the other rmommies here to help me. Thank you.
Ill see you later!!

At 11:26am on April 7, 2008, Darcy said…
Hi Mandy,

Thank you for your warm welcome and kind blessings. I would like to chat further with you as it seems we have some of the same issues we've dealt with in life. This day is kind of busy for me though but I will come back to you and chat.

Love & God Bless!

At 6:14pm on April 6, 2008, STEPHANIE said…
At 5:48pm on April 6, 2008, Teresa said…
Dear Tammy:

Thanks for the messages. It's good to hear from you. Paige is real nice to me, too.

At 4:16pm on April 6, 2008, Paige Robertson said… myspace graphic comments
Graphics for Hugs Comments
Hello I see you!!!
Hi my friend!!! How are you?
I hope you r having a blessed Sabbath!! How was church today? I hope it was good and it uplifted your spirits! I went to my new church today again, and I really like it. My husbands oldest daughter,Brandi went with me, and loved it. She has been saved for quite some time, but never really grew and kind of stopped going to church. Im glad she came. I think it really got her back into the swing of things!
So, how was your week? Im glad you are feeling better,honey. I was thinking about you all week hoping youd get better and it sounds like you have. Praise God. Good to have you back my friend!!!
I got the book, Power of a Praying Parent and I thought Id share some scripture with you-

"The mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him, and His righteousness to childrens children, to such as keep His covenant, and to those who remember His commandments to do them." ~Psalm 103:17-18

God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.
~John 4:16

For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. ~Romans 8:6

Anyway I hope you are getting your messages. God Bless!!!
I miss you!
At 1:20pm on April 6, 2008, STEPHANIE said…
At 1:16pm on April 6, 2008, STEPHANIE said…
At 3:58pm on April 5, 2008, Paige Robertson said…
Hello Mandy!!!Hot Myspace Comments

Hot Myspace Comments

How are you? I got your message the other day. I really appreciate you and all the time you take to help me. Do you know how awesomr you are? God said"This daughter of mine is going to be a mighty helper and counselor in my name!!!"
So how are you? Still feeling a little under the weather? I just got over a cold too, and boy did it suck!! My daughter still has it and my son is showing signs of it. Fun times,right? It can be REALLY exciting being a mom when this stuff happens. So how is you and the family, I always like to pull up your profile page because you and your family look soo happy.
You may want to pray for me and my marriage. I just am having a real hard time lately being so alone most of the time with the kids. Like you said I need to get out more consistently. My husbands job situation isnt going to change, so I guess I have to do all the changes again. It seems like he is always right, and Im just this overly emotional "wifey" that doesnt appreciate him. I tell you it really is wearing on me. He is am awesome man, and a great provider, and everything is really ok, Im just really scare that this is it. Its me and the kids. I just am concerned for us and my husband. His health is another issue. He is quite a bit older than me and his health isnt the best. He doesnt smoke or drink, he just doesnt eat very well or get adequate excersize. Im the opposite. Oh Mandy, I dont want to sound awful, Im just lonely and frustrated. I hope you understand.
I hope you are doing good. I surely miss you too. You are one of my best friends here on TheNet. I hope to hear from you soon. Keep in touch. God Bless you!!!
At 5:22pm on April 4, 2008, Mandy said…

Christian Glitter by

Thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ who saved us!
At 4:34am on April 3, 2008, Paige Robertson said…

Christian Glitter by

Hello friend!!!
I sent you a message in your email. Hope you got it.
I hope you are feeling better. You are have been on my heart and I have been thinking about you all the time. Angie and I have been talking alot, and we were saying how BLESSED we were to have you in our lives!!!! You are a great help and encouragement in our lives, and looking at all your messages, you are dearly loved by many others!!! I hope that nasty cold is gone. I think I can feel one coming so I better start downing the Vitamin C!!!!! Danielle is sick, and my son is a walking "Bugga King"!!!!! Oh, and he is proud of it!!!
Anyway, lets start talking again regularly. I miss you and all that you do. You can call me too, alright?
~~The Love of Christ
compels us.~2 Corinthians 5:14
At 7:48am on April 2, 2008, angie said…
At 9:01pm on April 1, 2008, Phabs said…
Hey Mandy
I hope you all are doing better with your mother moving away. is that where you original from? I so want to visit TX
At 5:39pm on March 31, 2008, Teresa said…
Dear Sis:

Sorry you're sick with a sinus infection. I know how that can really knock the wind out of your sails. I feel like I own the pharmacy at Walgreens--I've spent so much money on prescriptions during the month of February. Well, hope you feel better.


At 5:45pm on March 30, 2008, GoingMyOwnWay said…
Thanks Mandy for your comment - and you are so right. This whole sense of belonging to a particular religion does divide people - it has definitely made me very confused, as to who I should be a part of. That's why I think I'm not going to worry about whether I am Catholic or Anglican or any other type of Christianity - I'm a Christian and I follow the Word of God. That's what should really matter. :)
At 5:40pm on March 30, 2008, Phabs said…
Hey Mandy
I don't know if there is a specific passage that sheds light on the RCC as a whole, I would suggest researching each specific claim, it will take some time. but is is definitely worth it, There are some great websites that can help. Try , and i suggest starting from the foundation of the RCC or what they claim is their foundation, Christ building the church on Peter, the "first pope"
At 6:12pm on March 28, 2008, Paige Robertson said…
I am soo glad to see you back!! I have missed you dearly!!!
How are you? Im sorry your computer wasnt working. That would really mess me up because I think Im hooked!!! Meet me in the chat room ok? Again Im glad you are back I have soo much to talk about!!!
Blessings to you and your lovely family!!!
At 11:53am on March 27, 2008, Yuri said…
Thanks for that refreshing message. Blessings Yuri
At 7:36am on March 27, 2008, ActualMaureen said…
Good morning and God Bless! I am looking forward to knowing you better! You have a beautiful family!
At 6:51am on March 27, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…

Hey Mandy, I wanted to let you know that I have a friend from my church who joined the net. Her name is Actualmareen, her testimony will be a great blessing to you. I am glad for your blessing of getting set up with a new computer. God bless for now BobB
At 6:58pm on March 26, 2008, Paige Robertson said…
Hello my dear friend!!!
I praise our God and Father for you!!! Do you realize how much you mean to me? Seriously, you mean the world to me. I appreciate all your time and all your love. We are the body of Christ and you are an important member of it. I know I couldnt function without you! Your advice is great. you put me at ease. I will leave you a message on your email and let you know what is going on, ok? I just wanted to drop in and thank you!!!

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