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Ramona P. Jacobsz's Comments

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At 8:12am on July 3, 2008, Nienie said…
My liewe dierbare sussie
Sêvir Jes hierdie tannie al ken sy haar nie sê baie geluk! Is trots op haar!! SA kampioen!!wel dit wil gedoen word ne!
O my sussie ek geniet haar maar die tyd is net te min!! Het die ete gisteraand vreeslik geniet, syt har mamma verras, ekt gedink sy kan nie 'n eier kook nie en daar kook sy 'n hele ete (miskien is eiers kook dalk te ordinêr)(lol)
Ja kinders so onder druk te plaas vir kompetisies en wen is nie vir my gesond nie,maar lyk my dis al of dit van almal verwag word!
Het jy 'n gewone rekenaar vriendin? maak seker jou numlocks is aan. druk dan alt (hou hom in) en 136 dit gee die kappie op die e. hoop jy kom nou reg! maar dit is nie so noodsaaklik ek verstaan!
DAnkie vir gebede my sussie, veral nou... Ek wag vir Pappa se MIRACLES, soos een liedjie sê, I am awaiting a mighty move of GOD!!!
Lief jou baie my vriendin!!
Jesus liefde
At 11:31am on July 2, 2008, Nienie said…
Hallo my sussie,
skiesie ek moes nog gister jou verduidelik hoe werk die leestekens... jy moet kyk dat jou num locks aan is en dan druk jy alt en kode bv 136 om die leesteken te kry, (dis nou op 'n gewone pc hoor,ek glo 'n laptop sn werk anders, ek sukkel nog met dit... wys maar net weer, nooit te oud om te leer nie!!)
Hoop jou daggie was vol vreugde!! Ek het my hand styf on my Pappa sn en is honger vir 'miracles' uit Sy hand!!!!
Hoe het dit gegaan met die kleingoed se kompetisies in PE? Laat weet hoor!
Ek gaan vroeg af vanaand want my oudste meisiekind is terug van sendingwerk in Swaziland, syt vanaand saam haar sussie (en bietjie hulp vd boetie) heerlik vir ons kos gemaak, tafel gedek en het saam met die groot liefde gery om dvd te gaan uitneem dat mamma kan saam ontspan.... Ag my sussie ek is so gebless met my kinders, die Here het my omtrent bederf!!! Ek is Hom elke dag dankbaar!
Lekker aandjie my liewe vriendin
Vrede, vreugde en seën
At 11:22am on July 2, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…
Here have a Jesus hug!!!!

At 8:00am on July 2, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…
At 5:38am on July 2, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…

I can't wait to see these who are the least here like Stevie will be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
That is also a good reason to bless them.
My friend you are a special addition to this site, I have known you for such a short time, but you have touched my heart so much. Thanks for being here and sharing your relationship with the Lord with us all. In the love of Christ.
At 12:16am on July 2, 2008, brateng said…
Sister Jacobsz,

You are an admirable woman...if for nothing else, but for your consistency and warmth in serving Christ!

My wife Mary is fast becoming an ardent admirer of you...or rather "of Christ at VISIBLE WORK in your life." You see, I always print out most of the touching mails brethren share with us here at AAG and take them home to share with my wife who has not the privilege of being availed a pc...and she just drinks and drinks from the little you share so liberally.

I was surprised today that just before I left the house, she called me out and reminded me, " Please don't forget to bring me something more from Sister J". I half-heartedly told her I will for I couldn't know for sure whether there 'would be something more'...but praise God, when I opened my page there was not one...but two:'So You Want To Be A Success?' and 'STEVIE'. I am happy for I won't dissappoint Mary when I go back. Doesn't that speak volumes about service in simplicity? May God bless you my sister.

I know that true Christianity cannot be limited to geographical boundaries. But sometimes I just wonder because many are the times when people from a certain geographical location display similar traits (even in spiritual matters, hey!) that can only leave us wondering. I say this because for long time now I have witnessed relatively above-board spiritual maturity in our colleagues down in South Africa. I totally agree with my Bro. Bob Bushman that true revival in Africa will emanate from down South! Don't I have spiritual giants there already? darling mom Nienie, my sister Tessa, my brother Ron Payne, my struggling sweet sister African Angel...and now you, my dear and beloved of my wife!

God bless South Africa! I am not trying to just being modest...may God be glorified!!

Please know that the little you do for all of us are appreciated...and that peoples' lives are blessed even beyond the Net immediate family. Will you please see with me what Christ can do? I love Christ Ramona!!! He is indeed in all, through all and ABOVE ALL...

More power to you dear-Pst. Bernhard C.
At 6:33pm on July 1, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…

At 8:48am on July 1, 2008, Nienie said…
My sussie dankie vir die spesiale boodskap inderdaar net vir my bedoel. Aangesien ek self lief is vir borduur,sal ek nooit weer aan 'n lappie werk sonder om aan die te dink nie, wat 'n mooi gedeelte.
Baie geluk met Mari se verjaarsdag,ag kinders is sulke wonderlike geskenke uit die Here se hand!. Ons bid dat Pappa Jesus Jessica se vinger gaan herstel sodat sy haar beste sal kan lewer, Hy is die Geneesheer.
O maatjie van die werk sê ek niks....... 'n enorme gebedsaak!!
Dankie vir jou as vriendin in my lewe inderdaad 'n ligstraaltjie op die pad!!! Jesus het jou lieflik saamgeweef sodat ons kan vreugde put uit jou liefde!!
Mooi dag my vriendin. Lief jou!!
At 4:32am on July 1, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…
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At 12:31pm on June 30, 2008, Ramona P. Jacobsz said…
My liefste Vriendin
Baie dankie vir jou briefie. Moenie my "u" nie - ek is jou jy en jou jou..(smile) Ek stuur vir jou 'n spesiale gediggie - dit het my opgelig en lekker laat voel...

Lief vir jou en mooi bly - geniet jou vakansie - dit is van korte duur. (Dog jy is nog by jour vriendin).

Baie liefde en soentjies in Jesus
Ramona P.

I think that as a child, God was chasing me,
Wanting me to know him and have life eternally,
He let me meet some people, who loved his life within,
But I didn't allow him to touch my heart, I didn't let him in.

As I grew up, my life went from good to bad,
Then when I turned 20, it's the worst time I had.
The Lord's enemies took the joy of life from me.
So I went looking for my Lord, but found myself deceived.

New Age and Psychics were thrown in my path,
Little did I know that it stirred up God's wrath.
So there I was, lost, lonely and confused.
Talking to God's enemy, not knowing what to do.
I thought it was God but little did I know,
That nothing satan does allows good fruit to grow.

When I finally realised that I was not on God's track.
I submitted myself in humbleness and asked for my life back.
I pleaded for forgiveness and when it was granted.
Things started to improve, my real life had started.

He loves me you see, so He came to my aid.
He picked me up and brushed me off
And walked with me that day.
And ever since then, I've changed from within.
He's let me be the person I was to begin.

He's revealed in me the truth of how life should be lived.
He's opened my eyes anew, not living as I did.
He let me touch his heart, and I let him touch mine,
I look for him as silver, a precious thing to find.

My new life has just started and I know I'll win this race,
Because with Jesus at my side, all things I can face.
So if you're feeling lonely, lost or confused,
You have a friend called Jesus, He will always see us through.

Copyright? Kylie Welch
At 1:40am on June 30, 2008, brateng said…
My Dear Sister,

Kindly allow me to thank you for all you do for us jointly here at AAG. Your writings always bless my soul to the uttermost for there is always the push of the Spirit behind each. Please don't be disappointed if I cannot reply all because internet access and time are at times the problem.

I am happy to see you are already friends with my friend Bob Bushman. He infected me with the bug to love and hold dear South Africa! Like him, I am convinced that the greatest revival that will engulf the whole of Africa will eventually come from that land of is a land of God!

I will endeavour to create time to know you more. Hope you wont mind for I admire the spiritual plane you are in. Please, assist me in praying for the demolition of religious barriers in muslim-engulfed Indonesia! This is the cry of my heart.

Thanks once again for all you do here and may He add graciously from wherever you take. With Christ's love-Pst. Bernhard C.
At 7:07pm on June 29, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…
You know there is no place on this Earth that I have prayed for more than South Africa for the last 25 years. I felt the Lord speaking to me about a great revival that was going to come to Africa in a morning prayer group that I was in at the time. God is already starting that revival and I will leave you a video about it that is only obout 5 min. long.
Thank You Father God for the hunger you have placed within my sisters heart for revival to touch her land. Father hear her cry and let her see a mighty out pouring of the Holy Spirit come to her town, her city, her country, her land in the name of Jesus. Bless you dear sister for now.
At 9:42am on June 29, 2008, Ron Payne said…
Ramona, Ek wil net een ding se. Ek wens my Afrikaans was net so goed as jou engels.
In fact I wish my English was as good as yours.
I felt extremely heartsore for your whole family as I read of what must have been a terrible ordeal at the time. Not easy to understand and certainly not easy to get over.
I know that the Lord will always draw close to all of you. Please accept the little support I can give and Yes! I also believe that such incidents will not change the Grace and Mercy of God our Father towards his children.

Briefly. As a young man of 18 I went into the Fire Department in East London, while there I became a Christian in 1958. After a couple of years I received a Calling and went to Theological College. From there I took up a Post as Superintendent of a Rehabilation Centre for Alcoholics, the name of the Centre was called Northlea and had 30 to 50 Inmates at any one time. It was completely self contained in that the men stayed there for approx 6 months. It had it's own hospital, Doctors, Social workers, counsellors and Nurses.
Not wanting to be too long winded and also not to use too many of "I" and "I" - I finally landed up as a Manager for an American Bank in S. Africa called CitBank. I headed up their communications section and found myself travelling all over the world every three or four months.
Because they are so large, they have branches in almost every country and all those who were responsible for the communications had to continually meet at conferences to make sure we were all doing the same thing. Earlier in life I had no enterest in travelling overseas. I was always scared that it would cost me a fortune to go and when I arrived there I would say: "Ag nee man, die plek lyk net soos Vereeniging."
Anyway at no cost to myself and staying at First class hotels wherever I went, it was quite an experience.
I retired in 1996 and we went Caravanning around the country from JHB where our home was. Eventually we moved to Port Edward. (Bad mistake) and here we are.
We have three sons and their wives plus 2 grandsons and 4 grand daughters. All dedicated Christians.
The Lord has truly blessed us all.

Ah! Almost forgot the Church, we are at the Baptist Church here in P.Edward, but quite comfortable amongst any evangelical denomination.
Gene used to be a trained nurse, is of Jewish extraction and I must add that when a Jewish person
finds that Jesus is Yeshua Ha'Mashiach, they really go overboard and put us all to shame in their devotion and love for Him.

Did you know Ramona (Just a point of enterest while on the subject) that they have discovered through DNA testing that the Jew has one part of their DNA that only people of Jewish extraction have. But here comes the surprise. Through a voluntary test made on the DNA of a large group of people and also looking at records that they have. They have found that there are at least 22 million people who do not know that they have the same DNA line as Jews. If they were to apply for citzenship in Israel as Jews, and presented their DNA test, they would not be rejected. So much for the lost tribes of Israel.

OK my love to you and Cornelius plus your loving family.
Ron and Gene
At 12:37am on June 29, 2008, Rarichan P said…
I am happy to hear from you.
i really congrats you for the great works you do for the kingdom of God . God will realy bless you and family members. I feel that God does things through people whom He loves. To do goods to others is also a gift of God. And now you are.
I pray to God almighty to pour all blessings upon you and all your family members
At 2:48pm on June 28, 2008, Ron Payne said…
I was just quietly hoping that you would say: Hey Ron, I also come from East London... Oh well no surprises for me today!

The kindness you and Cornelus have shown is wonderful. (I spelt Cornelus they way you did, is that correct or is it Cornelius)
The Lord allows nothing to pass Him by that He will not reward. (Good or Bad) Especially helping out as you both did. I like the red Cadilac, a great name for the Bike. Ja en splinter nuut, nog al. WOW!

Also thank you for keeping me in touch about Miguel.
The Lord will also richly bless Alta and Wian.

I see you have a son in Medicine. Our Son Leslie is also a Doctor and specialises in Pretoria at the Eugene Marais hospital.

My klein en oulik vroutjie se naam, is Gene.
We are both the Lord's spoilt children as are our three sons, their wives and their families..

Ramona thank you for the nice commendations you made about me, but I am simply a sinner saved by grace. Both you and Cornelus sound like wonderful people, who also love the Lord dearly. Thank you for your love that you so graciously pass on to us.
Unlike the rest on AAG who are miles from us, ons twee is baie naby mekaar.
Liefde en Soentjies hoor - Ron en Gene
At 4:48am on June 28, 2008, Rarichan P said…

thank you verymuch
how are you
At 12:23am on June 27, 2008, Sylvia said…
Thank you my dear Ramona, jy is te oulik, baie pragtig.
Lief vir jou
I will keep in touch and will let you know about the house. I have prayed and have peace in my heart, dit is my huis, God het so gesê.
Mooi bly
At 11:11am on June 26, 2008, Nienie said…

Love Nienie
At 8:24am on June 24, 2008, Christy Gabriel said…
Dear Sister Ramona

With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
At 6:36am on June 24, 2008, Sylvia said…
My dear Ramona, thank you for responding. You are right, we need to trust God, that is my house, I claimed it already.
The gentlemen sold the house to his sister, we were under the impression he is coming back to sign papers with us, but they they went behind our backs. They are the new owners, but never lived in the house as yet. They can't afford it, and it shows you, don't depend on the arm of flesh but on God.
I trust God and yes my dear, you are so right, we need to trust in Him and He will give us the desires of our hearts.
You keep well, thank you for your input and thank you for the time reading my prayer request.

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