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Ramona P. Jacobsz's Comments

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At 4:44am on July 12, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…

At 3:46am on July 12, 2008, Rarichan P said…
it is something great that somebody from miles .... miles .... miles.... miles .... away, to hear , to say is the our God who pours power upon us to have this wounderful oppertunity
God bless us
At 9:29pm on July 11, 2008, Lynnie said…
I Luv you Romona P. always and always. You really made my morning today. But now it is time for sleep.
I wish above all else that God may bless you overly and abundantly far above all that you can ask of Him.
At 7:14pm on July 11, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…

At 7:52am on July 11, 2008, Lynnie said…
Romona, I really like that name. I posted this video. It is from a band called Petra from the 80's. They have some new material. Antway please when you get sad or feel alone that thier is nothing more I'd like to do then to be with and endure with Jesus. I'd also love to spend time with all my Brothers and sisters in Christ.
At 7:47am on July 11, 2008, Lynnie said…
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At 4:22am on July 11, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…

At 4:13am on July 11, 2008, Rarichan P said…
I know that you still enjoy the love of God . You have a dream eveyday to be with him .
i realy feel happy about you duies with Him.
God bless you and eveyone
At 12:24am on July 11, 2008, brateng said…
Hello Dear,

Thanks for all! This is all I can say honestly, for I deserve not the slightest goodness, yet you have been blessing my life no cost! You rank alongside wonderful women like Nienie and Actual Maureen. You are a blessing to this generation.

My sermons shall be lively and life-changing, thanks to Christ...and your lively teachings too. We learn from friends most of the time...and pass whatever we receive to others, as long as we are honest enough to acknowledge the source. You are an enviable grannery of Jehovah's goodies. Indeed a granny with valuable expreriences and pearls of the living word.Have a lovely weekend and service too...and best love to your people...and great grandchild! Kenyan-African hugs you get in return my friend-pst. Bernhard C.
At 8:08am on July 10, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…
I hope this this blessed Psalm 23 touches your heart in a fresh new way as your watch this video.
In the love of Jesus.
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At 1:31am on July 10, 2008, Lynnie said…

At 1:28am on July 10, 2008, Lynnie said…
Hello Romana. I wanted to say hi. I will see you around the services. You are a sweetheart. God Bless you in the highest. You are blessed.
At 10:30am on July 8, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…

You are truly a sower of encouragement!
At 8:43am on July 8, 2008, AAG Netguy said…
Thank you for your kind comments, Ramona. We are glad you are here and sharing your faith in our Lord Jesus!
At 1:22pm on July 7, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…

At 6:12am on July 5, 2008, brateng said…
Beloved Ramona,

Thanks for your all-abiding love. Your messages always bless my soul and that of my family. As a matter of fact, we have openned a folder named "RAMONA" in our house where we save all those uplifting messages you share with us.

If you can care to ask my mom Nienie, there are no hugs I cherish more than hugs from sweet down South Africa! I welcome yours and loss myself in them for they are the out-stretched arms of Christ.

I salute you sister for the consistent work you do for the Lord here...and to all of us. God bless you to the hilt dear. Love you-Pst. Bernhard C. Delete Comment
At 5:15am on July 5, 2008, Christy Gabriel said…
Hi Sister Ramona.
Read your comment on my brother Brateng's page about your prayer for my health. You said it with so much faith in Christ so here now I would like to let you know that I AM HEALED ALREADY SISTER from 180/100 to 120/90 just over one night only. IT IS A MIRACLE FROM MY JESUS!!! HALELUJAH!!! HE answered your faith prayers sister. Thank you so much and know that I LOVE YOU SISTER. JUST BE BLESSES ALWAYS.

With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
At 3:43pm on July 4, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…

At 11:50pm on July 3, 2008, Ron Payne said…
AAh! Ramona, what's that rhyme about "Sticks and Stones?" It does not bother me at all, yet I must add that I have had to settle some, in the backyard who continued to use the name in a very malicious manner even after I had asked them to stop.

Regarding the replies I sent to you, not being delivered. I find this very frustrating when it happens.
The time spent on writing a reply does not worry me, but sometimes a cry for help has come and I have been personally asked to help. When the message delivery is questionable, then I sit there totally frustrated and in fear that if the message has not been delivered and the person will think that I just don't care. It also creates another problem. Do I rewrite the mail that might have taken an hour agonizing over the use of the right words, will I remember the exact phraseology? etc. So I sit back frustrated and make stupid promises about "The next time that happens."
I'm truly sorry that you did not receive my replies especially about C.S Lewis for which I thank you.
His history you sent us was well presentd and must have taken up a lot of your time. I wanted you to know how much I appreciated the insight to his life, which I never knew and found it extremely enteresting Baie Dankie. Jou Broer in Christus - Ron
At 2:38pm on July 3, 2008, Ron Payne said…
I get unhappy when the system does this to me. I posted a reply to you about Hanover, but it never informed me if it had been sent. It just seemed to be locked up. Also it is not the first time. I never know whether I should re-write again.
Ramona can you let me know if you received my reply on the Hanover story. Soentjies - Ron

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