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David Nyoni's Comments

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At 11:35am on July 10, 2008, Yoel charan said…
At 7:21am on June 13, 2008, Christy Gabriel said…
Dear Brother David
Thank you for coming to my life and becoming my friend. God bless you always.

With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
At 8:56pm on June 12, 2008, sipiwe said…
you need some beatings. im sure u a married now but make sure its God approved be blessed
love u
At 2:02am on June 2, 2008, sipiwe said…
marova bhudhi. mwari varikuitei muupenyu hwenyu.
ndirikuchengetwa nashe shamwari zviri kuita kuno.
At 3:14am on April 23, 2008, David Nyoni said…
Sometimes in life you may feel the fight is over. it may seem as though the writing is on the wall. You feel as though you have come to the end if it all, as if there is no more fight left in you. But then you feel this small feeling of warmth upwelling in your bossom and rising and spreading all over.
In life, when we reach the end of our teather, that is when the Lord begins to work miracles and wonders. Have you ever wondered why Jesus Christ was sleeping like a baby when the boat was being tossed up and down in the storm sea and the disciples wre hysterical with fear. This just serves to help understand that when the Lord is with us, we need not worry or be troubled by any stormy situations life may throw at us. Cause the Author and Perfector of our faith is right by our side. All we need is to believe in Him and He will never fail us, cause He is able. So dear brethren,just "BELIEVE".
At 6:20pm on April 16, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…

At 1:17am on April 7, 2008, sipiwe said…
davy trust the Lord fro our elections because he knows what zims are going thru all the harsh economic conditions we are into he knows and he is looking. as for the results he knows who won and ma leaders anoiswa na Mwari so siya so vamwe vachanotsva kudenga.
mis u
At 2:35am on April 2, 2008, brateng said…

Now that zimbabwe has gone to the polls...kindly seek the Lord's face that you don't let the country go to the dogs the way things went for us here in Kenya. Don't be disuded and dismayed by what mere man is God who appoints and brings down leaders. No man can sit on the throne by virtue of the guns at his beck and call!

I pray that God will help zimbabweans get the leadership that they have been yearning for. It is so heart-breaking to hear of the uncalled for suffering the common man undergoes in Zimbabwe because of skeward leadership. We are standing vigil with you and interceding in sackcloth to allow God's will be done. The whole world is watching and waiting with bated breath.

Preach peace my brother and tolerance...stand for Christ and champion His cause in the university where you are. May He save that once-great country Zimbabwe and restore all the lost glory a hundred fold. God bless-Pst. Bernhard
At 7:06am on April 1, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…
Here is a great song for you to learn. it would be awesome Accapella.
Have a God blessed day!
At 12:44am on March 31, 2008, mereisi terrie rabuka said…
hi david thanks for your article on praise n worship . i enjoy singing also n i konw god accepts our praises n songs if we sing it with all our souls n let the praises come within our heart
At 9:07pm on March 28, 2008, sipiwe said…
iwe uri ruverashe hapane akaita sewe saka tamba tamba iwe tamaba. sory guy sthis means we are the flowers of God on one is like u so u should dance and sing
love you
At 9:05pm on March 28, 2008, sipiwe said…
thanks hey i wa sdown today this foreign land is boring at times but iw il use yr advice
good day
At 7:31am on March 19, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…
David I love what you wrote above , praise explodes in my heart also to the Lord. I pray that this vidio will encourage that praise to pour out to the Lord
At 1:12am on March 19, 2008, HIPPMOM said…
hi david
i am so excited to have a friend in part of the world that i can't begin to imagine what it's like. wow! thank you first off for your friendship. i am very honored. i'd like to learn more about you and your life in zimbabwe. are you married? i gather from your picture. do you have children? what's your church like? i imagine it to be maybe different. i don't know why. i always thought people lived in igloos in alaska as a kid too! i just love to learn about different cultures. i've been to many different states here in america and of course canada and mexica but also i was blessed to visit costa rica and the caymen islands. i admire those that can sing. i make a joyful noise to the Lord. i know he loves it just as much but i wish i could sing in the worship band at church, that's awesome. it's getting late for me. i stay up too late so that i can have a chance to visit. my kids are a handful and pretty much consume all my time when they are around. i guess that's one of the reasons we don't need as much sleep as we get older??
your sister in Christ,
At 12:20pm on March 18, 2008, PHILLIPE MOSS said…
At 6:21am on March 17, 2008, emma said…
thank you for your request I'm happily accepting you to be one of my friend..i love to praise & worship the LORD, this is the moment where i can shout the goodness & give thanks for what HE has done to my life. GOD IS REALLY GOOD ALL THE TIME. God Bless you!!
At 6:07am on March 16, 2008, Kim Lisowski said…
Thank you for telling me about yourself. I just graduated with a master's degree in education. I have a bachelor's degree in psychology. I have been a lifelong student. I believe education is one of the most important things in life after God and family. I never want to stop learning. I am 38, a wife and mother of four and spend most of my time with them. I just published my first Christian book and am doing some publicity and speaking which has been rewarding and humbling at the same time. Everyday I wake up excited to watch our powerful and loving God unfold the world. I am glad to know others who are from other countries. Have a great day!
At 5:26am on March 15, 2008, sipiwe said…
thanks sha. put yours also. will keep in touch. did u see the photos i send. sha do u remeber that story when Jesus was in the boat with his disciples. they faced a storm and he stopped . i learnt even if we are with GOD storms do come but at least we have him with us. isnt that lovely hey.what do u think guys.
At 12:31pm on March 14, 2008, journeyman said…
Dear David;
Thank you so much for the invitation to be your friend!
I am honored and grateful for your kindness. I Love singing too! I sing in my church choir! I'm a base! I Love any and all gospel music. It is said that when you sing praise to God it is like praying twice!! I've been singing for 16 years. Thanks David
May God Bless you;
At 9:18am on March 14, 2008, Phabs said…
Hi David

Thanks for the comment, I didn't find God you know.
I think if anyman could find God, then such a man would have reason to boast. you can't find God, Unless He first found you, you can't initiate a relationship with Him unless He first extended His grace, and you can't really seek after Him unless he first sought after you.

So if you find yourself seeking Him, His already sought after you, I don't know at what point you will feel like you have found Him, but when you do, you may just realize that He had already found from the foundation of the world. It's a really comforting thought.

I pray for spiritual prosperity for you, so you will lack nothing in your walk with Him.

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