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David Velasquez's Comments

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At 7:01pm on January 8, 2010, littlesheep88 said…
Thanks for the request. It's always cool to make new friends and learn more about real people. I'm in the Gospels (Luke) and also in Romans (Chp 5). Reading God's Word is an adventure that I'm trying to discover in new ways. I'm trying to grow closer to God, what better way to do that then to read His Word (John 1:1)?
At 9:48am on January 8, 2010, Deserey Lynn Velasquez said…
Oh my bad. RTC stands for Residential Treatment Center (what I am training to be qualified as an administrator over). In this RTC we house Juevenile Probation and CPS kids. We normally get abused and neglected kids and kids who have gotten into trouble with the law. A lot of them come from psychiatric hospitals or with psychotropic medicine to help stabilize them (I can preach a sermon on that one because when they leave our placement they probably don't even keep up with their meds and we have succeeded at doing nothing to help them deal with the problem). Alright that's all of my sermon I'm going to say right now.
At 7:49am on January 8, 2010, Deserey Lynn Velasquez said…
Thank you for the websites. I'll have to check them out.
I have never played professional basketball or football but I would play some street. I wasn't very great but I was learning. Just about anyone could beat me. In fact if you wait Iong enough I have been know to score for the opposite team. (most exciting and then humiliating moment in my life :) Still I enjoy trying.
Actually, my daughter is part mexican or hispanic. Not sure which one. I'm trying to learn Spanish so I can teach her because of who she is and it is such a commonly used language now that many jobs require you to speak it. The more languages you know the better.
Thanks you for your help. I will probably have questions as I go along. Ok I will let you go before this coffee starts to kick in and I start rambling jk. God bless.
At 6:53am on January 8, 2010, S.Mary Priyadarshini said…
:) thank u anna.........
At 10:09pm on January 7, 2010, Deserey Lynn Velasquez said…
No you didn't offend me by speaking Spanish to me. I had no clue what you said but that's ok I can be pretty clueless when people are speaking English to me as well hehehe. Anyhow I am in the process of learning Spanish so you gave me some words I can look up. Just need to figure out where we put that Spanish dictionary. sigh.
I don't really know where to look to research things I read in the Bible but I went on the internet and learned what I could about the Nephilim from there. Basically, I read that they are believed to be fallen angels, also said to be giants, and are only mentioned twice in the Bible.
Thanks for the warning about Song of Solomon. I will have to make sure nobody is able to see me when I read it. I'm sure I probably will blush and I have no doubt it will instigate a few delicate conversations with God jk.
At 9:07am on January 6, 2010, S.Mary Priyadarshini said…
sure bro.........
At 7:58am on January 6, 2010, Deserey Lynn Velasquez said…
I am reading in Genesis right now. I am starting at the beginning and reading straight through. I have been in church all my life and have never read all of the old testament. I've read the new over and over and over again as well as Psalms and Proverbs but books like Micah and Song of Solomon I have never read. I know that those books are as important as the rest so I have decided to read from Genesis through Revelations. I could have put that much easier huh? Oh well.
I am right now doing research into who the Nephilim were. So far what I've found isn't too much. It is assumed that they were some giants and they are mentioned in Genesis in Noah's time and in Numbers when the Israelites were scouting out the land.
At 9:55am on January 5, 2010, Rob said…
Blessings from Ohio. Thank you for the friend request and the kind words. God's Word is good. I went a long time without reading much. Thankfully I know better now.
Praise God for the work he is doing now in everyone.
At 7:54am on January 5, 2010, Deserey Lynn Velasquez said…
Thank you. I believe this group is going to be a good one to join particularly at this point in my life.
As for the martial arts I havn't been able to do it in a couple years due to having a daughter. However, my daughter does enjoy a good fight and is a willing participant in my practice. lol.
At 12:43am on January 5, 2010, S.Mary Priyadarshini said…
true Indeed yes... He Never leave for forsake me
At 12:02am on January 5, 2010, S.Mary Priyadarshini said…
ya..i felt everything n d world changes... bt His love for me never.... i never realised His love ... bt nw a days His love is disturbing me more...want to leave everything only for His love...
At 5:43pm on January 4, 2010, neeseM said…
Hello again David,

You were not at all rude in any way so please don't feel that way.
I'm sorry my brother! if some thing came off wrong on my behalf to give you that impression.
You have been polite to me and I will respect,and practice kindness to my
fellow brother's and sister's in Christ God Bless you!

Now 1john 2:15-17 I forgot earlier to include the additional verses.
I'll write them out then give you my take on it ok.
Do not Love the world or the things in the world.If anyone loves the world the love of
the Father is not in him.
For all that is in the world----the lust of the flesh,the lust of the eyes and the pride of life----is not of the Father,but is of the world.
And the world is passing away.and the lust of it;but he who does the will of God abides forever.

My personal take how I sum it up in my words.
To love God is to hate the world.
To be carnal minded and sinful is death in which are the things of the world.
The world is dying to sinful nature.
But to overcome the world and do the will of God is the gift of ETERNAL LIFE.

I will be happy to hear what you have to share about this verse nice to exchange views with you and to have made your acquaintance.peace Neese
At 7:35am on January 4, 2010, neeseM said…
Hi David ,

First I want to wish you Happy New year best wishes for good spirit & health,peace,joy,happinesss,
and success!

I believe that certain verses speak to us and are meant for us .Our Lord knows best what verses we ought to have engraved in our hearts.
I will share my personal verses and recent lessoned I learned that my have some in sight.These are the ones I took to heart.
1john 5:3,:,John chapter 2 verse15 ,Rom 8;35-39,Rom10:17,James1:22

Satan is always lurking seeking who can devour,so he can have place to work destruction in people lives
some way or another.And the recent lessoned I learned is to be thankful to God no matter what.Say Thank you when things are not good,and good.Because complaining,dangerous thoughts gives place to the satan.
At 12:08am on January 3, 2010, Connie J Dulaney said…
Thanks for the friend add...Continue to be blessed !
At 6:31pm on January 2, 2010, christi pemberton said…
Hi! Thank you for your kind comment. Yes, I want to meet others on fire for God...I have been given so much peace when I keep in heart that I have been forgiven of my sins, nothing I did made me deserve his grace..but he loved us so much that he freely gave. I want to see more Christians allowing themselves to released from that burden and be free to live this new life and go after the passion that God gave them to accomplish His Will, which will be connected to their unique design as God created and formed.
At 6:41pm on December 29, 2009, maggie hancox said…
Wow! that picture rox hard!!!!
Thanks :) your music, who is it? Michael Buble'?
At 3:46pm on December 29, 2009, PoiemaDei said…
Thanks, david, for the friendship. Let us pray for one another. Visit my group, Grace to Help. May God continue to bless and use you and make you a blessing to us.
At 12:47pm on December 29, 2009, AAG Netguy said…

Thank you for adding me as a friend! It is great to see the way you are interacting here in the forums and with others.
At 8:32am on December 29, 2009, Brian B. said…
Hi David,

Thanks for the comment. I'd be happy to discuss music sometime ... I listen to pretty much everything ... I'm not a big Marley fan, though I haven't ever listened to an abundance of his music either, so there are songs I might very well like ... I of course like "Jammin'" ... I am a BIG fan of P.O.D. (Payable on Death) that have a very rasta sound ... I'm not familiar with Roger Water's Amuse to Death whom you mentioned. I will have to look into them ...
At 7:11am on December 29, 2009, neeseM said…
Hi David,
What it is about 1John
That it talks about what it is to Love God by keeping his commandments.
Loving one another,to be righteous,over coming the world.
Overall the foundation for a true Christian.How to Love and live,
,and be blessed doing what is pleasing in the Lord's eye sight.

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