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AAG Netguy's Comments

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At 9:03am on October 18, 2009, Rev Larry Kay / Retired said…
Just wanted to stop by and say thank you for this site, I have been so blessed here..God bless you and keep up the good work
At 7:51am on October 18, 2009, felixpadua said…
hello greg, by now you have seen the devastation that the last two typhoons did to my country. in the barrio where i was born in rosales, pangasinan, houses were washed away when the dikes broke because of floodwaters coming from the dams. my people were left homeless, were not able to save anything as they scampered and swam to save their lives.

now they are back to the barrio trying to salvage anything from the debris the floods left. they have nothing except for the gov't relief goods that come scarcely.

my heart bleeds for them, greg. i am tempted to ask for help from my friends here but i am aware it's not allowed to solicit any form of help. is there a way i can ask for help without violating your rules at AAG?
At 11:55am on October 8, 2009, Mary O said…
I submitted a comment on a forum about "the gap". It occurred to me it might be too long. If that's the case, I apologize. It didn't seem that long, but when I clicked add comment I thought wow that seems long.
Sorry about that,
Mary O.
At 5:33pm on October 6, 2009, Cathy said…
Hi Greg,
Thank you for information regarding the Bible Study I was looking for. I will join Miracle Grow. I think this will be just what I need. I can grow at my own pace. What a cool name for this group.
In Christ
At 5:28pm on October 6, 2009, Cathy said…
Thank you ever so. I'd love a new background. I'll contact Bev.
God bless you in all you do as you minister myself and so many.
In Christ
At 9:04pm on September 24, 2009, Theresa said…
Hi Greg,
Please know that many of your responses bless my soul! Have a good weekend my brother.
At 9:58pm on September 15, 2009, Soul Winner2 said…
Greetings in Jesus Brother Greg,

I just found out from a sister on here where to find the Coordinator of this site. I am known by what my Mother who just passed away 7-30-09 (also my 65 birthday) was known as that being "Soul Winner". She won souls all her life as a Christian many today serving Him that she led to Christ. I, too, for many yrs was in the Ministry.I found this site when recommended by another one closing their site I have been on a short time now but have found it so far to be a good biblically sound site and a place to meet other believers and share Jesus if anyone here by showing our love to one another. I have not yet met or ask to be friends but pray for you now that I know your position and ask God to guide you and grant you His Wisdom & discernment always to keep this site as its title says "AllAboutGod" amen and shalom Brother Greg
At 10:26am on September 10, 2009, REv. Renold Fenelus said…
Dear Greg
greetings, thank you again thank you for your love showed to me and my field of work as a whole, you showed me the way of salvation more clearly and ask you for your prayer for the hard work I am archieving for christ in haiti, please I invite to come in haiti.
Pastor Renold Fenelus
At 8:07pm on September 9, 2009, Gayla said…
Thank you very much, and I am very proud to be here...I look forward to making many new friends....

God bless...
At 2:49pm on September 2, 2009, REv. Renold Fenelus said…
hi friend,
thank you again thank you for writing me, may the almighty God be with, thank you for your love showed to me and the poor in haiti as a whole. Jesus likes when christians lives together in love.
Pastor Fenelus Renold
At 4:28pm on August 29, 2009, Mayra Vasquez said…
Thank you Greg for the warm welcome and blessing I love the site! and I am soo happy to be here to share with you all how Awesome is our God Amen!!
At 4:32am on August 29, 2009, ginalyn m. butuasan said…
hello...thank you for the message....kumusta ako?? im fine ...b-coz God always with me..
At 9:54am on August 25, 2009, Forevablessed Lopez said…
i am really grateful to have joined such a wonderful site. I need this in my life my walk with the lord is brand new and i am facing alot of battles.... God is awesome and im happy he has his hands on me.. thank u so much and i hope to speak to u again sometime....
At 6:57am on August 21, 2009, felixpadua said…
hello Greg, just passing by to say hello to you! God bless you, Brother.
At 8:24am on August 19, 2009, GANAND akaRANDY CHANDERPAUL said…
At 2:34pm on August 18, 2009, GANAND akaRANDY CHANDERPAUL said…
At 3:14am on August 13, 2009, joemar batac puno said…
tnx bro. may Godbless you! pls pray for me i need a work i submit my resume in manilaa head company but i wish to mwork in baguio as cook or waiters
At 5:20pm on August 10, 2009, Moomins said…
Hi Greg, just passing through thought i'd check in, we haven't spoke in ages, hope all is well.

In Christ
At 8:32am on August 10, 2009, Peter Ogabidu said…
Hello Greg, Is the Holy Spirit equal to Jesus?
At 6:28am on August 7, 2009, Acha C. Emmanuel said…
Hi Brother Greg. thanks for the reply..

Yea, i know about it. just that he did not understand what i mean, if possible i wanted to forward the mail i received from the site telling me about a promotion i won in the US.

I did not see anything wrong in that anyway, i am sorry for that.

Thanks for your understanding....


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