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At 9:34pm on April 7, 2009, Rita Harrington said…
Hey Internet Missionary, You were on my Heart today. Thought i would stop by your page today to say hello. I thank the Lord for you. You are so important to us at AAG and mostly to the Lord.

At 6:50pm on April 7, 2009, Christy Gabriel said…
If we speak in Tongue, the devil can not hear it but only God hears it. You got a long page that full of Word-blessings. Please keep in touch with us ALL and not only me. We are one body in Christ, so we have to support, pray, help to each other here in this site. God bless you abundantly always.

With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
At 6:57pm on April 6, 2009, Christy Gabriel said…
Dear Internet Missionary, thank you for the beautiful picture of the 2Cor.5:21. He had died for us, so we are now the children of God and will live in His Kingdom soon. Just stay blessed in His way is all we have to do. Thank you again and God bless you abundantly always.

With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
At 2:17pm on April 6, 2009, Carla said…
Yes.. I Love that video.. so beautiful! Thanks once again! :)
At 7:47pm on April 5, 2009, Christy Gabriel said…

At 11:28am on April 5, 2009, Carla said…
WOW! This is a must see! Thanks for posting it!
At 11:22am on April 5, 2009, Carla said…
Lady Humble posted the same video for me also (see one below)...then I found this one...
I will surely share the story of the significance of roses in my day on chat so we can discuss it!
Love and Blessings, Carla
At 11:38pm on April 4, 2009, sunsetstormx said…
TY for your encouragment!!
At 8:05am on April 4, 2009, The pilgrim said…
Hello dear IM, thank you so much for the messages.... ur such a blessing to me i know it is not only to me but to many, I pray May the Lord enlarge ur coast and bless you more and more, make u a blessing more and more. I give God all the Glory Who is working through you.
Thank you again dear bro.

Have a very blessed Sunday ever
Remain blessed.
I love you, your sis in Christ
At 8:51pm on April 3, 2009, Theresa said…
thank you, thank you, thank you and the Lord bless you my friend.
God shall supply all of your need according to His riches in Glory by Christ Jesus. I love the fact, the truth that Jesus has done it all, paid it all, all I can do worship Him and thank Him.
At 8:12pm on April 3, 2009, Carla said…
Hi Robert.. Thank you for the timely message.. my son was going thru a bad temper tantrum tonight.. this was a message that was beautiful to receive...and right on time. Thank you Jesus.. Roses have also been very significant for me.. :) ...I'll tell you one day about it...

Love and Blessings in Christ, Carla
At 8:04pm on April 3, 2009, Mystique68 said…
Truly our God is a god of impossibilities. I'd like what you've put in your page, 'just an ordinary man with an Extra Ordinary God. Your page is so NICE. You really did a great job here. It's very creative and you can see in every details of you page that it is a product of your love and inspiration that only comes from the Lord. It's true that we have a different reasons and circumstances in life that we went through before we've come to know our Lord Jesus Christ. But as for me, since I know our Savior, it was never been the same again, till now. Because the Spirit of the Lord dwells in HIs children. We always knew that He is here in our hearts and our being. It seems that the whole world had just open up for us to grasp. His magnificense and glorious being have been manifisted to us by knowing and accepting our Lord Jesus Christ. Keep up the good faith brother, we still have a lot of fish to catch. God bless..............
At 7:22pm on April 3, 2009, Sandra Price said…
Thanks Robert, that is such a pretty picture. God bless you my friend.
At 8:36pm on April 2, 2009, Theresa said…
Thanks IM for every single message, I love and appreciate every single one of them. And to Him who able to do exceedingly abundantly more and above all that we think or ask of Him according to the power that is in us. to Him be the glory and honor forever. Ephisians3:20
I had a good day today at work and out of work too. God is sooo good and full of mercy, I am forever grateful, yeah, good day, every day with Lord better than anything else in this world my friend.
How was your day? I pray all is good with you. Please let me know if there is anything you want me to pray about!!!
At 7:38pm on April 2, 2009, Sandra Price said…
Thanks Robert, that is so nice of you my friend. I thank God that you are on here to tell me what I need to hear. God bless you my friend.
At 7:19pm on April 2, 2009, Sandra Price said…
hey Robert, I am doing good. My classes are going fine. Thanks for asking me.
At 5:49pm on April 2, 2009, Sandra Price said…
Hey Robert, How are you? I really like the song you put on here. Thanks for the comment, that was awesome. God bless you my friend.
At 8:34pm on April 1, 2009, Theresa said…
today I was meditating on how we conquer the enemy of our soul, by our testimony and the blood of Jesus. I love you so much in Christ and thanks for the word, always on time!
At 2:13pm on April 1, 2009, The pilgrim said…
Hello dear bro. IM, thank you so much for the add i'm honered to have u as a friend u have been a blessing to me and.... I give all the Glory to God. Thank you for the beautiful baby the message and for the song 'i'm a friend of God' ... yes it is amazing!!!! i'm blessed through the message and i love it. i love ur page ... there is a lot of good thing needs time to discover it..... i'll be back soon to be blessed.
May the Lord shower u with many new blessings.
Remain blessed.
thanks again,
i love u, ur sis.
At 8:39am on April 1, 2009, Becky said…

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