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At 12:07am on July 22, 2009, Darlene said…
Hi Sis!! It's late as usual. I wonder how you're doing. I hope you get your keyboard fixed soon.
I've had a big day so I'm gonna go now.
love you lots, your big Sis.
Here's your mail...

Prevention or Rescue?
This devotional was written by Jim Liebelt

Let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily hinders our progress.
—Hebrews 12:1b (NLT)

Some years ago, news reports appeared about Aron Ralston, a young man from Colorado who had been hiking somewhere in a remote area of Utah wilderness. During what was intended to be a simple day hike, well within Ralston’s capabilities, he accidentally dislodged a massive boulder that pinned his arm and trapped him for five days. Having run out of food and water, and without any reasonable hope of rescue, Ralston amputated his own arm with a pocketknife he had with him. By cutting off his own arm, he saved his life. Various media reports hailed Ralston’s courage. Some even called him a hero.

Ralston’s courage is undeniable. I don’t think many people would have the courage to cut off their own arm. But, it’s also undeniable that this young man made a basic wilderness hiking error by not telling anyone where he was going. A simple measure of prevention could have saved him a lot of grief and quite possibly his arm.

This story provides a couple of reminders for our own spiritual journeys. The Bible is quite clear in its instruction: we are to “throw off the sin that so easily entangles us.” We are all susceptible to sin. It takes God’s transforming work in our lives to beat destructive and sinful habits. Yet, it also takes courage on our part—courage to admit our sin—and courage to repent and change our thoughts and behaviors.

Beyond this, however, we are also to take preventative measures. We are to do our best not to allow ourselves to become enslaved to sin in the first place. Simple, preventative measures like reading God’s word, prayer, fellowship with other believers and being accountable to one another are key in our pursuit of living holy lives.

I am always encouraged by stories of fellow Christ-followers who have courageously experienced victories over sin in their lives. Yet, even more heartening to me are the examples of others who take sin prevention seriously and are victorious over the many temptations they face each day.

Today, take up the challenge of using preventative measures against temptation and sin in your life. If you are struggling with a sinful habit, have the courage to act by cutting away whatever it is that holds you back from having a better relationship with Jesus.

1. Are you struggling with overcoming a sinful habit? What actions can you take to help you “cut away” whatever it is that is trapping you?

2. Find a Bible verse (or verses) that can serve as a “preventative measure” against sin in your life today.

Matthew 5:29-30; 1 Corinthians 10:13; Ephesians 4:22-24;
2 Timothy 2:22
At 10:53pm on July 19, 2009, Darlene said…
Hi Charlene, I hope you're able to get into your computer and read these things cause some of them have been real good.
I've got a sinus thing, so I'm just dropping this off and then I'm goin to bed. lots of love and a big hug, Darlene

The Power of A.C.T.S.
This devotional was written by Robin Dugall

It happened that while Jesus was praying in a certain place, after He had finished, one of His disciples said to Him, "Lord, teach us to pray just as John also taught his disciples."
—Luke 11:1

Within the first few months after I dedicated my life to Jesus, I was told that I needed to pray. I had never been taught to pray as a younger person. I had been attending a church where all the prayers were printed in books and recited only in worship experiences by a man in the front of the church, who wore a robe. It was my impression that only trained people knew how to really pray and that if I prayed at all, I had to find a book to use.

No one had ever taken the time to explain prayer to me. That was soon to become a problem when my youth pastor asked me one night at a Bible study, “Robin, why don’t you pray for us?” I went into shock. Shock, however, is not what God has in mind for His followers when it comes to prayer!

In God’s eyes, there is no off-limits to prayer. As Christ-followers, we have been given “bold access” to God. When it comes to prayer, God has given us an open door to pray in any and all ways possible. When I was 17-years-old, I learned a great model for praying that I still find helpful today. It revolutionized my life and still guides me as I come into deeper relationship with God through prayer. It’s called A.C.T.S. and I hope you too, will find it helpful in your own prayer life.

Adoration – All prayer should include worship. Begin with the phrase, "I love (or adore) You, God, because You are… " The goal is to focus on an attribute of God. "Praise Him for who He is, not what He does," I remind myself. We can always find words of adoration in the Psalms.

Confession – We need to remember that we are broken and need healing. Take time in prayer to say, "Lord, please forgive me for…" or "I’m sorry I… " Be as specific as possible. Think back over the day to a time when you did wrong or were disobedient. Confession keeps us humble before God.

Thanksgiving - Teach yourself this important aspect of prayer: thanking God. You can thank God for the good things that have happened during the day or for special people in your life.

Supplication – This is what we most often do during prayer, asking God for “things.” Divide this category into two parts: praying for others and praying for yourself.

Try the A.C.T.S. method out for a week. See how this method works for your prayer life.

Luke 11:1-13; Psalm 150; Psalm 51

I've heard of this A.C.T.S way of praying before but it doesn't hurt to be reminded. goodnite sis!!
At 7:50pm on July 18, 2009, Darlene said…
Hi Sis!!! I'm dropping off your mail earlier than I usually do. I need to get awy from this computer chair for awhile. I've been gaining weight and I feel sluggish.
Have you looked up at the sky recently? I've been noticing it a lot today. The Lord created all this and lots more that we don't see yet, but we will one day and it will be so good.
Here's your mail......

Enjoy Life!
This devotional was written by Jim Burns

Do not be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. —Philippians 4:6,7

Sometimes I work too hard and take life too hard. Last week I noticed flowers in my backyard in bloom, and I had missed the process of blooming, Life is too short. Sometimes we need to sit back and enjoy God's gift to us. Brother Jeremiah was at the end of his life when he reflected on his many years of Christian service. I keep close to my heart these words he wrote:

"If I had my life to live over again, I'd try to make more mistakes next time. I would relax. I would limber up. I would be sillier than I have been this trip. I know of very few things I would take seriously. I would take more trips. I would climb more mountains, swim more rivers, and watch more sunsets. I would do more walking and looking, I would eat more ice cream and less beans. I would have more actual troubles and fewer imaginary ones.

You see, I am one of those people who live prophylactically and sensibly and sanely, hour after hour, day after day. Oh, I've had my moments, and if I had it to do over again, I'd have more of them. In fact, I'd try to have nothing else. Just moments, one after another, instead of living so many years ahead each day. I have been one of those people who never go anywhere without a thermometer, a hot water bottle, a gargle, a raincoat, aspirin, and a parachute. If I had it to do over again, I would go places, do things, and travel lighter than I have.

If I had my life to live over, I would start barefooted earlier in the spring and stay that way later in the fall. I would play more. I would ride on more merry-go-rounds. I'd pick more daisies."*

1. Reread Philippians 4:6,7. What is the result of not being anxious, but presenting our requests to God through prayer and petition with thanksgiving?

2. Sometimes we are anxious about life because we are sitting around thinking about it. What specifically can you do today to live life to the fullest? Do it today!

Matthew 6:25-34, Ephesians 6:18, John 14:27, Colossians 3:15

* Ted W. Engstrom, The Pursuit of Excellence (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1982), p. 90. Used by permission.

I LOVE this one!!!! Enjoy your life!! Take walks and do something you've been wanting to do but have put it off.
Give your kids a hug from me. I love you, Darlene
At 10:32pm on July 17, 2009, Darlene said…
Hi Charlene, I think I've got my days and nights mixed up!! I don't mind too much but I would like to wake up a little earlier and go to bed a little earlier too.
I'm sending in presidents quotes to a group I'm in. I began doing this Wednesday and sent in two of Pres. Washington's quotes. Thursday, I sent in two of Pres. Jefferson's quotes. I was wrong cause Pres. Adams was after Pres. Washington!!
I sent a note to the group with "I goofed" as the subject and I explained how I goofed in the e-mail.
Speaking of's yours...

The Shoebox
This devotional was written by Leslie Snyder

In your anger do not sin! Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.
—Ephesians 4:26-27

I read a humorous story about a man and woman who had been married for more than 60 years. They had shared everything. They had talked about everything. They had kept no secrets from each other except that the woman had a shoebox in the top of her closet about which she had cautioned her husband never to open. Over the years, the man forgot about the box until the woman became very sick.

While sorting out their affairs, the elderly man took down the shoebox and took it to his wife's bedside. She agreed that it was time for him to know the contents of the box. When he opened it, he found two crocheted dolls and a stack of money totaling $25,000.

Curious, the man asked her about the contents. "When we were to be married," she began, "my grandmother told me the secret to a happy marriage was to never argue. She told me that if I ever got angry with you, I should just keep quiet and crochet a doll." The man was so moved he had to fight back tears.

Only two precious dolls were in the box. Apparently, she had only been angry with him two times in all those years of living and loving. He almost burst with happiness.

"Honey," he said, "that explains the dolls, but what about all of this money? Where did it come from?" "Oh," she said, "That's the money I made from selling all the dolls."

I’ll admit, I got a good chuckle from this story, but in reality it’s no way to handle conflict in relationships. In the above Scripture, Paul warns us not to end a day angry with another person. He knew the power of anger and how the devil waits to seize any opportunity to increase division among believers. Unresolved anger leads to bitterness, a lack of forgiveness and it causes immeasurable pain to those involved. Today, choose to be a peacemaker and resolve any outstanding conflict.

1. Spend some time evaluating your relationships.

2. Is there someone in your life with whom you have unresolved conflict? If there is, commit to taking steps to resolve the conflict.

1 Thessalonians 5:13; Hebrews 12:14

That was good. The little story was cute too. love, Darlene
At 1:31am on July 16, 2009, Darlene said…
Hi, I'm sorry I didn't get here yesterday!! It's late AGAIN and I have to wake up early. Don's having 3 teeth pulled in the morrning.
I want to tell you about something I read today before I send this and shut off the computer.
I think it said, 'If you have any doubt, wait and be still'. This helped me a lot. I know the Bible says, be still and know that I am God. It also says something about waiting on the Lord. But at the time I read that, it was as though the Lord was giving me permission to be still and wait. I just thought of another way I could tell you how it helped. It calmed me down and helped me to put more trust in the Lord rather than in my trying.
Ok, I'm goin to bed now for sure!!
Here's your mail.......

Not Exchanged, But Renewed
This devotional was written by Kelly McFadden

The blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer sprinkled on those who are ceremonially unclean sanctify them so that they are outwardly clean. How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God! —Hebrews 9:13-14

I bought a new jacket only to have the buttons pop off and a hole formed in the side seam. Receipt in hand, I went in to exchange the jacket. The store offered to let me return it, but they no longer had my size to complete the exchange. Not wanting a different one, I walked out with my jacket, determined to fix it.

Repairing the seams and securing the buttons later that evening, I couldn’t help but think of Christ’s sacrifice for people. He could have exchanged us when we sinned. He could have thrown out the broken models and started over from scratch, creating obedient and sinless humans. Yet, instead of exchanging us or tossing us out, He loved us and died for us. He shed His blood so that we could be forgiven. He bore the sin of each person, so that we can have eternal life with Him and be made new. Through His death and resurrection, He provided the means to patch up our imperfections, renewing us, to make us pure and holy in His eyes.

God will not give up on you. He will not exchange you or make hasty, short-term repairs. He will re-create you. Don’t be misled to think you can do it on your own. Bring your brokenness to the foot of the cross, confess your inability to cleanse yourself, and ask the Lord to forgive you. Only He can make you new.

1. Think about a time you have forgiven someone else. What was it about the situation that allowed you to forgive them?

2.How does confession play a vital role in your life when it comes to forgiveness?

Exodus 30:7-10; Hebrews 10:21-23; 1 John 1:9-10

That was another really good one!! I love you bunches! Darlene
At 11:40pm on July 13, 2009, Darlene said…
This is a picture of Don and I on our 50th anniversary! This was taken in 2005. As you can see I'm having fun cause I had just smeared cake all over his face. We're both four years older than this now. You can delete this if you'd like. I had no idea it would come through as large as it is.
Goodnight again. lots of love, Darlene
At 11:35pm on July 13, 2009, Darlene said…

At 11:32pm on July 13, 2009, Darlene said…
Hi Sweetie, I'm just stopping by to drop off your mail then I'm gonna be goin to sleep.
Here it is........

Sweet Slumber or Fright Night?
This devotional was written by Leslie Snyder

I will lie down and sleep in peace for you alone, O, Lord, keep me safe. —Psalm 4:8

Each night around the world, when children go to bed, the imaginary world of monsters, bogeymen, and things that go bump in the night come to life. In fact, this occurrence is so common that some years ago, a movie studio used a humorous flip-flop of this fear to produce a blockbuster hit, Monsters Inc., in which the monsters were afraid of children! In our home my children’s fears range from hearing unidentifiable sounds to thinking a gigantic octopus looms outside of the bedroom window. Most often a reassuring word, a prayer, and a spray of magic “monster-be-gone” will bring back a sense of peace and our house is filled with the sounds of sweet slumber.

Adults often laugh off the fears that seem so real to children. But, the fact is that many adults experience something very similar. After the lights go out and the sound of silence fills the air, we are forced to face the things that hide in the busyness of day. The grown-up monsters of deadlines, pressure at work, addictions, marital strife, abuse, declining health, employment status, financial difficulties, parenting, issues of self-worth and more are very much alive. Fear invades and sleep is not sweet.

The psalmist understood where to place these fears: right in the lap of a loving, protective God. Is this a promise that nothing bad will ever happen? No. It is trusting that God is with us even in the midst of our fears. The first part of Psalm 23: 4 reads, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me…” God did not deliver this person from the valley; He walked with him through it.

Tonight, when you are tempted to allow fear to overwhelm you, trust God instead. Speak your fears to Him. Name them out loud and allow Him to walk with you through the fear. Trust that His word is true, and enjoy the night as you sleep in His peace.

1. What fears keep you up at night?

2. As you identify your fears, turn them over to God and allow Him to carry them for you.

Psalm 23; Matthew 6:25-34; 10:26-33; 11:28–30

I'm a lot like my dad when it comes to sleep. He could sleep almost anywhere and so can I. I am very thankful for this cause I'd much rather sleep than walk the floor if I wasn't able to sleep.
I don't know if that made sense. I'm too tired to read what I just wrote. lol Goodnight...(yawn) Darlene
At 11:51pm on July 12, 2009, Darlene said…
Hi Sis, guess what I did yesterday? lol Ok, you don't have to guess, I'll tell you. I held my first great grand daughter!!! She only a couple of months old so she's still tiny. Her little feet are so precious, I kissed them. Her name is Riley Marie. She's adorable.
I have some mail for you. Here it is.....

Wholehearted, Simple Commitment
This devotional was written by Jim Liebelt

But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your simple and pure devotion to Christ. —2 Corinthians 11:3

Some years ago, a train in the United Kingdom traveling 117 miles per hour derailed. The crash left four people dead and more than 30 people injured. An investigation showed that track defects had contributed significantly to the cause of the accident. The company responsible for maintaining the tracks was found to have not met its commitments on track repairs.

Half-hearted commitments can end in disaster. I’ve seen it happen over the years, in areas of life ranging from sports to marriage, from friendships to business. All of us, at one time or another, have probably been hurt by others who have made half-hearted commitments.

Most Christians would say they have made a commitment to following Christ. Yet, there are those among us who have made these commitments half-heartedly. Tragically, half-hearted Christians hurts themselves the most. Sometimes they fool themselves about the nature of following Christ. For them, following Christ is an exercise in frustration. It doesn’t seem to work. Sometimes they walk away from the faith. Their faith, as the apostle Paul wrote, has been “shipwrecked.” (1 Timothy 1:19.)

Half-hearted commitment to Christ is nothing new. Jesus himself encountered half-hearted followers. He said to them, “Why do you call me Lord, Lord, but do not do what I say?” (Luke 6:46) Jesus challenged people to be wholehearted about their commitment, counting the cost of following him beforehand. (Luke 14:25-33)

Why is it important to walk in wholehearted, simple commitment to Jesus? Because the “things we do” as Christians can easily become the focus of our faith. It is all too easy to end up committed to a Christian program or church rather than being committed to Christ. Programs and churches can let people down. Jesus never does. It’s all too easy to commit to following the “rules” of Christianity rather than being committed to Christ. Following “rules” can become sterile and confining. Following Jesus is about relationship not rules. Following Jesus brings freedom and life.

Jesus said that following him is a matter of choice, made on a daily basis. (Luke 9:23) Sadly, most people won’t make this choice for it’s not the easiest road to take. But, it is the only choice that leads to real life. It’s the only choice that allows you to become all that God intends for you to be. Today, choose to be devoted to the person of Jesus Christ.

1. What “things” in life get in your way of simple and pure devotion to Christ?

2. Pray about those “things,” asking God for his strength and grace to focus on being committed to Christ.

Matthew 7:13-14; 13:1-24; Colossians 2:6-23

That was a good reminder about giving our lives to the Lord daily. Also our walk with the Lord is not about following rules, but it's a relationship with Jesus. There's a verse that's been helpful to me.
I know it's in Zachariah (not spelled right) but I forgot where it is. I think it's Zach 4:6 b (the last part of the verse)..."not by might nor by power, but by My spirit saith the Lord of hosts".
Goodnight Charlene!! love, Darlene
At 11:38pm on July 9, 2009, Darlene said…
I am sooooooooooooo glad to hear your news!!!!! I had three girls and one boy!
I have an idea. How about writing your words like this....hi-sis-how-are-you- (with a dash in between each word)
Do you get what I mean? This way you don't need the space bar. Of course it might be that you aren't able to use some of your other keys too.
It was good to hear from you! I love you!
Here's today's mail...

Turn On the Light
This devotional was written by Robin Dugall

This is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness
at all. —1 John 1:5

An old parable tells the story of hungry man who lit a candle and sat down to eat a bowl of dates. The man took a bite of a date and saw a worm in it, so he threw the date away and selected another. He took a bite of another date, and it too, contained a worm. So, the man threw this date away as well. Concerned that all of the dates contained worms, the hungry man blew out the candle and quickly ate the rest of the dates. What is the meaning of the parable? People often choose to live in the darkness, in denial, rather than in the reality that light brings.

The Bible says that God is light. That’s a good thing! God is light in that He is holy and pure. As the book of James announces, He is the “Father of lights”…in whom there is no variation, darkness or shifting shadow.

Early on in the Biblical account, God separates light from darkness. He calls the light “good.” Throughout the Bible, darkness is not a good thing. On the cross, during the middle of the day, darkness encompassed the earth, demonstrating the bleakness of the power of sin that Jesus was conquering. Darkness is always a symbol of impurity, ignorance, being lost and evil. Now, that should be a clue to us about how we should live.

We are called by God to live in the light. We are to live in the light of Jesus, choosing to embrace truth, openness, forgiveness, courage and humility. Although we may try to hide from the exposure that God’s light brings to the darkness in our lives, it is light that brings healing. You know that there are areas of your life where God wants to shine.

Today, pray that you can live in His light. Don’t hide out in darkness! Let God turn on His light in and through you!

1. What are those areas in your life that are hiding in the dark? Where would God like to shine His light?

2. What can you do to live in His light today? How can you represent or shine His light in the circumstances and people in your life today?

John 1:1-13; John 9:1-12; John 8:12; Ephesians 5:8-14

Bye till next time!!! Muuuaaaaahhhhh!! from me
At 12:29pm on July 8, 2009, Darlene said…
Hi Sis! How does it feel being a mommy to be again? I'm sure it's nice but you've had a lot of morning sickness too. One day at a time works for me. Of course I'm not pregnant!! lol
I hope you and your little family are doin real well. Don and I are fine.
I have a prayer request. I have one sister. Her name is Barbara. She came to know the Lord a few months after I got saved but she has turned away. She has two sons and one of those sons (Michael) is terribly sick. He is about 5 foot 10 inches tall and he's lost a lot of weight. My sister called this morning and asked us to pray for him. He's down to about 134 lbs now. He's hurting really bad in his stomach. The doctor's haven't found the problem other than his liver is toxic. They said it's cause he took so many vitamins when he wasn't able to eat much food and the vitamins ended up giving him a toxic liver. I'm concerned not only for my nephew Michael, but also for my sister.
I know if you read this, you will pray so thank you in advance.
Here's your mail.....

This devotional was written by Kelly McFadden

That is why I use these parables, for they look, but they don’t really see. They hear, but they don’t really listen or understand. —Matthew 13:13

As my dog, Peanut, got older she began to lose her sight. I remember watching her walk down the hall of our family’s home feeling so sad because she kept bumping into the walls due to her poor vision. After a few weeks of this, Peanut went to the groomers. She came back ready for the summer with a new short haircut. I watched in awe as Peanut trotted in a straight line down the hall, never running into a wall once. Then it hit me: Peanut wasn’t going blind. Rather, the hair in front of her eyes had gotten so long it was blocking her sight.

In Matthew 13, Jesus tells the parable of the four soils. Jesus used this analogy to give unique insight into the ways of God. In this parable, Jesus showed how differently people hear the Word of God. For some, they hear but do not understand. Others hear it, accept it, but fall away quickly because there is no depth to their faith. Still others hear the message, but the worries of life and lust of the world leave no room for God. There are some, however, who hear and understand, producing a harvest that extends beyond them.

Which soil are you? Sometimes, I think I fall into all four categories. There are times when I am thirsty and searching, and it is easy for God’s Word to burrow deep into my heart. Still, there are other times I am too busy to pay attention to the lessons God is teaching me. I am blinded by an outward distraction or worry. It is at those times I become spiritually blinded, stumbling until I am willing to take care of the root problem: the blinders blocking my eyes.

I do not believe spiritual blindness must be a permanent problem. We have the opportunity to see more clearly by removing the blinders from our hearts. We must humble ourselves and ask God to give us a pliable and understanding heart—which is work that He wants to do in our lives. Then, we must follow through and do what we know we need to do.

Trust God to be faithful to continue the work He has begun in you. As a result, you will have eyes that see and ears to hear the greatness of our Lord.

1. What hinders God’s Word from rooting deep in your heart?

2. What are ways you have seen God’s Word take root in your life when your heart was open to understanding?

Matthew 13:1-23; 1 Corinthians 2:6-10; Ephesians 3:3-9

another good one! lots of love, your older sister!
At 10:09pm on July 7, 2009, Darlene said…
Hi Sis! I didn't drop off your usual mail yesterday, so I am now. I'll drop off today's mail tomorrow!

I'm goin to bed real soon so here's yesterday's mail...

The Holy Spirit
This devotional was written by Jim Burns

And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever—the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. —John 14:16-17

But I tell you the truth: it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. —John 16:7

The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity. He is very much on the same level in the Trinity as the Father and Jesus. His role in the Godhead (Trinity) is different, just as the roles of the Father and Jesus. The Father is the Creator and the Son Jesus is the Savior. The Spirit is the Counselor and Comforter.

The Holy Spirit's job is to empower and guide you in living the Christian life. In order to have the power of God working in our lives we must surrender and submit ourselves to the control of the Holy Spirit. We can surrender and submit to the Holy Spirit simply by asking him to fill us with his presence.

Here is a prayer I pray regularly. I hope it will be your prayer today as well.

Spirit of the living God, Take control of me; Spirit of the living God, Take control of me; Spirit of the living God, Take control of me; Melt me! Mold me! Fill me! Use me!

Asking the Holy Spirit to fill, empower, and control your life is connecting with the power source of God. It is putting God in the driver's seat of your life with you in the passenger seat. If you make that commitment, hold on because you are in for the greatest, most exciting, and challenging ride of your life.

1. What is the incredibly good news in today's Scriptures, John 14:16-17 and John 16:7?

2. Has there ever been a time in your life when you have prayed a prayer like the one I pray? Yes? When and how has it affected your life? No? Then why not make that the prayer of your heart today?

Psalm 108:1-5

Goodnight Charlene! I love you lots, Darlene
At 9:17pm on July 3, 2009, Darlene said…
Hi Sweetie, I'm just stoppin by to drop off your mail. I'm tired. It's been a busy day so I need to go to bed early. I'm gonna read this before I go.
Here it is..
Let Freedom Ring
This devotional was written by Kelly McFadden

God alone made it possible for you to be in Christ Jesus. For our benefit God made Christ to be wisdom itself. He is the one who made us acceptable to God. He made us pure and holy, and he gave himself to purchase our freedom.
—1 Corinthians 1:30

The Declaration of Independence pronounced the colonies free from British rule on July 4, 1776. What proceeded and followed this declaration were the historic battles still taught in every elementary school. For six years the colonies shook with the Battles of Concord and Lexington, Bunker Hill and Saratoga. The war finally ended at Valley Forge where British General Cornwallis surrendered to what would be the United States’ first president, George Washington. Two years later the British and the Americans signed a peace treaty in France.

Freedom does not come without a price. Through the Revolutionary War our nation’s freedom was paid for by the blood and sacrifice of the men and women who fought for their dream of what would become the United States. The battles were not easy, and the years took their toll on our young nation. In the end, the price was paid and freedom achieved. By 1781, the Fourth of July was named a national holiday and today fireworks, parades and picnics still mark this celebration.

The Gospel message preaches a similar tune. We have been given freedom in Christ. The freedom we have is freedom from death caused by sin. God sent His only Son to die and shed his blood for us. The ultimate price of freedom was paid through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. Although the cost was high, Jesus’ death and resurrection purchased the freedom of anyone who trusts in Him. By faith, we become children of God and co-heirs with Christ. Through Him, we are made pure, holy and blameless – all gifts – God gives to us freely.

Still, with this freedom comes tremendous responsibility. The gift of freedom is not a license to do as you please. Rather, it is a calling to live unselfishly and righteously. Freedom rings when you chose not to indulge all your desires, but chose to live a life honoring to the Lord.

As you enjoy Fourth of July festivities this weekend and celebrate the freedom of our nation, say a prayer of thanks to God for the freedom from sin He has given you and for the life He has given you to live now, and throughout all eternity with Him.

1. Why is it hard to separate good works from a saving relationship with Jesus? Why does doing good works often make more sense than just having faith?

2. Romans 6:16 states that we are either slaves to sin or to righteous living. What does this mean to you?

Romans 6:15-18, 8:1-4; 1 Corinthians 8:9; Ephesians 3:11-13; Galatians 5:1

These sure are good.

lots of love, Darlene (Sis)
At 10:26pm on July 2, 2009, Darlene said…
Hi Sis!! The house is fairly clean now. I'll wash the kitchen floor later this evening or tomorrow. Then tomorrow I'll be cooking and baking. I kinda like doing that unless I cook or bake for hours! I'll try to take breaks now and then.
I need to get to bed a little earlier tonight so here's your mail Sis...

Remember Who You Are
This devotional was written by Robin Dugall

How great is the love of the Father…he has lavished his love upon us. We are called the children of God. And that is who we are!
1 John 1:3

One of the scenes in a movie that’s on my list of favorites speaks as clearly as anything I have ever read or seen about a person’s identity. In The Lion King, Mufasa the great Lion King appears to his son, Simba, and challenges him to remember who he is. Simba had lost his way in life because he had forgotten what was at the core of his soul. He had neglected to live out who he had been born to be. As a result, the entire kingdom had been stolen and had fallen on desperate times. Only when Simba embraces his true identity was hope restored, not only to his life, but also to the entire lion community. “Simba, remember who you are!”

Do you really know who you are? Have you forgotten whom God has created you and called you to be? The Bible tells us that we are part of an eternal story…God’s story. As part of that story, we have been created to reflect God Himself. We are His representatives in our world.

You and I have huge personal value because we have had our lives cast in the mold of a loving, personal, powerful and holy God. The very characteristics that belong to God, such as dignity, rest, love, creativity, depth of relationships, truthfulness and persistence, among many others, have been graciously imparted to us.

You are not an accident. You are a person who has been spoken into existence out of love and for a purpose. The powerful image of God forming Adam from the dirt of the earth and then blowing the breath of life into his lifeless shell is one that should stick in our minds and hearts. This, in contrast to the messages we receive through advertising, television, magazines and the reality of life that we don’t measure up.

Today, we all have choices to make. Will we listen to the voices of culture that want to convince us of our worthlessness? Will we give in to pressures that want to keep us constantly searching for our worth through products or programs? Or, will we listen to the voice of the One who knows each of us by name and has intimately called us His own? If you are like me, the choice, though obvious, is a difficult one to make. Today, be a person who responds to the God of love. Remember who you are!

1. How would you describe yourself? What has brought significance to your identity? Do you find your identity in who you are or what you have or do?

2. Spend some moments reflecting on the person God has created you to be.

Isaiah 43:1-4; Isaiah 54:10; Psalm 139; 2 Corinthians 5:15-17; Galatians 2:20

I heard something interesting on the radio today. Joni Erickson Tada was speaking and she said she had a very difficult time undestanding why God would allow her to be parilized. A friend of hers told her something like this...God allows the very difficult times and hard things in life in order to bring about something good. What Jesus went through for us was extremely hard but God worked Jesus being spit on and whipped and then nailed to the cross for good. Our good, so we could be together with Him one day. I hope I remember this the next time I have a tough time.
God can and probably will cause something good to come from it.
lots of love, Darlene
At 11:57am on July 1, 2009, Darlene said…
Hi Sis!! I hope everyone in your little family is fine and dandy.
I'm gonna be dropping off your mail, even though your computer is broken. I figure some day soon you'll open your mail.
Here's todays.....
Plugging In
This devotional was written by Jim Liebelt

And so we keep on praying for you, that our God will make you worthy of the life to which he called you. And we pray that God, by his power, will fulfill all your good intentions and faithful deeds. —2 Thessalonians 1:11 (NLT)

More and more, we are a culture that is dependent upon technology. I find that I rely heavily on technology today. Like many people, I own a cell phone, laptop, and a digital camera. These are great tools that I have learned to depend on from day to day. So, there’s no surprise that these electronics are dependent on… electricity. I pretty much run my electronic “tools” on battery power, and generally, it’s not a problem. Yet, if you are like me, then you know it always seems that it’s at the worst possible moment—when we really need to use that camera, make a call on that cell phone or send off one more email—that the batteries inevitably go dead. It’s so frustrating!

Okay, I know that I bring this on myself! I understand that I ought to keep on top of my battery charging, but I just don’t seem to get around to it. I think I ought to have learned by now that I need to keep these tools charged, especially when I can anticipate times when I have tasks that I need to make sure are completed. Often, anticipating the need is the issue, and is exactly where I run into trouble.

This is a simple, average life experience that has a profound spiritual parallel. We understand we are totally dependent on God to empower us to live life as faithful Christ-followers. We know that we have to stay plugged into the power source in order to be able to face the day-to-day challenges that life throws our way. Yet too often we fail to anticipate our spiritual need. We disconnect and attempt to live life in our own strength. And just when we most need God’s life flowing into ours, we find that our spiritual batteries are dead. Then we experience the remorse that comes from knowing better.

Fortunately, God’s power to recharge our lives is not far away. We don’t have to shut everything down, pack everything up and wait for next Sunday’s church service. We can access God’s power wherever we are through prayer. We can find strength in His Word. We can find support and empowerment through His people.

Today, if you find your spiritual batteries are running low, don’t wait. Wherever you are, plug in!

1. How are your spiritual batteries? Are you in need of recharging?

2. What situations are you facing where you can invite God to fill you with His power?

Ephesians 1:18-21; 1 Peter 1:3; Luke 12:35-40

Bye for now.......I love ya lots, me
At 12:47am on July 1, 2009, Darlene said…
Hi, I just searched for your "mail" and I can't find it. I think I copied it earlier today so I must have deleted it after that. I probably copied something else after I copied that. I looked all the places I know to look. It's not in my "sent mail" or my "trash", so I don't know where it could be! I hope to have tomorrow's mail here for you. I love you bunches, Darlene
At 12:07am on July 1, 2009, Darlene said…
Hi Sis, thanks for trying to write to me, even with (what seems to be) a broken space bar. I'm glad you'll be writing again after you get your computer fixed.
Take good care of yourself! That's an order! lol
I think the rapture will be happening any day now. Of course no one knows when except the the Father.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxo With lots of hugs, Darlene
At 7:27pm on June 29, 2009, Darlene said…
Hi there Sis! You might be suprised cause I'm here so early. I know I am!
I hope to continue to bring you your "mail" the next few days, BUT just in case I don't, I want you to know I'm fine. I'm gonna be busy cleaning so I might forget to write or I might fall asleep before writing to you and dropping off your mail.
Don and I are doin better now. Yesterday I told him a couple of things that I had been hurt by. They weren't big deals so I had stuffed them but they were still bothering me. A counselor told me.. if I can pray about my feeling hurt or angry or afraid and they don't bother me anymore, then that's fine....just give them to the Lord and let it go. But if the hurt or angry feelings stay I may need to talk about them with the person involved with those feelings. (I just realized, I didn't pray about the particular thing I talked with Don about.) I'm still glad I talked to him about this butt I wish I had prayed about it first. Talking about my feelings helps me so much and it's helped our marriage too!! I used to stuff so many feelings! I was angry but pretended I wasn't. I was hurt but I stuffed it and got even more angry. All these emotions blocked my joy. I looked at other Christians and wondered why I wasn't happy like they seemed to be. I finally wrote to a popular author to fiind out if he would write a book about Living Forgiven. One of the men that works for him sent me a letter in return and it was very kind. He was compassionate and he gave me lots of Bible verses to help me.
OK, I didn't intend to write a book here!!! lol
Here's your mail my dear friend.

God Loves You Just the Way You Are
This devotional was written by Jim Burns

We love because he first loved us. —1 John 4:19

Once upon a time there was a young girl named Susie. She was a beautiful little girl with the most wonderful doll collection in the world. Her father traveled all over the world on business, and for nearly 12 years he had brought dolls home to Susie. In her bedroom she had shelves of dolls from all over the United States and from every other continent on earth. She had dolls that could sing and dance and do just about anything a doll could possibly do.

One day one of her father's business acquaintances came to visit. At dinner he asked Susie about her wonderful doll collection. After dinner Susie took him by the hand and showed him these marvelous dolls from all over the world. He was very impressed. After he took the grand tour and was introduced to many of the beautiful dolls, he asked Susie, "With all these precious dolls you must have one that is your favorite. Which one is it?"

Without a moment's hesitation Susie went over to her old beat-up toy box and started pulling out toys. From the bottom of the box she pulled out one of the most ragged dolls you have ever seen. There were only a few strands of hair left on the head. The clothing had long since disappeared. The doll was filthy from many years of play outside. One of the buttons for the eyes was hanging down, with only a string to keep it connected. Stuffing was coming out at the elbow and knee. Susie handed the doll to the gentleman and said, "This doll is my favorite."

The man was shocked and asked, "Why is this doll with all these beautiful dolls in your room?" She replied, "If I didn't love this doll, nobody would!"

That single statement moved the businessman to tears. It was such a simple statement, yet so profound. The little girl loved her doll unconditionally. She loved the doll not for its beauty or abilities but simply because it was her very own doll.

God loves you the way Susie loved her doll. God loves you not for what you do but for who you are. You never need to earn God's love. He loves you because you are His special creation because of God's unconditional love you are free to blossom into all He wants you to be. His love has no strings attached.

1. According to 1 John 4:19 what is our motivation to love?

2. How do you feel when you comprehend God’s unconditional love for you? Take a moment to give Him your praise and thanksgiving for His gracious never-ending, never-fading love for you.

1 John 4:10

Wow, I think this is one of the best!!! lots of love, Darlene
At 9:53pm on June 27, 2009, Darlene said…
Thanks for sending me a letter. You asked how I'm feeling. I'm ok physically but I get discouraged sometimes. Don and I were having a tough time with each other Thursday. I don't think either one of us is beyond it yet. I get discouraged cause we've been married so long, it seems like we should get along better than we do. In the Bible it says, man is born unto trouble as the sparks fly upward, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
I don't know why, but today I didn't get the usual mail I get for you. OH wait. Earlier my computer shut down again and I might have had your "homework" minimized when it shut down.
I'm goin to bed soon but if I find it, I'll drop it off.
I love you bunches!!!!!!! Darlene
PS I like the heart you make. Thank you!! I don't remember what it looks like or I'd make one for you too.
At 2:56am on June 27, 2009, Darlene said…
Hi, the lady that drops off your mail is staying awake much too late these days.
Here's you mail Sis!

The Test of Time
This devotional was written by Jim Liebelt

But you, dear friends, must continue to build your lives on the foundation of your holy faith. —Jude 20 (NLT)

In numerous towns throughout the New England states you can find big, beautiful old homes that were built in the 1700’s and 1800’s. Thanks to historical committees and the hard work of their owners, many of these homes look virtually the same as they did two hundred years ago.

The seasons come and go with the summer sun beating down on these homes year after year. Wind, rain, snow and ice batter them winter after winter. The homes have weathered repeated blizzards and hurricanes. Yet, they have stood the test of time.

During the years that I lived in New England I found it fascinating that these old homes not only retained their value, but often surpassed the value of newer homes. It has been said that imitation is the highest form of flattery, and in this region when new homes are built, many are constructed to resemble the old ones.

Similarly, our faith is designed to last. Our life of following Christ is not without its seasons or its struggles. Doubts, life circumstances and even crises of faith batter us season after season. Yet, like an antique house, these seasons provide us with an opportunity to strengthen and build value to our lives as we, by faith, invite God’s partnership with us step by step along the way. And, faith that stands the test of time is beautiful to behold. Believers should look to more “seasoned” Christ-followers as role models. In them, we see the value of long-term faith and we can seek to imitate their lives.

Today, remember that God is in the business of building your faith – a faith that will stand the test of time. Invite Him to build your faith whatever experiences this day brings.

1. In what ways does God want to use your current circumstances or challenges to build your faith?

2. Do you have a role model of long-term faith in your life? If not, who could be this kind of mentor to you? If you do have this kind of role model in your life, thank that person today.

James 1:12, Romans 14:4; 1 Corinthians 11:1, 2; 16:13; Timothy 4:7-8

Goodnight sweetie!! With love, Darlene

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