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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

The Heavens Opened: Part 18

By Anna Rountree


The Children’s offering:

An angel began to play a simple melody on a recorder as hundreds of children came before the throne. Angels and the redeemed carried the very young in their arms. They led other children by their hands.

The children took small bouquets of flowers to Jesus and to the Father. Jesus kissed each child, and both He and the Father talked with them. Huge hands of light came out from the throne area as the Father received the flowers. He touched every child and blessed each one. “Thank you,” the Father said to each child, calling each one of them by name.

Epaggelias continued to me privately, “These are ones who died young.”

Instantly I knew that some of the children had died through miscarriage, and some had been aborted; how I knew this, I do not know.

Epaggelias continued, “They are raised to maturity here. Both angels and their own brethren—the redeemed—are their tutors.”

I looked from the children to search Epaggelias’ face. He saw my perplexity.

“Anna, many of the mysteries of our God are unfolding now. For some the book of understanding is open.” He looked back at the children. “Our God can speak to the spirit of a child from conception. Its spirit can respond from the beginning of life in the womb.”

I too looked back at the children. I suddenly realized that John the Baptist had responded to the Spirit of the Lord from the womb. If the Holy Spirit can search the mind of God Himself, as the Word says, of course the Spirit can communicate with a child’s spirit even before birth.

The children who had been aborted presented small branches of henna as a way of showing the Father that they had forgiven those responsible for their deaths and also asking Him to forgive them as well.

As I watched, the magnitude of the fairness of our God overwhelmed me. He had given each child the opportunity to come to Christ, and all who had chosen Him were here.

Epaggelias spoke, “None are lost from the hand of Jesus, Anna. None.”

Song of the Seraphim:

As the children began to leave, the seraphim sang:

O Jewel beyond every jewel, our God,
Prize beyond every prize.
God eternal, God sublime,
God before our eyes.

While looking at the intense light of the Father, my eyes had become more accustomed to the brilliance, I suppose, for as the children began to clear the throne area, I could see more of the throne itself.                                                                                                                         

The Throne:                                                                                                                       

Beneath the armrest of the throne on either side were two very large cherubim.” They were looking out at me through the blazing light. Each cherub seemed to be a composite of the four creatures represented in the living creatures. Each had the face of a man, the wings of an eagle, and one portion of each body was that of a lion and the other part that of an ox. They guarded either side of the throne of God. They were exquisite and so impregnated with light that they were like lightning with a pale lavender light defining their shape.

The throne on which the Father was sitting was bejeweled with intangibles: righteousness, justice, holiness, mercy, and other virtues.

The Priceless Above:

Epaggelias spoke as he saw me gazing more intently into the light surrounding the throne, “It is the things that are not that are in heaven, Anna.”

I felt that he meant the things that are not tangible.

Epaggelias continued, “The priceless is uncreated. These, the enemy wants, for their value is beyond gold. He will give mere gold and silver for them, but it is not a fair exchange. Wisdom, prudence, joy, peace, truthfulness, faithfulness— these adorn the throne of the almighty One. Mere jewels cannot compare. The streets here are gold, but faith is a jewel beyond compare, mercy a commodity more precious than diamonds.”

I looked into the awesome light of our God. “Daddy,” I whispered again.

The Father:

Within the resplendent light, part of my Father’s form could be seen. I could see what appeared to be His feet and that which looked like a garment falling in drapes to the sea of glass. Flashes of lightning were in this garment. Within the searing light, I could see something of His hands and the loose sleeves covering His arms. Above His waist, the light emanating from Him was so blinding in its intensity, purity, and holiness that I could see no further.

As Jesus was handing the last baby back to an angel who would carry it from the throne room, my Father spoke to me.

“Anna, My child,” He said.

Jesus turned to smile at me. Epaggelias gestured for me to move forward, closer to the throne.

Standing Before the Father:

I did so, rubber-legged, moving nearer to that all-consuming light. After I got to the area where the children had been, I dropped to my knees and bowed my face to the sea of glass.

Jesus stepped over to me and helped me to rise, strengthening me as He did so. “My sister is here to see You, Father.”

As I rose to my feet, the Father’s arms of light came out from all that splendor and picked me up, lifting me high into the air. The action seemed as natural as a father picking up his child.

Our Father’s Lap:

He set me on His lap.

I was so overwhelmed with love and gratitude and relief, that without thinking, I held up my arms and buried my face into the light. The response was like that of a child who would bury its face in the parent’s clothing.

“Daddy,” I said, sensing peace, unbelievable peace.

“You are precious to Me, Anna.”

“I love You, Daddy.”

“And I love you, Anna,” He said, drawing me closer. As we sat there enjoying one another, He began to address my innermost thoughts.


He said, “Those who are called to draw near to Me will share in My peace. But only those who have hope have peace, continual peace. If hope is gone, the soul is tossed to and fro seeking safe harbor, Anna. I want My children’s eyes set on Me, hoping in Me, not looking at the passing panorama of earthly events being played out before them. I want them to look beyond, to look up, to see at last the distant shore toward which they are sailing, filling their hearts and minds, their eyes and ears with Me. This will bring the hope that gives peace.”

I sat up and looked into the greater light of the area that would be His face if I could have seen it.

(To be continued)

* I would like you to pray this prayer right away, if you want Jesus to come into your heart:


“Lord Jesus, I repent of all my sins. I repent because I have sinned against You, and ask You Lord to forgive my sins and cleanse me with Your Precious Blood.  I ask that You write my name in the Book of Life. Come into my heart, free me of all wickedness, and seal me with Your Holy Spirit. I renounce the desires of my flesh, my former life, and all that is unpleasing to You; I renounce the power of Satan and sin over my life, declaring that I am now a born-again child of God. I declare that Satan has no more claim over my soul, and that all chains that bind me are now being released and broken. Lord I am free because You have set me free, in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord, Amen!”                                 

If you just prayed this prayer by faith, the Word of God has promised that you are now BORN AGAIN! (II Corinthians 5:17). Welcome to the Kingdom of God! Now you have brothers and sisters all around the world. This is the most important decision that you have ever made. Take full advantage of it. Don't go back into the world. The world leads to death, but the fear of God leads to eternal life. At each moment you need to live like it is the last day, and the last time of your life.

Four steps will help you to grow in faith and grace:
1. Read the Bible (I Peter 2:2)
2. Pray (Romans 12:12)
3. Attend Church (Hebrews 10: 25)
4. Share Christ with others (II Corinthians 5:18-20)




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