All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

When I speak to you , how will you receive me ? When I come to you , what will you see ? When I reveal to you the coming glory, whay will be your answer ? When that truck fell on you and you didn't get injured , who do you think was holding it off your neck, When you droved that truck in Vietnam off that road to Danang, who kept you from being tossed out ? That blade of grass that saved you from falling off that cliff as a child , who put it there ? Now look back David there was no grass growing on that whole pile of iron ore slag except at the place you were about to go over the edge . Whenever you have needed me I was there, when you was alone without anyone , I was there , when you went looking for your daughters , that perseverance I gave it to you . Who looked after your girls while you lived in addiction. for 60 years , I looked after you as a father should , allowing you to make your own mistakes . You know I speak the truth , why do you continue to resist ? I know man has hurt you so many times , but I was there to help you each and every time , why ? Because I love you as a father should , I didn't abandon you like your father did , he is only human. I didn't hurt you like your mother did , or put a rope around your neck , like those men did . they were only humans. I AM neither of them,I AM what I AM , THE CREATOR OF ALL THINGS , GREAT AND SMALL. I ask you in this open letter to turn away from yourself and return to me, you know who I AM so why do you resist, Is it the books you choose to read, is it the people who say one thing from one side of their mouth and another from the other side. Stop listening to those, follow the path I have laid out for you. I have told you before in so many words you know them,( There must be somthing YHWH wants ). That something is you David . You or precious to me . like all my children I want all of you to be with me. Continue to write , and ever so often I will ask you to put it down,
WHY ? you may ask. you alone knows the answer David , you alone knows your own heart, seek out other so they can steer you , you know you can't do this on and island.

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