All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I know what the bible says about needing god, but really how does one know he needs god? I here about sin but what is the wordsin mean? If I never new anything about god or jesus, How would I know I needed them, I heard this all my life, so am I accepting all I heard aout god just because everyone else is. or have I DID this because I TRULY understand what I once read in the bible woe! I am a man with unclean lips, this is where Im at in my walk with jesus. I really would like to know when I ask people all I here is I am a sinner what makes me a sinner. where someone had to die to make things right, I am afraid im not putting this right, what does it make things right because god or the bible says it .Is god love ,is god truth ,is god a spirit dont get me wronng i want to belive what is right but I want to believe because it is the adsolute truth not pretending for the sake of other people

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Comment by janet fauerbach on February 26, 2010 at 3:42am
Proverbs 4:20-27, a little commentary to go with it: The "heart" commonly refers to the mind as the center of thinking and reason (3:3,6:21,7:3), but also includes the emotions (15:15,30), the will (11:20; 14:14), and thus, the whole inner being (3:5). The heart is the depository of all wisdom and the source of whatever affects speech (v.24), sight (v.25), and conduct (vv.26,27)......What does your heart say to you? Jesus does tell us to seek and we will find,...are you seeking? Yes God is Love, this is the whole premise of the bible, the scriptures tell us that God is not a man that he should lie, so I would say yes he is Truth, The Bible reveals the nature of God as Spirit, unity and Trinity. Great mystery surrounds Gods nature. However, it is reassuring to know God is above us. Our relationship with the Spirit of God will determine what kind of believer we will be.. I read your Bio before I responded to your quest for some answers, and from what I understand you have just recently decided to live for God? Take time to read Gods word daily, this is the only way you can know Gods will for you. All that confussion you feeling thats the enemy trying to get your eyes off of your task that you have been called to do, Sin = offense against God, wrongdoing, transgression, We were born into sin, that started in the Garden of Eden, Good vs. evil.what makes you a sinner? Which of Gods 10 commandments have you broke? And then Jesus came and said to Love your neighbor as yourself..Well that in itself is enough in my opionion. I have many questions myself, that I am sure only God one day will be able to answer, but until then I will keep seeking, praying and asking for wisdom and knowledge..which God promises to give us if we seek it will be given. Someone very dear to me so many years ago when I was yet a teen,..Do you want to live your life as though there is no God, only to find out you were wrong? knock knock knock, peace be with you in all you do and let the Spirit of God lead you, stay well stay blessed

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