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what have we done ? what do you think?

Collectively we as a nation have elected a president on the word that he would bring change as to how the federal government would be run and be more transparent in the process. Little did the general public know that this newly elected president and his agenda for America would result in catastrophic deficits way beyond our imagination. Deficits that will and have saddled our grandchildren and great-grandchildren with more debt than all of the presidents in the history of the United States combined.
It wasn’t enough to run up the federal debt to astronomical proportions but now this same president is trying to jam down the throats of the American public a health care program if passed will increase the deficit even further beyond our ability to pay for on an ongoing basis. Within this bill are provisions that would result in the rationing of health care to all of the general public, government paid abortions on demand and on the other end of our life cycle treatment for the elderly would be granted on a cost analysis basis. In other words the government would strictly control how much and how the elderly would be treated regardless of their health condition. If the cost would be too high the government would only provide meds that would keep the patient comfortable until death. They would counsel the elderly in a way that they can end their own lives and even provide the meds to do so. This part of the proposed health bill is now in force in at least two of our States. Therefore, the beginning of life and the ending of life is being threatened by the actions of the now ruling party in Washington D. C.
In other provisions of this bill there will be a government appointed committee that will ration health care for all Americans. The government will have access to all of our financial information plus issuing a national health card for everyone with strict controls determined by the government. They would have access to your bank accounts and control money transfers. All private health plans will be under the control of the government. Government will control who can and cannot issue health programs to the public and control how much care one can get. Even one of the provisions is that the government can control how much money one can earn. All employers must enroll all employees whether fulltime or part time into public option plan. (No choice) This in itself will force many small companies out of business, thus increasing unemployment. If companies do not comply then they will be accessed a percentage of their payroll as a penalty for not doing so. Any individual who does not have approved government health care will be accessed an additional 2.5 percent of their income. These and many other potential problems lie within the provisions for the health care of the elderly and all who have Medicare as a health plan. Even cancer patients will have restricted health care regardless of the type or severity of the cancer. In other words, the government will refuse treatment to those who are considered by their panel of doctors to be incurable and they will be left to die with only medications to control their discomfort. (Just let them die with little or no compassion.) If hospitals over step the government regulations then the hospital will be penalized by the government for doing so. Government will have authority to disqualify Medicare Advantage Plans. Government will have say over the end of life care and will have say as to how your life will end. Government will have control to order an end of life order. (In other words, the government will have the power to issue a death warrant and that warrant will be able to be carried out at their discretion.) The government will end up with complete control over how we as Americans live and die. These provisions may seem exaggerated but they are within the present structure of the health care bill. Most of them hidden in the wording of the bill and if you are not a lawyer they are hard to impossible to detect. Even lawyers have a hard time telling exactly what any one given statement of this bill implies. IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT FOR YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES, I THINK NOT.
These and other provisions with hidden agenda are within this bill. One thing to remember is that the whole bill has yet to be written, this is just the outline. The rest of the bill (If passed) will not be written until after it has been passed by both houses. This is the time that they (Those in control) can put into the bill whatever they want and you and I will not have any say in the matter. That is why it is so important to defeat the bill now. Many of the provisions of this bill will not take effect for perhaps many years after it is passed, but once in the bill these provisions will be almost impossible to remove. We the people are being hoodwinked in to thinking that they have our best interest at heart. Do not fall for it; make them explain every aspect of their proposals. Very few if any of our representatives in Washington have not even read the bill let alone know how to explain the provisions of the bill. Not reading the bill and trying to impose it on the public is in its self a travesty. Just like the stimulus bill they had no idea what they were voting for.
These and much more government control over the lives of all Americans lie within the hidden agenda of this catastrophic bill that will end in the downfall of America as we know it today. I personally cannot tolerate such a bill being imposed upon the American public. That is why we as Americans must stand together and tell Washington that they are the elective representatives of ours and that they work for us and not some hidden agenda that they want to impose upon all of us. They are supposed to work for the best interest of the general public not some power grab that they have in mind to control the lives of all Americans. This is without a doubt the greatest power grab in the history of this nation.
In trying to control others the members of congress, the senate and all government employees are exempt from the provisions that they are trying to ram down the throats of the general public. In other words, do as I say or suffer the consequences. We (The federal government) know what is best for you so just shut up and let us saddle you with the most divisive bill that has ever been presented in the history of this nation.
Personally I am an eighty two year old WWII veteran and I will not just stand silent and do or say nothing. This administration has slapped the face of every veteran who has ever fought for the freedoms that we enjoy today. Every man or woman who has sacrificed their life for the freedoms that we now enjoy have been desecrated by the actions of just a few power hunger politicians who think that they can rule without impunity. It is time to stand up America and let Washington know just how you feel. Do not let the politicians in Washington D. C. intimidate you through threats or word mongering into being silent. This is exactly what they are trying to do, right from the president on down. Remember they work for us, not us for them.
At the beginning of WWII when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor the Japanese admiral who carried out that attack said, “I believe that we have just awakened a sleeping giant.” From that, the American public joined hands, fought a world war on many different fronts around the world, and in four years beat back those who tried to rule the world. We of today are faced with a similar situation, join hands as Americans and beat back this catastrophic power grab by a few power mongers that happen to reside in Washington D. C. and happen to be our elected representatives at the present time. We as Americans may have made a mistake for entrusting our best interest in the hands of those politicians who now have control of this nation, but remember many of them fear the power of the people and want to silence us who are against this monstrosity of a bill that could very easily bankrupt us as a nation. They want to saddle us with more debt than we can handle. Sometimes the power of the vote is the only thing that politicians will listen to and change their thinking. Stand up and be counted, do not become complacent and lose control over how you want to live and how you want to die. Live as free Americans, free to choose your own way of life without some politician telling you how you shall live. Stand as a unified nation and Washington D. C. will listen. They all fear the power of the vote, let them know how you feel, leave your comfort zone and fight back at those who seek to silence the voice of the people. We are Americans and we deserve better than what this administration has to offer.
I also agree that we as a nation need a change in our healthcare program, but not to the extent that the present administration wants. They want power and control over every aspect of our lives. When all we really need is a program that will control medical costs and the limitation of more government control over our lives. We are still a free people, free to govern ourselves, let us keep it that way. We as a nation have that power. Under the guidance of God, we can prevail over the evil that is trying to be imposed upon us without our consent. May God bless us as a nation as He has done from the conception of this great nation. Stand up and be counted as one of those who are willing to give their life for the freedoms that we now enjoy. I for one put my life on the line during World War II and am willing to do it again to defend our personal freedoms and if necessary give my life to that end. I fear not those who are trying to pillage our freedoms for the sake of personal power. Fight for your freedoms or lose them.
If you wish to let Washington know how you feel about how the business of this country is being conducted then call the White House at the following number and let them know. Phone 202-456-1111
@2009 Merrill Phillips

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