All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

From My Perspective - - -

For quite some time, a debate has been taking place in terms of a Purposeful Creator versus a Purposeless Evolution. A Poll conducted by World Net Daily regarding – “BY DIVINE APPOINTMENT: Is Barack Obama God's Sovereign Choice For America's Next President?” (267 votes) shows results through November 30th…
No, he was the establishment media's choice - they just think they're God - 34% (90)…
Yes, God is sovereign over everything - all things, whether we like them or not, work to his purpose and his glory - 26% (69)…
Yes, and if this doesn't make Americans repent of their many sins, God could give us someone even worse next time - 12% (31)…
No, Obama is rabidly pro-abortion and God hates abortion - 6% (16)…
No, Obama's victory was the result of millions of Americans exercising their free choice - 6% (15)...
Other Poll Suggestions:
Yes, and given his wealth-destroying economic philosophy, I fear his victory is evidence of God's displeasure with America - 4% (11); Yes, the Bible says all authority is from God - 3% (9); Yes, God is testing our patriotism to see if we'll prove worthy of the freedom he gave us - and for which so many made the ultimate sacrifice - by resisting Obama's tyrannical policies - 3% (8); Other - 2% (6); No, there is no God - 1% (4); Yes, if by "God" you mean Allah - 1% (4); No, God has more important things to care about than who becomes our next president - 1% (2)...
The remainder of the Poll receiving insignificant response was:
No, God controls the spiritual realm but leaves the social realm to people - 0% (1); Yes, God has raised up Obama to heal our land - 0% (1); No, God believes in separation of church and state - 0% (0); Yes, God hates war and killing - Obama opposed going into Iraq from the beginning and he will bring our troops home - 0% (0); Yes, he's the Messiah - God has to be on his side - 0% (0); Yes, it's such a long shot for a black man to be elected in racist America, it had to be a miracle - 0% (0); Yes, otherwise it means Obama not only beat McCain, he beat the Almighty - 0% (0)...

It is both surprising and revealing that in a nation boasting a high percentage of “born again believers” and an “evangelical” orientation such responses to this Poll are given. If these results are representative of a random cross-section of the population, then the Christian Church had best re-evaluate its’ message and educational programs in terms of content and practical application. The observation stating: “Sitting in a Church does not make one a Christian any more than sitting in a garage makes one a Car!” has validity. It may be that the confusion here is based upon a false premise, namely, that attendance and belief systems are synonymous. One can recite The Apostles’ Creed (with/without: He descended into hell) but that does not substantiate it as a foundational belief, but merely as part of the ritual in the church one attends.

Consider these things with me - - In I Samuel 8:6 through 9, the people clamored for a king like the other nations: “But when they said, Give us a king to lead us, this displeased Samuel; so he prayed to the Lord. And the Lord told him: Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king. As they have done from the day I brought them up out of Egypt until this day, forsaking me and serving other gods, so they are doing to you…” In Proverbs 21:1 (NKJV) we read, “The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes.” It would be worthwhile to read Romans 13:3-4… The above Poll suggests those surveyed have little knowledge or understanding of God the Creator and His Sovereign control and sustenance of all things (Colossians 1:16 through 18). You are called upon to “love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, soul, strength and mind” (Luke 10:27). His Sovereignty is not determined by a Poll. He is Eternal - before all things and after all things. You’ll never go wrong if you trust Him fully!

Views: 42


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Comment by JOEL on December 1, 2008 at 8:43pm
Thanks bro' for such wonderful comments-uncontrolled,its not just in America but the christian society has failed in that we've moved from the godly principle to a level where liberals are and we accept and take adventures with our Mighty God instead of insisting on then Godly path we want to match the world.There is a call to turn back of the word plus wordly prayers and actions.

God bless you

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