All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

It's a stinkin' hot day here. About 37C!! No energy to do anything much, so watching TV seemed a good option.

I came in at the end of an old war movie about Nazi Germany. (Don't ask me the name of the movie.) A trial was on, and a young German soldier (the accused) was giving his defense. He spoke a message to the youth of Germany. It started out with words that pleased his accusers, saying that he had learned his lesson about rebelling against the authorities.

But he finished off by speaking about freedom, and that once you have tasted it, you do not want to turn back. He spoke up about what was in his heart and what he believed. His words were being broadcast for all Germany to hear. Well, the Nazi leaders didn't like this very much, so they shot him, and also the young lady who was being tried with him.

But I thought, they may have killed the man, but they couldn't kill his words.

What we say can live on!! So James is right when he says about the tongue being a powerful thing. It is a powerful weapon for good or evil. (See James 3, which follows after him saying about not many should be teachers.)

As it says in Proverbs: "Death and life are in the power of the tongue." (18:21)

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