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The first two of my beliefs open for discussion.

In my profile, I stated that I hold some beliefs to which many here may take exception.  Here are the first two.

1) Creation: I believe that God created our universe in six days.  I also believe that the creation was orchestrated by God through the "Big Bang".  The reason I believe this is because of the speed with which He created earth, water, moon, stars and sun.  The laws of physics were put in place by our creator and while He can do anything He wants, I don't believe He would violate His own laws.

2) Man: The creation of man I do not question.  The concept that Adam was the only man God created however is refuted later in Genesis when Adam and Eve's children venture out from their ancestral home to have families of their own.  The Bible declares incest as sin, with which I  agree.  Yet, Adams children found mates elsewhere.  This could not be if there were no other persons than their own family.

Please forgive me for putting forth opinion and not absolute Biblically supported proof.  My opinion is based on logic and reason.  In all things I believe what the Bible says, the Bible doesn't say that Adam and Eve were the ONLY persons He created, but rather the FIRST.  This is why I believe that God created more "men and women" on other continents and of differing appearances in skin color, eye shape, etc.  This is the only way that Adams children could have multiplied without inbreeding.

Please feel free to discuss this post.


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Comment by Joseph S Parker on February 14, 2016 at 12:37pm

The laws of physics were put in place by our creator and while He can do anything He wants, I don't believe He would violate His own laws.  This line was included in a previous post, I unfortunately left out the following...

Unless that violation were to bring the fallen to Him.  To GOD be ALL the GLORY.  I had hoped that all that read that would have understand that I believe that God is Sovereign and in Control of all things, including physics that HE created.

In response to whether or not Adam and Eve had children in the Garden before the fall?  You are right we do not know and the Bible doesn't say.  Because the Bible doesn't say, I expect that they did not.  However, we will find out eventually, when those that are in Christ at the Judgement, we will have the veil lifted from our eyes and we will see all and our minds will be opened to the knowledge of all things.  We will not be gods, but we will have a level of knowledge that we cannot fathom with our carnal and earthly minds.

I am looking forward to the day Christ returns to gather all His to Him so that we can escape pain and disease, and a Godless society that is taking over.  I am also looking forward to another awakening to Him and the turning of so many unbelievers back to Him that the New Earth will be filled with Christ's children at it's creation.

Comment by Leonard T on February 6, 2016 at 7:49am

1) Jesus walked on water, Jesus ascended into heaven, The three Hebrews in Daniel 3 were thrown into a fiery furnace and came out alive and unscathed. Thus, I believe God does in fact operate outside of the physics that He has established within His creation. 

2) The law regarding incest had not yet been given. Adam and Eve in the Garden exists in a pure state not yet tainted by sin. We also do not know how long Adam and Eve existed in the Garden of Eden before the fall of man, and we know that the order to multiply was also given before the fall. The following is debatable, but the clock (time as we know it) did not start ticking until after the fall. Thus the idea of Cain and Abel being the first two children need not mean the first ever, but first in time after the fall. Therefore, did Adam and Eve have children in the garden before the fall? How many did they have? Questions we will not find answers too, but still interesting just the same. Regarding skin color and diversity, we again do not know how much sin has tainted man that could lead to great diversity. Another thought is that we think that because things work one way now in the sin tainted world that it must have always worked that way. Again, speculation open to debate, but there is nothing that says if Adam and Eve had children int he garden that these children did not come forth in a variety of looks, all human, but with great diversity and creativity ... food for thought.

BTW, your thoughts are not way out there. There are many who believe as you have posted here, and all good to discuss. That is what this site is for.

Lord Bless,


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