All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

As im sorrounded by people talking of weddings and anniverserys i look to my own life and see just myself. This is a new life to me having been in serious relationships for the better part of the last 4 years. But there comes a time with maturity when you realise that everything if anything in the world is up to you. You realise that in order to find this "the one" that everyone is searching for you must be the one youself for that other person. You must be secure in yourself as a person the role that the lord plays in your life and the direction you are going with your life so then and only then there is room to see if possibly "the one" even has a place in your life! We often make exceptions and turn a blind eye out of convience and despiration. After so long if your faith isnt strong you will start to doubt the actuality of this "one" you will accept things and people less then what you deserve and in the long run cause yourself more work the happiness. Sometimes we need to pray believe and have faith and take the ride. when you believe in the lord with all your heart and mind when you live the waay he requests and be pactient. He will bless you with one of the best blessings of all. Love. So work on your self so that you are read on time and in time to meet this "One". We all know all things are possible through christ jesus so why do we question or act impactient when it comes to love? Take the ride

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