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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others


I live in a city and I don't like it! In fact I don't like any city and I have lived in several both here in Canada and in the USA. What is it about cities I don't like? I find most cities are dirty (except of course those areas designated as tourist attractions), noisy, polluted, crime, corruption, prostitutes, johns, drugs, drunks, smelly, rudeness, traffic, construction, streets in need of repair,....well you get the picture. I would prefer to live in the country. I was born and raised in the country. Its peaceful, quiet except for nature whose sounds and smells I prefer to those of the city any day. I do realize that in the country we have our problems but they are nothing compared to the city. I live in a city because this is where I work. The work I do is with the homeless who many feel add to the "disfigurement" of the city and want them "hidden" so to speak from the public, especially from visitors and tourists. Its bad for business. In the city I live in there are gangs of teens that roam the streets and alleys ( I have literally stood toe to toe with some of these youthful gangster and threatened by them), robbing, raping, stealing and killing. Then there are your everyday crimes committed by youth and adult alike regardless of the time of day. In my line of work my co-workers and I risk being assaulted ( I've been assaulted twice). On numerous occasions we have had to call the Police to remove a individual from the homeless shelter because of physical violence, threatening behaviour, drugs, etc. I know some who live the city with its bright lights, the aroma of fast foods, parties, places of entertainment ( many of which are questionable), fast paced life, the shops, parks, etc. One young man I used to work with admitted that whenever he leaves the city to go on trips with friends he feels lost and vulnerable. Many find comfort and security, albeit a false sense of comfort and security, living in cities as they feel they are better protected from outside threats and danger . Now some may feel I am painting too dark a portrait of a city or feel this does not describe their city. I have lived in several large cities where in at least one city I roamed skid row (as it was called back then) as a seventeen year old homeless ( actually I was a runaway from home). I have also done "mission" work in a few cities. If you want to see the "true" side of a city, and if you dare, enter into its dark shadows. Behind the glitter, the laughter, the partying, the businesses, the power structure of any city you will find real heart break, sorrow, tragedy, loneliness, death, destruction of human life and many of these are our youth, this is their world too. Maybe this is the reason why so few "churches" are established in the less attractive parts of the city and established in the middle and upper class sections of our cities.

They shouted joyfully,

“Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!

Peace in heaven, and glory in the highest heaven.”

39 Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher, tell your disciples to be quiet.”
40 Jesus replied, “I can guarantee that if they are quiet, the stones will cry out.”
41 When he came closer and saw the city, he began to cry. 42 He said, “If you had only known today what would bring you peace! But now it is hidden, so you cannot see it. 43 The time will come when enemy armies will build a wall to surround you and close you in on every side. 44 They will level you to the ground and kill your people. One stone will not be left on top of another, because you didn't recognize the time when God came to help you.” Luke 19:38-44 (GW)
When we read of cities in the Bible how do we picture them? What image comes to our minds? The many pictures ( or paintings) are the artist's conception, however, they paint beautiful pictures especially of Jerusalem after all this is the Holy City of God. Like any city Jerusalem had its good and bad neighbourhoods but there was a boundary between them that one did not cross. Living on the "wrong side of the tracks" did not originate in our time by any means. In Jesus' day there would have been few paved streets except where the Romans paved them for easy and swift travel. There would have been open sewers running unchecked through the gutters, the smell of thousands of animals especially donkeys, horses, cattle, sheep, etc. . Even in the Temple area there would have been the stench of animals, animal droppings, the stench of burning animals and doves as they were being sacrificed to God. Of course there would be the stench of poverty. Can you imagine a Pharisee or a member of "City Council" associating with the "social rejects?" They certainly avoided certain members of the population. In John 8:9-11 the Pharisees and the scribes brought a woman to Jesus, a woman who had been caught in the very act of committing adultery. In regards to the adulteress the age old question,"how did they know where to find her?" The whole idea behind this act was to trick Jesus which we of course know back fired on the Pharisees and scribes. Then there was the despised Tax-Collectors who worked for Rome Luke 18:9-14. The general population of this City of God were very ungodly to say the least, with a few acceptations. In fact this city was so corrupt, so evil, so steeped in irreverence to God that Jesus pronounced its destruction. History tells us that in 70 A.D. under General Titus ( later emperor of Rome) would destroy the city especially the Temple. So the question arises why did Jesus openly, publically weep? It is not just a sobbing, choking cry but an audible cry heard by many. Jesus was heart broken! Lets go back a bit to Luke 13:34,35. Where Jesus cries out with a heart of passion, love and regret;
34 “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you kill the prophets and stone to death those sent to you! How often I wanted to gather your children together the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings! But you were not willing! 35 Your house will be abandoned. I can guarantee that you will not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!'” Luke 13:34-35 (GW)

Jerusalem, this Holy City, this City of God that once housed so many godly men, both Kings and Prophets, was so blinded by the LAW they could not see Christ for who He really was, the Messiah, the Saviour, the Redeemer of all mankind. Those who were entrusted with the Word of God and entrusted with the responsibility as shepherds of the flock of God were blinded by the Law, by their traditions, their hardness of heart. So many had closed their hearts to God's love, to God's Son, To the message of salvation and hope. This Holy City was determined to kill Jesus at any cost and in turn sacrifice their hope of salvation, their hope of experiencing the love of God. They threw all this away because, hatred and ignorance of the true message in the LAW, because of their love for tradition more than love for God and His message had not only blinded them but had hardened their hearts against the Truth. Yet...Christ loved them, had a passion for them, had such a strong desire that they would acknowledge His true identity, His true purpose. They refused, they utterly refused. Jesus was heart broken because His own people rejected Him. The centre for (Jewish) worship had not just been abused but defiled spiritually. God's Temple was corrupted by those who sought only their own will, their greed and hypocrisy.
Have you ever, as a New Testament Christian felt such a strong love, compassion and desire for the people, whether they be rich,poor,homeless,criminals,prostitutes,druggies,alcoholics,gang members, where you live? Have you wept for them as our Lord wept? So, what are you doing about it? Maybe our "pews" are too comfortable.

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