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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I am currently going through a very hard break-up. I will be upfront and completely honest with you all so that your prayers will be in accordance to what you think I need.

I tried to kill myself twice by overdose. If it had been my time, i should have been dead. I took an entire bottle of Darvocets (which stop lung function) and i didnt even get so much as a stomach ache or sneeze. Then i took 10 prescription double dose Ambien sleeping pills and didnt even get sleepy. All i did was cry some more.

On my way to work today, i know that i pulled out in front of an 18-wheeler. But it missed me somehow.

I was with this person for 3 years and i know for some, that isnt a lot but i loved this man dearly. I am not mad at him and i blame myself for why we broke up. I could have done some things differently. He said that he still loves me very much and i know that he does but he just doesnt want to be in a relationship with me. And i know im stupid for doing what i did. The hurt just overwhelms me and i just wanted it to stop. I also had a miscarriage and am having a really hard time getting over that. Im begging for comfort. It feels like there are flaming daggers in me and no one can get them out.

I know i need prayers that are stronger than mine. Please pray

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Comment by Rita Cullimore on January 28, 2009 at 5:05am
Good morning, Chasaty.
I have prayed for you regarding your difficulties. I have also prayed for myself that I say the right thing.
Are you a Bible believing, born again Christian? Have you accepted Christ as your Savior? Those are the first things that need to be addressed. If the answer to these two questions is no, then you need to get this corrected immediately.
I believe that God is giving you a chance to correct this and the time is now. You need to be reading His Word, which I believe is His instruction book for all of us.
It is not for you to take your own life. I don't think that is what God has planned for you and He does have plans for you.
When two people live together without the benefit of marriage, they are living outside God's rules. Any unauthorized relationship that is sexual in nature is against His instructions. 1Corinthians 7. (to name just one chapter in many that deals with marriage)

If your relationship with this man is good it will continue. If not thank God for it. You need to work on your life first. And the first thing is to be a child of God. The second is to read His Word. The third is talk to Him about the direction your life is going. The fourth is to follow His instructions.
For comfort do know that your child that was miscarried is at home with our Father.
May this ressponse bless you and not harm you.
Your friend,

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