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Ok, So Adam And Eve First Sinned...What If They Hadn't??

Ok, so Adam and Eve first Sinned...

Many people blame them and say that it's their fault we were kicked out of the Garden of Eden. But let's put a different spin on it...what if they hadn't sinned, and they had children, what's to say their children wouldn't have sinned and the same was to happen then. Humanity kicked out of the garden. It still would've happened right? So it was inevitable, it was gonna happen somewhere down the line.

It's just a thought, something I've been thinking about for the past week. I want to know what your thoughts are on this topic.

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Comment by David Velasquez on February 6, 2010 at 4:26am
Hey Nora,

I don't know if my following comment will help or confuses the honest question you asked, but bear with me as I try to articulate a difficult thought.

For me is not so much of who sinned or what if....

This is how I chose to deal with the topic at hand with the limited understanding I have so far. God could have made the world, humans and angels multiple ways. I am sure that our God thought about the various ways to create us and yet went with His current choice, why?

In other words beloved - I imagine God must have thought of multiple ways to create us, , but how He has created us is the best choice according to His good pleasure.

God has made no mistakes, He knew exactly what was going to happened by crating the Angelic host and Humanity as He did, yet this is what He chose.

Why has He chosen His creation to be as it is? This IS THE REAL QUESTION FOR ME! WHY ANGELS AND MANKIND AS IT IS?

WELL --- no, no, no, I am not about to give you the answered to that complex question. hahahaha

Only my best shot at it, with the info I have acquired so far.

Actually let me use Aquinas to get my thought across.

"According to St. Thomas Aquinas, God wills to manifest His goodness in creation to the utmost by expressing it through the diversity of creatures, wherefore He permits some rational creatures to be damned so that the goodness of His justice unto the damned might be manifested as well as the goodness of His mercy unto the saved. And He permits and facilitates that some rational creatures sin, so that, likewise, His mercy might be evident in forgiveness and His justice in punishment."

In other words, what might be a higher priority with God than the beatification of all rational creatures and their preservation from sin? Well to manifest His Glory, I believe. :)

All His establishment was created perfect and can be sustained in Perfection by obeying Him. The potential for sin by a volition creation was very real, but is the best choice for His Glory to be manifested.

Please don't asked me to explain hahaha J/K

As far as your question goes, I think we can safely assume that someone would have sin, sooner or later, plunging us into the same predicament we find ourselves.
Comment by maggie hancox on February 5, 2010 at 9:18pm
Interesting isn't it.
Another way to think on it is if Adam and Eve did not would we know the tender mercy of our Fathers character?
Would we serve like puppets or in the true knowledge of our Fathers perfect rule based on experience?
We would be forever subject to temptation, because we had no proven truth.

Think on it another way...

All of those events gave way to testing..What Adam and Eve did and every thing that has happened in our lives, every decision we have made gives way to testing..
Is Gods word true, or is it not?

From my perspective you can't have victory, unless you have something to have victory over, and every time you mess up..or life messes you up, it is a fertile working of the soil, ready for the proving of our Fathers word to grow in strength in our lives.

It is one thing to say..and another to do...
it is in the doing that you have your irrifutable proof.

If I step out there will be ground under my feet..are you sure? step forward..there's your proof.
Are Gods promises real..step out..find out for yourself..

What I worry about is being like the isrealites, and forgetting so quickly the tender mercies, and truth of my Fathers nature.
For me, we are the greater of misfortune, because to be unaware on ground untested, to fail and test not as bad as to have been shown beyond doubt and then still to question, as the isrealites.

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