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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I have come to a point in my life that I know more than anything that I need God my savior in my life. I have had many trials in my marraige to my husband Michael. We have been through alot,most I think today would have walked away and filed for a divorce if they were me. I have never loved another like I love this man. That doesn't mean I have always acted like I wanted to be married to him. I have had people tell me that I am crazy,but when I sit and truely think of my marriage I just can not give up on it. I don't know why,I just feel that God is telling me to not give up. I have had some things happen that I just can not ignore because I know they are Gods work and thats when I would be crazy to ignore that. My husband of four and a half years,we will be together five years this October is currently living with his girlfriend and has filed for a divorce. I know most people would give up and move on. But I just can't. I have prayed to God for answers and for guidance. My marraige is important to me. This is my family which has been my life. we have a four year old and I have a seven year old that thinks and has only known this man as his father. I do not think this is the best thing for my family. We have both made mistakes,friends and family tell me that his mistakes are worse than mine and its more his fault than mine. I think that one mistake is no worse than the other.They all hurt the other no matter what mistake it is. I can easily forgive this man,it takes patience and understanding.

I ask that you all pray for my marriage and healing of my family. I truely want my marraige and to put God in my marraige and family.

My husband is a believer in God he knows God better than I do. I have come to truly believe that this is Gods way of telling my husband that money is not the most important thing in life and it can not buy you true happiness. This other women has money and I truely believe that is what his relationship with her is about. I do not feel that my marraige is over, I think that this is Gods time with me to get me closer to him. I know that God has heard my prayers and I do not believe that it is his will for a divorce. I have to be patient and understanding now more than I ever have in my marriage. I believe with all my heart that my marriage can work. The reason I believe this is becausemI let him go last October and was seperated from him for 4 months I did not seek divorce and I started seeking the Lord a little at that time,God planted him right back in my life and things were great he was willing to go to church and put God in our lives,things happened and we put it off. Big mistake!!!! I believe that God put us back in each others lives for a reason because my husband would have died if it had not been for me and his sister,he had a car accident and was bleeding internally and refused medical treatment,his sister and I made him go to the hospital anyway and stay and get treated,he ended up staying in the hospital for about 3 days.When he came home he had a totally different outlook on life then he got fired from his job and for him there was no hope I truely believe that he does not feel like he deserves his family. But if you knew the person I know then you could understand why I can not just give up on him. I have spoken to him recently and after my conversation with him is when I joined this group. He did admit to me that his being with this other women is wrong and that he has made mistakes also as compared to a couple of weeks ago everything was my fault,so I know that God hears my prayers and I know that his will is not for a divorce,my attorney has told me that he has no grounds for a divorce. His relationship with this other women is based on lies to what extent I do not know but I do know that he has lied to her. He always tells me when I talk to him to have the kids call him but he doesn't call them much. I don't know what to think of that but God will give me the answer I know. Please keep praying for my marriage and for God to bring my husband home.

There are many things from God that tell me to not give up. But it is really getting hard. I know what I want in my heart and I know that it is not God's will for divorce but it seems that the wordly things are stacking up on me at this time. I have prayed to God everyday and I am feeling really frustrated now. I know all things are in God's time not ours. Last week when I had to make the appointment for the attorney I was very upset about making that call. I spent my lunch very upset and crying out to the Lord. When I returned to my desk at work a gentleman came in for help,I help him and afterward he tapped my wedding band and asked where my husband was, I was taken aback by this and was hesitant to answer he then asked if he was in the picture and said he had intuition about these things. I answered with he has filed for a divorce but I don't want a divorce. He then went on to tell me that it is not my fault and that I need to build my faith up in the Lord,that there is not such thing as love at first sight and that you learn to love someone by the things you respect in them. He then asked if we had children, I said yes and showed him a picture of my husband and children on my desk,he said something else but all I caught was someone to treat you right.Then he left and as he was walking out the door he said listen to what I said. This was on Tuesday,Friday is when I had my appointment with my attorney. Before I went I prayed that he just take care of it and let the response I give to his filing be what God wants. I went in and explained the whole thing to her and she told me that he has not grounds for a divorce.Then proceeded with the response,I am not really happy with the response but I don't think i will be happy with any reponse at this point. My children and I spent last Saturday with my in-laws at a football game for my nephew. We had a really nice time and they were really nice to me. My father-in-law offered to help me out. And when we got home I was really upset because I realized that they have been my family also.No we haven't always seen eye to eye but they are my family and I do love them. That is when I called my husband and he spoke with the kids and I spoke with him for a few mminutes. He did tell me that him living with this women and being married is wrong.He also admitted that he made alot of mistakes too,that we both made mistakes. We talked and it was good. He did say before we hung up to have the kids call him. We then tried to call him on Sunday after church and he did not answer and has not returned the call. From what I have been told this other women has her own business and she as pretty much turned it over to him to do all the work,she is 10 years older than him and I feel like they are using one another,her to build her business and him to make money. I feel really frustrated because I feel I am fighting against money. Please keep praying for God to turn my husbands heart back to our family and marraige and for God to guide him home.

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Comment by mark on August 31, 2009 at 7:03am
Just keep the FAITH, PRAY,and KEEP READING THE WORD. For He will provide. Nothing is impossible through the Lord. Mark
Comment by Kenneth Benton on August 31, 2009 at 3:09am
Im currently seperated. Im the one who went off with other women because our marriage had no life but this does not let me off the hook. We are still both friends & talk. Im receiving counselling about relationships. The biggest thing about it all is the hurt that I have caused in the family although they have been very gracious to me. Ive come back to Jesus through this but the pain at times is indescribable ! God has done miricles in my life & he must have incredible patience with me. Im no saint & truly falls miles short but I still know God truly loves me. I hope this helps in some way. God loves you big time !
Comment by ferlyn on August 31, 2009 at 2:26am
Keep on praying... God will make a way!
Sometimes, we have to go through painful experiences in order to be strong and wise.
We may not exactly know the reason why right now but rest assured that God knows His purpose. He has a beautiful plan. Continue praying... never give up on praying.
Dear Lord,
Our friend Melanie is in deep pain right now. I pray for healing for her, healing in her heart, body and soul.
Please never leave her, Lord, as she continue to believe and trust in You.
Give her the strength to keep her faith in You and in her marriage.
Enlighten her husband, Lord, that marriage is something sacred and should be kept and treasured.
I don't know what You are going to do, Lord or how You are going to do it but I trust in You, Lord, that right now You are doing something for Melanie and her husband.
Make them realize their mistakes, be sorry of them, and learn to forgive each other.
let LOVE be once again in their hearts, Lord. Grow this LOVE, Lord.
Help them, O Lord. In Your time, O Lord, heal their marriage.
This I pray in Jesus' Mighty Name, with the powerful intercession of Mama Mary with all the angels and saints. Amen.
We love You, Lord. Thank You. Praise Your Name!
Comment by Acha C. Emmanuel on August 31, 2009 at 2:25am
For the sake that you have believed in prayers alone, victory is urs, the psalmist says "i will lift up my eyes to the hills from whence cometh my help, my help cometh from the Lord who made the heavens and earh...

We shall decree a thing and it shall come to pass saith God, I decree upon ur marraige today, every about-to broke relationship that wants to result to divorce, i command to recoonect in the name of Jesus, Amen..

It is well sister, God is in control...
Comment by Tonya Hill on August 31, 2009 at 1:45am
I hope everything works out for you and your marriage!!!!!

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