All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I came to the Lord by way of my own selfishness. I was raised a Catholic, so I always knew about Jesus, but I resisted placing my trust in Him, wanting instead to be "in control" and have a relationship with Him on my own terms.
About a year ago, I was being considered for a job that I wanted very badly. I did a huge amount of research and preparation for an interview, and I prayed long, hard and often.
I visited a church every morning for a couple of weeks and prayed for this job. During that time, I began to examine my life, and I began to see how much sin there was in it. Still wanting to hold on to control, I offered to God that IF He would give me the job, THEN I would clean up some areas of my life. A very clear and strong feeling washed over me, and I knew that was unacceptable to Him, and I knew that I needed to show my faith.
I began turning from the sin in my life, and I continued to pray. I'm not sure exactly when it happened, but I just gave up resisting God. I opened the door to Christ, and welcomed Him in. I deliberately turned ownership of my life over to Him, and asked him to take control. I immediately felt an indescribable sense of freedom. I remember thinking that it almost seemed unfair that I would have this incredible experience from giving my problems away!
As it turned out, I didn't get the job I wanted. Almost at the same time, I came in contact with an old business associate, and I accepted a position in his company to start up an in house department. This position pays more than the other job did, is better suited for me, and his company has saved a lot of money since hiring me.
I just recently found out that the department of the company I wanted to join is closing and moving across the country, and I would have been out of work.

-Steve Koshlap

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