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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

My back garden could use a little tending!


You know, gardens need regular attention, from ‘spring’ cleanings—when vines are trimmed back, perhaps neatly tied in place again … when old leaves and dead material are cleared away from beneath rosebushes, so that new growth can get sunshine and fresh air … and little buds can flourish without being affected by decay—to the application of fertilizers, soil conditioners, and amendment.  After all, gardens are intended to grow!


Guess what?  Our hearts are no different. . . especially when growth is desired.

Teen-agers and adults often ask me how they can grow closer to God.  While I have addressed the quest in writing before, I should like to do so again.  Just yesterday, I was reading from the Letters of Francis Schaeffer … (what a treasure trove!) … and want to share with you.  Indeed, there are things that we can do that will help us grow—Schaeffer references four things, which are not rocket science, but his verbiage is so rich.

    The first and most important is a continued and careful living in the Bible. 

    It is not only that we learn from the Bible, but it becomes our environment. 

 We are surrounded with a non-Christian environment that constantly separates us from God, and this environment drags us away from God.  As we read the Bible and live in it daily, it provides the totally opposite atmosphere—namely, the reality of the existence of God.   (Oh, but that is so right, and so good)

    Second, prayer.  There are periods of time we set aside specifically for prayer; and

   on the other hand, there is a habit of prayer—in the midst of our days.

In those times throughout our days, we can pray as we think of needs, and praise God as well.

I know I am a better woman when I meet with Jesus each morning—centering myself--in the wisdom and inspiration of Scripture, and through talking with God. 

     Third is the matter of talking to other people about Christ. 

I do not usually include this when talking about how to grow closer to God, but I can see truly see the value of Schaeffer’s thinking:  for as we tell others about Christ, it helps us to put into words the reality of what we already know about God.  This then, helps them and us…

     The fourth thing is fellowship with other Christians. Remember, Adam had fellowship with God—a vertical relationship; but God then created Eve so that Adam could have fellowship, (and intimacy!) with another human being.  Make sure you do not miss the opportunity to worship God with his people at least once during the week, keeping the Sabbath.  Find an intimate community of believers that you can join, whether or not it is your church—one in which you can participate and share love, faith in God, understanding, tears, questions, struggles, joy, trials, and this thing we call life.  

Oh, and “spring cleaning” for your heart?  Yes, of course, saying to the Master Gardener, “Search me, O God, and see if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting,” permitting God to identify what might need to be cleared away—not just overt sins, but even things like sloppy language, selfish ways, proud thoughts, over-eating and any habits that are not beneficial.  

One last thought: often when folks are new to the Christian faith, they want to feel a certain way.  The feeling of God does not come first.  The feeling of God is the result of our understanding about God from the Scripture, and again, the result of our living in the Scriptures day by day.  The feelings will follow.

Growth is knocking at the door of your heart, Christian. Will you open it, and give it some attention?


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