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From My Perspective - - -

Some pithy statements from years ago were: “Look before you leap!”; and, “Think before you speak!” It seems that nowadays we find far too many who keep on speaking until they can think of something to say. The result is a growing confusion and considerable disorder. Perhaps we should conclude: “There’s a whole lot of kerfuffling going on! To kerfuffle is to be part of: “a disorderly outburst or tumult; a commotion.”

An example of this is based upon the recent address given by Rush Limbaugh at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). In his address, Rush Limbaugh reiterated what he had said previously regarding the economic direction of this nation. The context of what he said is the following: “This notion that I want the President to fail, folks, this shows you a sign of the problem we've got. That's nothing more than common sense and to not be able to say it, why in the world do I want what we just described, rampant government growth indebtedness, wealth that's not even being created yet that is being spent, what is in this? What possibly is in this that anybody of us wants to succeed? Did the Democrats want the war on Iraq to fail! They certainly did. They not only wanted the war in Iraq to fail, they proclaimed it a failure. There's Dingy Harry Reid waiving a white flag: ’This war is lost. This war is….They called General Petraeus a liar before he even testified. Mrs. Clinton said she had to, willingly suspend disbelief in order to listen to Petraeus. We're in the process of winning the war. The last thing they wanted was to win. They hoped George Bush failed. So what is so strange about being honest to say that I want Barack Obama to fail IF HIS MISSION IS TO RESTRUCTURE AND REFORM THIS COUNTRY SO THAT CAPITALISM AND INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY ARE NOT ITS FOUNDATION? WHY WOULD I WANT THAT TO SUCCEED?”

The phrase one hears most often in recent media presentations is: “I want Barack Obama to fail!” The statement is taken out of context – but – that best serves the purpose of those who wish to Kerfuffle (and encourage others of like mind to do the same thing). A Play by William Shakespeare, MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING comes to mind at this point. A summary of the play indicates: “The mode in which the innocent Hero before the altar at the moment of the wedding, and in the presence of her family and many witnesses, is put to shame by the most degrading charge, false indeed, yet clothed with every appearance of truth, is a grand piece of theatrical effect in the true and justifiable sense.” The misrepresentation allows for the kerfuffle (the disorderly outburst and condemnation) that is not based upon fact or reality but upon supposition and rumor and innuendo. It could also lead to a ruined life and relationship.

Rush Limbaugh defends his position with these words: “…there's some people you can't say you want the President to fail. Ladies and gentlemen of the United States, the Democrat Party has actively not just sought the failure of Republican presidents and policies and now wars for the first time, the Democrat Party doesn't stop at failure. Talk to Judge Robert Bork or Justice Clarence Thomas about how they tried to destroy lives, reputations and character, and I'm supposed to say I don't want the President to fail? We're in for a real battle. We are talking about the United States of America -and there will always be an America, don't misunderstand me - we're talking about it remaining the country we were all born into and reared and grown into. And it's under assault. It's always under assault. But it's never been under assault like this from within before. And it's a serious, serious battle.”

Consider these things with me - - - The person claiming to follow Christ is obligated to insert “truth” into the culture of which we are a part. The words of Psalm 40:9-10 are very appropriate: “I proclaim righteousness…; I do not seal my lips, as you know, O Lord. I do not hide your righteousness in my heart; I speak of your faithfulness and salvation. I do not conceal your love and your truth…” Our guideline is given in Ephesians 4:15, “…speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ.” We are not to kerfuffle but to care and speak truthfully and lovingly as we defend justice and equity in a culture that is trending toward running amuck.

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