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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

One day I was talking to my friend and we got into it because I told her how I felt and what I researched about Jehovah Witnesses and she is one. To make matters worse she bought her mom to defend her so at that point her mom basically said I was going to hell because she said when God raise the people from the died some people I think would not get risen and she don't want to pass by my body and see I am one of them. She said there's only one God and she don't believe in Trinity and Jesus didn't die on a cross but they used a different word for what he died on. So even though I know the truth and tried to explain it to her she wouldn't listen. So why listen or explain anything to a deaf ear right? So I sat there quiet til my fiance was ready to leave. To this day I haven't spoken to my friend because by everything that happened I felt like David and her mom was Goliath, that shouldn't be if it was an A and B conversation you shouldn't bring C into it unless both parties agree right? I forgive her but think to settle everything down she should apologize because that was wrong. But one thing I did notice and did research on was Christmas and Easter. I believe in Easter and believe it to be true especially since I did the research using the bible and the internet but what about Christmas? Nobody knows when Jesus was born and it doesn't say in the bible. Then read Jeremiah 10:2-5 and tell me what you think also when you do research on the internet it shows a lot that Christians tried to convert pagan and replace the Saturnalia's pagan rites with christian ones also called syncretism. So if you know anything about this or have a reliable website or verse in the bible to reject this opinion please help me out and post it because I am a beginner trying to learn about God and searching for HIS truth and not a fool to believe any opinion.

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