All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Wow time with Christ goes really fast, it is like he is quickening the time, kind of speeding things up.  It has been a roller coaster of a ride, I learnt that through the rough times, he is always there.  He answers prayers, he shakes what is his to clear out what is not of him, he shows u who u r in him and he makes sure that in all the valleys of learning (that's what I call them) that u remember that he loves u more than anyone else could ever do because he gave Jesus as his ultimate gift of Love to u.  Right now I am learning to Be Still in all things.

I am like the sister who sat at the feet of Jesus and soaked while the other strived to Do instead of enjoying all the moments life with Jesus gives her.  For 4years I was like her the Doer instead of enjoying soaking in the moments with Jesus like the other sister at his feet, I strived, struggled and pushed myself to try and do many things. This is my season of soaking in his peace, mercy, joy and love as I have moved a mountain just like the scripture says, faith as small as mustered seed moves mountains.

Mt Sinai has been diminished by Mt Zion and I have moved mountains from the condemnation and oppression of religious bondage to a full freedom of Grace and Mercy through Jesus and there is a peace in my heart and mind that I have never felt before. Jesus is wonderful in that he doesn't yell or argue his point with u, he just waits for u to begin to start listening to his very quiet peaceful voice speaking of his many blessings that he has put in place for u and he begins once he has your attention to direct your path to following him and showing u that Yes u can do all things through him and even more then he, he guides u into that place of truth & spirit that really allows u to hear him.

It is an exciting place to be and when u have friends who r on Mt Zion with u it makes it all the more joyful because there is unity in your thinking, your words and even in your bible study. This is a very exciting season for me and I just can't wait for more to be poured out.  I understand now the Freely receive, Freely give that is always being preached at us.  An awesome season that I pray will continue on & on.. :)

P.M.J & Love



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