All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

We all long for a more peaceful world. It is a common desire. Just like hunger points to food and thirst points to water, so our universal ache for a better and
more peaceful world means that such a world either once existed or will
one day exist. In the Christian worldview, God created a good,
wonderful world. In the beginning, everything was right with each
other. When God was in charge, we had a wonderful world. But we wanted
to be in charge so that all of it — creation and everyone in it — could
be used for our own benefit instead of its intended design and purpose
to serve each other.

It became all about us. On the bigger level, we damaged creation. We drain her for her oil, and fill the air with pollutants so we can have a comfortable lifestyle. And it
fights back in hurricanes and tsunamis. But there are also other larger
issues, such as racism, sexism, slavery, corruption, injustice and
oppression that damage our world and each of us. On a relational
level, we damage each other and others hurt us — whether we mean to or
not. When we live for only ourselves, then it’s easy to take and gain
without regard for other people. And on a personal level, we damage
our soul and its relationship with God. We are afraid of God now, and
in our fear, we try to ignore him and live for ourselves. But we are
only hurting ourselves, and we will never be the kinds of people that
we want and dream to be.

But God loved the world too much to leave it this way. God came to the planet as Jesus 2,000 years ago and started a new thing. He started a resistance movement against
evil, though not with military revolt, or communal escapism. Instead,
he taught us a better way to live, and wants to give us the power to
overcome evil in us and around us. Jesus took on all of the damage and
died on the cross, letting it die with him. But he also came back to
life, proving that evil doesn’t have the final word. And in the mystery
of faith, we too die with Jesus to truly live in and with him. In so
doing, everything, including us, is all restored for better. On a
bigger level, he restored creation so that all of it could be used in
their good ways.

All of the world’s systems — the environment, corporations, governments, schools, etc. — can now be used to usher in God’s values of love, peace and justice. Oppression &
injustice can cease. Jesus wants us to join this resistance movement
against evil, to go out and heal the world. On a personal level, we’re
called to submit to Jesus’ leadership and become more like him. We need
to become the kind of good we want to see in the world. So we admit our
contribution to the damage, and trust Jesus, letting him take charge of
our lives instead. We’re called to protect and heal the environment.
We’re called to fight injustice and oppression. It’s overwhelming, but
we’re called to do it together. We don’t go alone, but with the power
of God’s Spirit and the community of God’s people with us.

In everything we do, we bring all that we are to it — our motivations, our instincts, our methods, etc. We are all damaged too, and we need
healing before we can really heal around us. Jesus does that the best.
By trusting him, and giving him leadership over our lives, we can
become the kind of good we want to see around us. For each of us that
desire a better world and know in our heart that things are not right,
the steps forward begin with humility. The gift that follows is freely
given. “Father, I know that I have broken your laws and my sins have
separated me from you. I am truly sorry, and now I want to turn away
from my past sinful life toward you. Please forgive me, and help me
avoid sinning again. I believe that your son, Jesus Christ died for my
sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I
invite Jesus to become the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my
heart from this day forward. Please send your Holy Spirit to help me
obey You, and to do Your will for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name I
pray, Amen.”

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