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I have heard people for so long say, “God does Not speak to us!!” I have never understood why. or how people feel this way. Know to some they may have gifts, or abilities that allow the Spirit more Freedom, I do not know. All I can speak to is what I know. And, He does speak to me. In many different ways. All the things of God are based on Faith, things we do not see, things that we must Trust Him in. Now we are given ways too determine, just what and who we are hearing. How is it that people are more comfortable with, the thinking that the enemy can speak to us. That it some how has more ability then the Spirit of God does. Now I do not want to get into semantics with another, yet let me explain what I mean. When we read the Word, and all of a sudden we see a revelation, a deeper understanding into something. As we are Praying for another, and we are shown how to Pray for that person. We are even given words, Matt 10:19 When they hand you over [to the authorities], don't worry about what to say or how to say it. When the time comes, you will be given what to say. Luke 12 :12 At that time the Holy Spirit will teach you what you must say." Luke 21:15 I will give you words and wisdom that none of your enemies will be able to oppose or prove wrong. 1John 3:18-22 Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. 19This then is how we know that we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence 20whenever our hearts condemn us. For God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything. 21Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God 22and receive from him anything we ask, because we obey his commands and do what pleases him. Some will say, this prove nothing to what you are talking about. I am not saying any of this to put another down. I am trying to help those see that they are able to Trust the Spirit. All things must line up with and in the Word of God. Taking things out to prove points is dangerous, yet we will know as it tells us here by our hearts. And, all things are connected in the Spirit if the Word.
Now as in 1John 2:20-27 it starts and tells us 20But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth. Now I understand many are uncomfortable when, I use the words He talks to me. Do I hear His Voice audible, no but many times I use my own voice in conversations. Yes, many would say I am just talking to myself. However, I know by the Wisdom the difference in the two. Pride is a clear emotion, it can be seen without any major skill. When one promotes themselves and not the Lord it shows itself like a beacon on a clear night. 21I do not write to you because you do not know the truth, but because you do know it and because no lie comes from the truth. 22Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a man is the antichrist—he denies the Father and the Son. 23No one who denies the Son has the Father; whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also. 24See that what you have heard from the beginning remains in you. If it does, you also will remain in the Son and in the Father. 25And this is what he promised us—even eternal life. I believe I understand as well as the next, the danger that can arise when some come, telling others what they have heard. Again, we have a system of checks and balance. Rom 12:6 God in his kindness gave each of us different gifts. If your gift is speaking God's Word, make sure what you say agrees with the Christian faith. This is one of those checks. We do not go around saying, “Thus saith the Lord, if someone has something you want then, just take it.” We know beyond a shadow of a doubt that would not be of God. Not everything is that clear though to a great many. We have seen great harm done by those who claim, God has told them this or that, and then we have seen ruin and even death come from such actions. Again, though we do have ways of knowing. Those who claim to know when the rapture is coming. They give the day and time, well the Word tells us, in Matt 24:36 "No one knows when that day or hour will come. Even the angels in heaven and the Son don't know. Only the Father knows. Yet, sadly some have been deceived. Those that prompt themselves, as having the inside scoop, even when it differs from what the Word clearly says. I do not know if everybody has the ability to hear or not. I know that it is given and used not to bring attention to self. In all things we give Glory to Jesus. Jesus tells us about the Holy Spirit. In
John 16:13 When the Spirit of Truth comes, he will guide you into the full Truth. He won't speak on his own. He will speak what he hears and will tell you about things to come. He will speak, He will tell you. 1John 2:26-27 26I am writing these things to you about those who are trying to lead you astray. 27As for you, the anointing you received from Him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as His Anointing teaches you about all things and as that Anointing is real, not counterfeit—just as it has taught you, remain in Him.
As to who has what, I do not know. I do however, know as we have shared, people have “tells” they show much about a person, 1Thess 2:11-12 11You know very well that we treated each of you the way a father treats his children. We comforted you and encouraged you. Yet, we insisted that 12you should live in a way that proves you belong to the God who calls you into His Kingdom and Glory. I have shared this before, I thinks it’s ok to share again. Three key mark things to know Holy Spirit leading are: Comfort, Exhortation, (persuade, inspire, or encourage), and Edification (to build up). God’s Love is so Big and Powerful, He is able to convict and correct us, with no condemnation. The enemy is unable to pull that off. So it will spit, slander, try to build up your ego, seduce you by temptations that you struggle with. Be it voices, a guiding, leading you, however you are most comfortable with the terms, or the way you are impressed. You know Holy Ghost or the enemy by the direction it is sending you. Does what you are feeling, Glorify Jesus or you? Are you Comforted by it’s direction, or are you compromising what you know to be true ? The Holy Spirit is able to correct us, and show us the best solution, without us feeling bad about ourselves, but about what we did. To see the sin, know that it is wrong, leading us to repentance (change) yet, not leaving us beat up and bruised. That skill is only from the Love of the Creator and His Son Christ Jesus. It is True Comfort, only the Spirit, the Comforter is able to operate this way. We do not have that ability on our own, certainly that is past the enemy pay grade. So how do we know the Holy Spirit’s leading ? Humble yourselves before Him. Empty yourself out and allow the Spirit to, fill you to overflow. 2Cor 5:17 Whoever is a believer in Christ is a new creation. The old way of living has disappeared. A new way of living has come into existence. This is the place where Holy Spirit hangs out, as we submit to the Father we, begin to see clearly what and how we must do things. Religion, theology is man’s way of telling us about the Love of God. Again in “Test what you have been given” 2Cor 2:13-14 13We don't speak about these things using teachings that are based on intellectual arguments like people do. Instead, we use the Spirit's teachings. We explain spiritual things to those who have the Spirit. 14A person who isn't spiritual doesn't accept the teachings of God's Spirit. He thinks they're nonsense. He can't understand them because a person must be Spiritual to evaluate them. Now I would like you to study that whole section. 1Cor 2:10,12-16 We are able to understand, who to see Spiritual things. They are different then the teachings of man. So we do not go willy nilly, we have the understanding as spoken above. Who is Glorified. To what end will, what you are feeling leads you to do. Are you left puffed up and self-confident, or humbled yet Bold in the Spirit. These are keys to know who are how you are being led. Arrogant and abusive conduct will be exposed for what it is, I Pray that any who operate in these ways, will return to the Way. The Way that Jesus taught and showed us how to live, for God and with one another.

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