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From My Perspective - - -

The news was terse and shocking: “George Tiller a Kansas doctor was shot and killed on Sunday as he entered his church congregation. Tiller has been one of four U.S. physicians who performed late-term abortions, making him a target of anti-abortion protesters. He testified that he and his family have suffered years of harassment and threats. His clinic was the site of protests in 1991 which were marked by mass demonstration and arrests. The clinic has been bombed in 1985, and an abortion opponent shot him in both arms in 1993…”

Equally shocking is a report contained in an article by Charles Colson entitled: “WHERE’S THE CHOICE IN THIS?” While the attention of the nation is diverted by Trillion Dollar Deficits, the following was unfolding: “…a young Chinese woman ran afoul of the Chinese government. She had become ‘illegally pregnant.’ By the time the authorities found out, she was seven months along. Family planning officials tied her to a bed, induced labor, and, when the baby was born, killed the baby. What happened is an abomination - one, however, that tragically takes place regularly in China. But now, thanks to the U.S. Congress, you and I will be paying for it. Last March, Congress passed a bill providing $50 million for the United Nations Population Fund. This organization promotes abortion around the globe - including China…This blows the lid off the argument that abortion is all about giving a woman choice. If Congress really stands for choice, as they claim, why did they vote for coercion? If feminists are really for choice, why aren't they fighting this law? Why isn't our pro-choice President demanding that this brutalization of women be stopped? Abortion is a glaring example of the difference worldview makes. Are all children, Chinese babies or inner-city African American babies - worthy of protection? Are babies just mouths to feed, and a strain on the environment - or are they potential producers and contributors? Do parents have the right under God to have as many children as they desire? Or should governments dictate this decision? Let's be clear: Coercive family planning is a humanitarian disaster…”

Between the years 1920 and 1940, Murder Incorporated thrived. “In Brownsville, Brooklyn, NY…stood a small 24-hour candy store named Midnight Rose’s. This wasn’t any ordinary candy store. It housed some of the most lethal for-hire contract killers, consisting mainly of Jews and Italians, that this country has ever known. These men, dubiously named Murder Incorporated by the press, carried out over eight hundred contract murders… Murder Inc. supplied its members with lawyers when they needed one and bought their own police protection and politicians. Anastasia was one of the most brutal men ever to walk the streets of New York. When the Syndicate approved a hit it would be sent down to Anastasia and he would make sure it was carried out with the utmost of care. Mistakes, such as killing an innocent bystander, would not be tolerated. Many of their victims ended up murdered, missing, or never to be heard from again. At one point, Anastasia had over one hundred contract killers on the payroll for as little as two hundred dollars a week…”

How did we arrive at the place where politicians or criminal organizations can dictate who lives and who dies. When did it become acceptable and legal to pay to end a life? While Abortions are near 45 million in the USA, they are 10 times that number in China (over 400 million with their one child per family law). There was more of an outcry regarding the murder of Dr. Tiller than there ever was about the more than 60,000 third-trimester abortions performed by him. Why? What happened to the sensibility and sensitivity realities in this nation. Both conception and development of the fetus is stated in Psalm 139:13-19 (NLT): “You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous – and how well I know it. You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed." Consider these things with me and let your voice be legally and appropriately heard. Men and Women are needed to stand in the gap and to defend the defenseless, and to protect the innocents!

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