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From My Perspective - - -

A sad headline occurred a few days ago, “Madoff Investor Found Dead Of Possible Suicide.” It is an account of Rene-Thierry Magon de la Villehuchet, an owner of a Hedge Fund, who had invested $1.4 Billion in Mr. Madoff’s financial charade. Many people have been affected by their blind trust in a man or ignorance in terms of risk management. One who fancies himself as a risk management expert wrote: “The economic events of the past few days transitioned the months-long saga of financial irresponsibility past merely stunning into the realm of truly terrifying. We’ve leaped past the predictable into a maelstrom of uncertainty edging on a black hole of unknowable repercussions. True, the system could stabilize soon; allowing us to rebuild before the shock waves topple the relatively stable average family. But right now it seems the global economy is so convoluted we’re all moving forward like a big herd navigating the Himalayas in a blinding snowstorm with the occasional avalanche.”

One who was writing on corruption and mismanagement in city government spoke of: “Greed, Lies, Stupidity, Incredible Ineptitude, Secrecy, Laziness, etc.” All of these are contributing in the Avarice and the Imbecilic approach so evident in the financial markets and management today. Another writer opines: “…we often hold up financial services as the golden child of risk management. In that world, nearly everything is quantifiable, especially with credit and market risk. Complex equations and tables feed intelligent risk decisions that allow financial institutions to manage their risk portfolios while maximizing profitability. All backed by an insurance industry, also using big math, big heads, and big computers; capable of accepting and distributing the financial impact of point failures.” It’s a system that feeds on itself and when it has become cannibalized, seeks remedial assistance so the process can be resuscitated and recycle itself once again.

There has been a growing resistance to making a connection between Biblical Prophecy and Possibilities with a New World Order in general, or Financial Markets and Banking in particular. There is a definition attached to a statement in the Book of Revelation regarding the Anti-Christ. In summary, the definition is: “The goals of the Anti-Christ is to control everything - religion, jobs, economics, politics, education, government, police, military, banks, communications, have a cashless society controlled by the Antichrist…In a world where cash is eliminated and every financial transaction is done electronically, not only credit cards can be used, but also your micro-chip number, retinal readers, voice recognition systems, signature dynamics...” We are well on the way toward a new way of doing business and existing in this world.

Consider these things with me - - - Lest we think these things are too far-fetched in terms of possibility, consider the word of prophecy in Revelation 13:16-18 records, “…He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666.” For years, there have been all kinds of speculation in terms of what this means and when it will happen. It is worth being reminded that the requirement of everyone having a Social Security Number is an indicator of how a central management can control what you can have and when you can get it. The entire development of both Credit and Debit Cards; Electronic Transfers of money; Direct Deposits – have us well on our way to a central control and regulation. If one is inclined to call a firm regarding a transaction, nearly every major business in this country makes use of electronic communication. Seldom does one connect to a real person with whom an intelligent and understandable conversation can ensue. We are caught in the maelstrom of avarice and the imbecilic and most are not even aware of it. That’s how a Madoff can accumulate and misappropriate $50 Billion and be undetected for so long; and – that’s why another who invested $1.4 Billion with him can no longer face his clients and world – and commits suicide. In Luke 12:13-21, Jesus is instructing and warns: "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions." Try Jesus’ way – it is safe and wise!

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