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God is stirring a fire within me to begin to step out and as if it were walking on the water. I am reminded every day of Jer. 6:16 where God spoke to His people and told them to ask for the ancient paths, and where the best road is, and walk in it and you shall live in peace. It is sad but the end of that verse said they would not.

I fail so often to simply ask God to stow me the right path to take and act like the children of Isreal who would not ask for the ancient path, the best path and then walk in it.

Once God shows us the path to go then here comes the hard part, stepping out as if were on the water.

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Comment by Pastor Bob B on June 16, 2008 at 12:21pm
I am begining to realize that the ancient path can be tough when others we meet on our journey apose us and try to steer us in a new derection. I have found a lot of grace over the years to kep on keeping on inspite of the hinderances. This is why we must know where the goal is. If we are just going along a path that just seems right, without any clear derection we might go completely in a wrong derection. I am so glad the the Lord is in my life and day by day He leads me in the way I should go, not in the way I would go.
Comment by Pastor Bob B on June 9, 2008 at 11:08am
I am so overcome today by Gods presence and how every time some one came into the presence of the Lord; they were healed, they were delivered, they found repentance and were shown a path that leads to life. For so long the Church has set up barriers of religiosity that have kept humanity from coming into his presence. We are clean from our sin by the blood of Christ Jesus, but we believe it is not enough, we must must some how get more worthy. We are told to draw near, to come boldly, to inter in, yet we stand a far off maybe because we can't let our past failures and we some how don't believe that the shed blood truly atoned for it all. We who are forgiven act like we are not and continue to deprive ourselves of His presence. In the back of our minds we still think we should be punished for all our mistakes and can't fathom how such a holy God could except us so freely. I have many things in my past that I am ashamed of as you have, but even if we lived differently we would still never be able to be exceptible to God without the shed blood of the Savior. So draw near to Him with out fear for he who fear is still expecting judgment that is already taken care of.
Comment by Pastor Bob B on May 28, 2008 at 10:06am
Well here I am a month since my last post. A lot has happened in my like lately that is causing me to do a lot of re-evaluations. It seems this is the way it is for me always getting my barrens so I don't go off course. Some things that try to lead us off course are people’s opinions. As I get older and after making the same mistakes a hundred times I am finally getting it. I must be willing to be misunderstood, and rejected, and be as an out cast. If we look at the men and women God used in the Bible they were always misunderstood, rejected and mistreated by others. I have to ask myself if I can stand up to persecution like that. It is hard for me to deal with rejection, but asking for the ancient path means that I will need to be willing to suffer misunderstandings and persecution. The hardest thing is to get this from people who declare them selves Christians. My prayer is that I will be willing to follow the Lord plan for my life even if it means I have to leave behind those who will never follow me on the ancient path.
Comment by Pastor Bob B on April 24, 2008 at 8:33pm

I am trying to make sure that at my crossroad experience this week facing two memorial services for my mother and my sister-in-law that I will seek the Lord so I will go down the right path in response to this trying situation. I really want to listen to worship. My heart is fragile and the music seems to go deeply into my heart. I feel the presence of the Lord very close to me.
I went and spent some time with my sister today who is in a nursing home at 50 years old. I was glad that arrangements are being made for her to come to the service Saturday for our mom.
She was at a crossroad many years ago when she was presented with the Gospel and rejected it. She went down a road that did not bring her peace, but much sorrow and suffering. She almost died 2 years ago because of neglect and was in intensive care for over a month which led to a nursing home. I really pray that God will speak to her heart Saturday to give her heart to the Lord.
There are so many needs that will be present at that service Saturday that only Jesus can meet. I pray for a move of the Holy Spirit to come and touch the needy souls, it is my prayer that God will use the testimony of my mom to touch hearts for the Lord. There are so many obstacles that need to be removed in many lives and this is a time when hearts are in tune to spiritual things. I would love to hear that many came to Christ.
Father God you know those who will be present at the service for my mom on Saturday, some are backslidden, some are bitter; some are hurting, some are afraid. Father, only you can reach a soul with truth that will bring them freedom. All their names are going through my mind and I just want to see then go down the right path and find peace. In Jesus name I pray amen.
Comment by Pastor Bob B on April 16, 2008 at 8:13pm
I have been really trying to be more prayful in my dealings with all my friends from this net. My heart breaks as I hear about the hardship that many face every day. I have my own issues, but I choose to focus more on other so self pitty doesn't get the upperhand in my life. I ask God to show me the ancient path today so I can continue to live in peace.
I have been sending alot of my friends this video from Psalm 91. It is soencouraging to me as I think of my security I have in Jesus Christ, I thank God for His love and care fome and my family. I ppraise the Lord for his goodnes to me evry day.

Comment by Pastor Bob B on April 13, 2008 at 8:46pm
God's presence was so real in church today. I was blessed from beginning to the end. WE were in Rev. 16 reading about judgment upon the world. All I could think of was how holy God is and how real the sin problem in the world is. People became so hard that they refuse to repent. sin makes a heart hard and resistant to the Holy Spirit. I do not want sin in my life that could harden my heart to the Lord who saves me from the wrath to come.
It continued in the preach as the pastor talked about the Black Plague that killed millions of people. He was showing the plague of sin that originated with Adam and Eve. Then he sang The east from the west by Casting Crowns. My heat was so gripped by how much it cost to save me and not only me but the whole world.
Comment by Pastor Bob B on April 6, 2008 at 10:54am
This song really expresses my heart of praise to the Lord for a wonderful salvation; And I remember how You found me: In that very same place; All my failing surely would've drowned me, But You made a wayI love you Lord for saving me and showing me the way to freedom.
Comment by Pastor Bob B on April 6, 2008 at 10:48am
have never walked on water
Felt the waves beneath my feet but
At your Word Lord, I’ll receive Your
Faith to walk on oceans deep

And I remember how You found me:
In that very same place
All my failing surely would've drowned me
But You made a way

You are my freedom
Jesus you’re the reason
I’m kneeling again at Your throne
Where would I be without You
Here in my life, here in my life?

You have said that all the heavens
Sing for joy at one who finds
The way to freedom, truth of Jesus
Bought from death into His life

And I remember how You saw me:
Through the eyes of Your grace
And though the cost was Your beloved for me
Still you made a way!
Comment by Pastor Bob B on March 28, 2008 at 10:03am

I love the story of Peter walking on the water. Peter some how had grown in His faith in Jesus to the point that he believed that if he stepped out of the boat he could also walk on the water. Think of the courage it took to do this. No other disciple had Peter’s kind of faith. Yes Peter started looking at the circumstances and was overcome by human reasoning, but when Jesus took his hand and he began to walk on the water again to the boat. It was Jesus in Peter’s life at the point of his need that helped Peter to once again do the impossible and walk on the water.
I have really been challenged by my circumstances today, they are like crashing waves and like Peter if I allow my focus to veer to my circumstances away from my focus on the Lord over my circumstances, then I begin to sink and am overwhelmed by them. God is a very present help in our time of need and will not allow His children to be consumed by the waves of trials and tribulations that we face.

Walking on the water faith is what is needed to live a victorious Christian life and that kind of faith is generated from having a close relationship with the Lord over the waves.

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