All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

After the verdict ... what's next?

I woke up this morning to the understanding that as a Christian man I no longer hold a valid opinion, or at least this is how it appears in our society today. When discussing any hot topic, including the one the Supreme Court of The United States recently ruled on, you will find that if a Christian stands for his or her beliefs that many authors of articles, bloggers and other talking heads will attack our beliefs and attempt to demean us by calling us names such as haters, homophobic, crazies and much worse. Many of these same people will attack our religion and mock our God using various colorful language. Some tell us, when referring to many of the hot topics that courts have ruled on, that it is now the law of the land and that we need to get over it and get in line. I find that ironic. For there was a time when these things were not the law of the land and those same people opposed the law at that time seeking change. Thus, there is a double standard displayed by many who oppose Christians and that for which we stand. It was OK for them to go against the law and seek change, but now that the law favors them everyone who opposes their position is required to conform without objection … really? Many of these same people accuse us of being haters and other wonderful things implying we have no right to our views or beliefs, unless they conform to their beliefs. They believe they have a right to establish what is right and wrong and that I have no right to dissent, for if I do I am going to be labeled … thus I have no right to an opinion or to hold a position that is not in alignment with their position … really? This double standard that attempts to discredit and demean Christianity is widespread. Don’t take my word for it. Check out the things being said in the news, on social media and by individuals commenting on various articles on the internet. Now I must admit that there are many who profess to be Christians who do no justice to the situation by what they have to say, nor has the church institution always acted like Christ, but let a person hold a traditional Biblical belief comment today and what will ensue is similar to what happens when you throw chum into shark infested waters. We have moved from critical thinking and honest discussion to a place where only one side is allowed to hold a view and the other is fair game for open attacks. I wonder … can those who oppose Christianity be called “Christphobic” or “Churchphobic” or “Biblephobic”? If we were to use those terms we again would be deemed as haters, but it is OK for a Christian to be labeled with the “phobic” term any and everywhere that we do not align with certain segments of society. Food for thought and chum for others.

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Comment by Mary O on June 29, 2015 at 12:08am

Brother LT, This last week some friends of mine came under attack. You see, they were recently married in the last month. The attack that came against them was like King Kong on the empire state building. That's the best way I can explain it. Gary and I have been married since 1975 so I was feeling qualified to help. I had to step in. They aren't young in the Word, but they are young in marriage. They seemed much calmer after we talked and prayed. We talked about how wives submit to their husbands and how husbands love their wives just as Christ loved the church. We ended with brace yourselves. This isn't getting any easier. You know what the Bible says, and God is depending on you to show an example of what marriage should look like. Marriage can be an example of the great mystery. Satan does not want us to know that it is Christ in us the hope of glory and that the gentiles are fellow heirs and of the same body. It's important to God and that's why satan tears after it so much.



Comment by ribbon on June 27, 2015 at 5:54am


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